Foundation Year 1 Post in Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery

The F1 doctor is involved in the care of elective and emergency patients. There are 2 F1 trainees working within the department. The F1 trainee will be the first point of contact for all Orthogeriatrics patients. You will review these patients as necessary, order all necessary bloods, investigations, initiate management (i.e. abx for UTI) and do all take home scripts and PDS’s.

Educational Opportunities

Generic Skills

§  Team working including handovers and presentations

§  Communication skills

§  Liaison with the wider hospital teams such laboratories, pain team, nutrition team, infection control, palliative care and oncology

§  Note keeping

§  Medico-legal issues

§  Ethical issues surrounding treatment of disabled and elderly such as DNR orders, nutrition and end of life issues

Specific Skills

§  Venepuncture

§  Urinary catheterisation

§  Suturing techniques and assisting in operations under supervision

§  Resuscitation of the acutely ill.

§  Post operative care

§  Daily trauma meeting

§  Orthogeriatrics rehabilitation


F1 trainee day to day responsibilities are to review any patients admitted under the Orthogeriatrics remit i.e. any patient over 65 who has sustained ANY fracture following a fall. Each Orthogeriatrics patient must have an ‘Orthogeriatrics proforma’ completed, which comprises:

§  Brief history of fall and past hx of falls/fractures.

§  Falls diagnosis – i.e. mechanical, postural hypotension.

§  PMH and meds/allergies.

§  Social history

§  Identifying risk factors for falls and osteoporosis.

§  Examination (generally CVS, resp, abdo) trying to identify any medical problems i.e. chest, urine infections.


§  Further investigations i.e. MSU, CXR.

On-call work

This post is accompanied by on calls as part of the day time medical teams and night time hospital at night team (Rota 4, which is a 1:17)

F1 in Trauma & Orthopaedics - Work Schedule – August 2016

8-8.30am / Ward Work / COTE Meeting
(Education Centre) / Ward Work / Ward Work / Ward Work
8.30-9am / Trauma Meeting / COTE Meeting
(Education Centre) / Trauma Meeting / Trauma Meeting / Trauma Meeting
9 – 12 noon / F1 Ward Round
Ward Work / Consultant
Ward Round
Ward Work / F1 Ward Round
Ward Work / F1 Ward Round
Ward Work / Consultant
Ward Round
Ward Work
12-2pm / Lunch
(30 minute break) / Lunch
(30 minute break) / Lunch
(30 minute break) / Lunch
(30 minute break) / Lunch
(30 minute break)
12-2pm / Departmental Teaching
1-2pm / Protected F1 Teaching
12.30 – 2pm (Education Centre) / Trust Grand Round
1– 2pm
(Education Centre)
2-4pm / Ward Work / Ward Work / Ward Work / CPD/Audit*
Ward Work / Ward Work

·  CPD/Audit time is not guaranteed on a weekly basis and is dependent on clinical activity

Clinical Supervisor: Dr Rachel King x 2 F1s


F1 in Orthopaedic Surgery 2017