Imperialism is ______

At the same timethe United States also followed a policy of ______by expanding its national boundaries.

Between 1870 – 1914, the United States enters what is called the Age of Imperialism.

Why did U.S. policy change from isolationism to imperialism?

1. ______reasons - Access to ______materials, provided new ______to sell finished products

2. “White Man’s ______” – Belief that the U.S. had a duty to spread ______and ______to less civilized societies.

3. Competition with ______for new markets

4. To Offset the ______Frontier

Alfred Mahan proposed the theory that US prosperity and strength depended on having a strong

The United States built a huge fleet of steam powered steel warships that became known as the

From the earliest days, the United States conducted a lot of foreign trade with Asia including China and the Philippines.

Japan refused to trade with America and other western nations.

US Merchants wanted to open Japan to trade and to help ______who washed up on their shores.

President ______sent Commodore ______to Tokyo Bay in the 1850s with a fleet of seven steam powered war ships.

The Japanese, impressed by the show of strength agreed to sign the Treaty of ______which accepted American demands to help shipwrecked sailors and open two of their ports to American trade.

In the 1860s Secretary of State ______persuaded Congress to annex Midway Island in the Pacific Ocean

William Seward also purchased Alaska from ______for the price of $7.2 million.

In 1889, ______and the United States divided up the island of Samoa without Samoa having any say in the matter

In 1898, the United States ______Hawaii and it became the 50th state in ______.

In the 1800s several European countries and Japan were allowed to trade in areas of China known as ______. U.S. Secretary of State ______demanded that China allow any country (including the U.S. to trade freely any where in China.)

Many Chinese opposed this foreign influence in their country and in 1900 a group of Chinese rebelled and killed more than 200 foreigners in China in what became known as the ______Rebellion.