Charity registration no: 305350

Our next big fundraising event will be our ever popular Quiz Evening run for us by Steve and Terry, on 14th October. It isn’t too late to book a table for your team of 6 people: deadline 9thOctober!!

Our sales of hot drinks and cakes were down at the Burwash August Bank Holiday Fair but we raised over £800, which was split between BPFA £100, St Bartholomew’s Church £345 and Burwash Village Hall £356. We still had lots of fun chatting to people as we supplied them with cold water and squashes to keep them cool in the hot sun.

Thank you to all who have congratulated our committee members on the refurbishment of the Hall toilets. We are delighted too! Our very grateful thanks go to everyone who has supported us in raising the necessary funds, and to Tom Appleby for giving up his summer to prepare for and to manage the project. We have spent most of our money on this project, as we believed it was important to carry out as much work as possible whilst we had contractors in the Hall to refurbish the toilets. The old cold water storage tank has been removed as part of this project and all cold water taps now feed off the mains pipe. Replacement windows have been installed at the back of the small meetings room, in the toilets and in the kitchen. The mirror which used to be in the Ladies toilets is now in the meetings room, and new mirrors have been installed in both the Ladies and Gents toilets. A new baby/

toddler changing mat is in place in the disabled toilet cubicle. The doors on the west side of the building, and the snooker room side window are being painted, as are the big windows at the front of the building. Urgent remedial works are being carried out on the front windows at the same time.

Our next whist evenings will be on Thursday 5th October at 7pm and Thursday 2nd October: only £3 per person for an evening of whist and snacks. We raised £48 at the September whist evening. These are fun, friendly, non-competitive evenings with prizes (usually plants from The Flower House) for the highest and second-highest scoring male and female players.

Please contact Peter Angove on or

on 01435 883288 if you would like more details of how to book an event. We are fairly busy, but there are some free slots on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings.

Shirley Viney 01435 882497