School Uniform

All students are required to wear school uniform and full details are contained in Student Planners. All girls in Years 7-11 require a black blazerand bespoke black skirt (minimum length supplied 51cm)or trousers and awhite shirt with school tie.

Girls in Years 7 – 9may weara grey pullover with school motif, under a blazer.

In Years 10 and 11 students may wear a black sleeveless jumper with school motif,under a blazer.

Plain black, grey or white socks or tights and black shoes, a dark coloured coat, not to be worn in the school buildings, complete the uniform.

All boys in Years 7-9 require a black blazer, a white shirt with school tie, bespoke black trousers, plain white or black socks and black shoes. Boys may wear a grey V-necked pullover with the school motif under the blazer. Years 10 and 11 have the same uniform as for Years 7-9 except that the student may replace the grey pullover with a black, sleeveless school pullover.

The nature of the Sixth Form dress code helps to express the relationship between the Sixth Form and the rest of the school, while offering the privilege of a wider range of styles and items. Sixth Form students must be smart and businesslike in their appearance. Boys wear suits (black, grey or navy) with a shirt and tie of choice and formal footwear. Girls are to be smart and businesslike with formal footwear. The full Sixth Form dress code is on the Sixth Form page of the website.

To purchase uniform for Years 7 – 11 there are two suppliers. Either visit the Newbury shop TrutexSchoolwear and More in the Kennet Centre or go to Trutex Direct on line atSee contact details for both separate businesses at the bottom of this page.

There is also a second hand uniform shop run by the Parents’ Association which is open on Fridays in the term time from 3.15pm to 4.00pm and situated just inside the students’ entrance. Prices from 50p to £10. All donations welcome. Please leave unwanted/outgrown uniform at reception in a bag clearly marked for the second hand uniform shop.

TrutexSchoolwear and More
Kennet Centre in Newbury
(between Bags etc and Subway)
Tel: 01635 38285 or 07981 026282
email: / Trutex Direct

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