Volunteer Role Description


Level: Region

Who can do this role?

The Lead Volunteer for Outdoor Activities can be any adult over 18 years old. They should already be, or be willing tobecome, a member of Girlguiding.

Do I need a qualification?

You don’t need a specific qualification to become the Lead Volunteer, however, a qualification and experience within the Outdoor area are desirable. You will also need to undergo a criminal record disclosure check.

What is the purpose of this role?

The Lead Volunteer will be expected to have a knowledge of the various Outdoor activities within the guiding programme and be willing to explore these areas. The Lead Volunteer will advise, motivateand communicate information about the Outdoors to the Region Team and other guiding members, giving more girls and volunteers ways to access opportunities for development,challenge and adventure.

The Lead Volunteer will often be responsible for helping to create opportunities for events and take an active part inthe wider team. As the Lead Volunteer, you will attend meetings and have regular contact with other Advisers,teams at other levels and Leaders.

The Lead Volunteer for Outdoor Activities supports a wide range of outdoor and adventure activities and sometimescoordinate a team of specialists.

What will I do in the role?

The list below outlines the general responsibilities of the Lead Volunteer, but you will be working within a widerteam and responsibilities may vary with the different Adviser specialisms.


  • Provide ongoing support to the Region by giving advice and answeringspecific queries, often by email.
  • Demonstrate a working knowledge of and enthusiasm for your specialism.
  • Support Leaders to provide a safe girl-only space where girls and young women can discover theirfull potential through all areas of the programme.
  • Attend level-specific meetings and events as appropriate.
  • Keep up to date with new resources and programme initiatives, and use and cascade informationas appropriate, communicating to all relevant stakeholders.
  • Complete relevant training for the role and ensure the wider team’s skills are up to date.
  • Advise Commissioners and Leaders on planned activities, including residential opportunitiesthrough the Residential Event Notification (REN) process as appropriate.
  • Act as main point of contact for the Region with the national Outdoor Team.
  • Support and advise County/Island Outdoor Activity Advisers.
  • Run or support events to promote your specialist area.

Being part of South West England Guiding area

  • Be part of the South West Region Girlguiding community by attending Region team meetings and maintaining agood relationship with other volunteers.
  • Be a member of the Guiding Delivery Committee.
  • Develop and maintain clear communications with the South West England Chief Commissioner, Deputy Chief Commissioners, Chair of Guiding Delivery Committee,relevantAdvisers/Coordinators and the Region office staff team.
  • Maintain clear channels of communication with other members within the Region.
  • Promote local, national and international opportunities available within guiding as well as externally,and encourage young members to take part.
  • Promote and encourage members to engage in different development opportunities available withinyour area of specialism.

Being part of Girlguiding

  • Be committed to undertaking relevant training.
  • Learn about the structure of Girlguiding and how your responsibilities and position fit within it.
  • Be willing to learn about Girlguiding’s national and local strategic aims and how these are beingdelivered locally.
  • Learn about Girlguiding’s policies and Code of Conduct.
  • Be an ambassador for the values of Girlguiding.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of and experience of your area of specialism, both within Girlguidingand externally.

Promoting Girlguiding

  • Represent the Region at events where possible.
  • Promote a positive image of Girlguiding at public events.
  • Familiarise yourself with Girlguiding’s key messages and promote these in yourexternal communications.

What will Girlguiding South West England do for me?

  • Provide an appropriate induction to the role and organisation.
  • Help to develop skills and abilities to perform the role by signposting relevant training opportunities(including e-learning where possible).
  • Provide guidance via The Guiding Manual.
  • Provide support and development from fellow volunteers.
  • Host meetings and events to share information at Region level.
  • Reimburse agreed expenses.
  • Provide references.
  • Provide a clear complaints procedure and support to resolve problems or disagreements.

Am I right for the role?

Girlguiding Advisers and Coordinators provide essential support to help members get the most out ofthe Girlguiding programme and promote our activities. While we can offer you training and support wewould expect you to possess the personal qualities outlined below.

Personal qualities

  • An open and approachable manner.
  • Reliable and trustworthy.
  • Creative and enthusiastic.
  • A commitment to ongoing personal development.
  • An interest in outdoor activities and a passion for providing outdoor and adventure opportunitiesfor girls and young women.

Skills and abilities

While these skills and abilities are not essential when starting, they should be developed as part ofthe role.

  • Ability to work as part of a team.
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Desire to motivate and inspire girls and young women from a broad range of backgrounds.
  • Ability to motivate and inspire adult volunteers.

Girlguiding welcomes volunteers of all backgrounds, ages, cultures, faiths and abilities. We are flexible,and volunteering can be arranged to fit around a busy lifestyle.

As this role works directly with young people, and often involves residential events, you will berequired to complete a criminal record disclosure check, carried out by a local verifier.

Please note this is a volunteer role; this role description does not form part of any contractof employment.