Northern Adelaide Local Health Network
Project Grant EOI Application
Guidelines and Specific Conditions


  • To support early stage research or knowledge creation


  • Funding is available from the Hospital research Foundation via the NALHN Grants Committee
  • A total of three projects to be awarded up to $100,000 for one year projects (total $300,000)
  • Up to three ChiefInvestigators may be listed, but a researcher may only be listed as CIA on one application (across the 2017 THRF grant categories Fellowship, Project, and Equipment)
  • Collaborators may be external, but 70% of work must be conducted within NALHN

Assessment Criteria

The major criteria on which all applications will be judged by the Independent Assessment Panel is:

  1. Scientific excellence
  2. Track record relative to opportunity
  3. The translational nature of the project
  4. Ability to attract additional funding

Scientific excellence, track record and the translational nature of the project (ie. Relevance) will be assessed using the 7 point category descriptor scale developed by the NHMRC:

will include patients, clinical trial approvals, TGA applications and approvals, commercial links etc. A minimum score of 4 (out of a possible 7) will be required for each of criteria 1,2 and 3 to be eligible for funding.

The Panel will provide absolute scores for each application to THRF. An example of a score could be the following:

Criteria / Score
1.Scientific excellence / 5
2.Track record relative to opportunity / 7
3.The translational nature of the project / 6
4.Ability to attract additional funding / 3
Total Score / 21

Terms and Conditions

  • Standard THRF condition: 70% of the research to occur with NALHN
  • Half yearly progress report against agreed KPI’s (external peer reviewed funding received, publications, students supervised) 6 months from commencement of funding
  • Half yearly financial report 6 months from commencement of funding
  • Chief Investigators must also agree to:
  • Acknowledge THRF and NALHN (where appropriate) funding support in all presentations and papers etc;
  • Provide updates about research to THRF and NALHN Communication and Marketing Team upon request;
  • Participate in media opportunities coordinated by THRF and NALHN where necessary, including local radio and local and national media announcements, Relevant media advice and preparation will be available via THRF and/or NALHN;
  • Ensure THRF and NALHN is consulted regarding any media opportunities led by the recipient’s University.

Application: Development Grant EOI

Contact Information

Chief Investigator A (CIA)

Title:First Name: Initial:Last Name:


Phone Number:

Email Address:


Department or Centre:


Full Postal Address-work (including DX#):

Administering Institution

Organisation name:


Contact Person:

Phone Number:

E-mail Address:

Postal Address:


How long have you been employed by this organisation?

When is your position’s renewal date?

Collaborating Chief Investigators

NOTE: Each Chief investigator should complete Attachment A.

Chief Investigator B (CIB)

Title:First name:Initial:Last name:


Phone Number:

E-mail Address:


Department or Centre:


Chief Investigator C (CIC)

Title:First name:Initial:Last name:


Phone Number:

E-mail Address:


Department or Centre:


Project Overview

NOTE: Grant Period : xxxxx-xxxxxxx

Project Title:


Aim of the research (lay description)- Outline the aims of the research

Overview of the project (lay description ONLY)-who will benefit from the research and why is there a need

Strategic fit (lay description) - outline the translation and innovation aspects of the research

Briefly describe the research this grant will support and how it relates to advancing knowledge


Please indicate your key milestones, along with the completion date and associated costs

Milestone / Completion Date / Cost Item / Cost $ / Leverage $*

*Leveraged external funding-amount:

Please provide details of external collaborator/s providing leverage funding:

Please attach a letter of intent to provide leverage funding with your EOI.

Outline the research teams experience in innovation and collaborations, including commercial collaborations

Describe the likely translational pathway of the research

Certifications and Approvals

Ethical Implications of the proposed research

Does this research involve any of the listed activities:

Experimentation on human subjects?Yes/No Provide copy of the current approval.

Experimentation on animals?Yes/No Provide copy of the current approval.

Use of GMO/GM products approvalYes/No Provide copy of current OGTR

Signature of Chief Investigator(s)

I declare that the information supplied on the application, and any accompanying documentation to be true and correct.

If I/we am/are successful in obtaining a grant, the research will not commence until it has been approved by the relevant institutional committee/s.

Printed name of CIA:

Signature of CIA ______Date / / 20

(if relevant) Printed name of CIB:

Signature of CIB ______Date / / 20

(if relevant Printed name of CIC:

Signature of CIC ______Date / / 20

Certification by the Head of Department/Research group

I certify that the project is appropriate to the general research facilities of BHI/LMH and I am prepared to have the activity carried out in my department/group.

Head of Department/Research Group’s Name:

Head of Department/Research Group endorsement: ______

Date / / 20

Project Grant EOI-Guidelines and Specific Conditions Page 1 of 10