Trinity Episcopal Church

218 East Benton Street

Aurora, IL 60505

Phone: 630.897-7283 · Email:

February 2012 Newsletter

From the Junior Warden

Dear Friends,

2011saw us manage substantial changes very well. Rob’s list of accomplishments goes over 50 notable items (Attached) and all are equally important to Trinity. Our work isn't over yet. This year we need to begin our search for a permanent part-time priest. I am very thankful that Fr. Rosa will be with us while we get the ball rolling, and also glad to see that Deacon John Nolan will be on hand as well, however, we can't get too comfortable with Fr. Rosa around. Unfortunately there is no clone out there for him which means we have work to do. If any of you have any thoughts you'd like to share about what characteristics you would like to see in our next priest, or even some that you don't want, I encourage you to speak with one of the 2012 Vestry members, or drop a note off in the church office if that is more comfortable. We are a family and everyone's voice should be heard. It's not up to the search committee, but up to all of us, which is why I hope everyone will feel comfortable contributing their ideas.

All in all I feel that we have worked well adjusting to Charlie's departure, as well as welcoming Fr. Rosa, our new organist Ken Baxter, and soon Deacon John Nolan. Now we must continue our journey onward. For me, 2012 is the year of growth both personally and spiritually; I hope for Trinity too! Let's make a conscious effort to maintain and nurture our present relationships while we seek to grow new ones. That is not limited to parishioners, but also people in our communities whether they be at home, work, school, about town or places far away. After all, you never know whose heart you may touch, and what words will have a lasting affect in people's lives. So let our words be kind and our hearts be open. Someone, somewhere may have a profound affect on us too.

Best, Alex Adams

Father Rosa and Deacon Dolan

celebrating the feast of St, Nicholas.

Your 2012 Vestry

Rob Borchert – Senior WardenAlex Adams – Junior Warden

Chireen DeKing - Member (Children)Dick Blogg – Member

Ken Palmquist – Member (Building)Marilou Clohessy – Member

Davis Bullis – MemberKimberly Rubis – Member (Green)

Linda Barber – Clerk

News and Notes!

The Rt. Rev. Jeffrey Lee, Bishop of Chicago will celebrate the Holy Eucharist on February 27 (1st Sunday in Lent). Anyone wishing to be received, confirmed, or baptized should speak with Fr. Rosa.

Game Night: Join us at 6pm on February 3rd for a fun filled night of games for all ages! Refreshments will be provided! All are welcome!

Fat Tuesday’s Pancake Dinner: Join us on February 21st from 5:30 to 7:30 pm as we prepare ourselves for lent with a traditional pancake dinner (free, but donations are appreciated!). We are planning some fun – come and check it out!

Ash Wednesday: Join us at 6:00 pm on Feb, 22ndfor the laying on of ashes and the beginning of Lent.

Ongoing: A service of Morning Prayer at 8:00 am on Wendesdays followed by Bible Study at 8:30 am.


We pray for Jim, Malcolm, Mona, Cynthia, John, Sarah, Naomi, Mitch, Ryan, Mary, Jackie, Barb, Trish, Nicki, Patricia, Myron, Jennifer, Red (for health), Hannah, Amanda, Cleo (for the guidance of the Holy Spirit)

We pray for the memory of Lucile Kane, who died on Thanksgiving Day; Myron Waalen, husband of long time Trinity friend, Anne; and Cleo Stamm. May they rest in peace and may God’s light shine upon them.

Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting of Trinity Parishwas held on January 22. Rob Borchert presided. Highlights of the meeting are: Elected to the Vestry is Ken Palmquist, David Bullis, and Marilou Clohessy. Delegates to the Annual Diocesan Convention are: Chireen DeKing, Alex Adams and Linda Barber. Alternates are: Pat Wilson, Gale Blogg and Rob Borchert. Outgoing vestry members – Emmanuel Agomo, and Pat Wilson were presented with gifts and thanked for their service. Rob presented a wonderful slide presentation of the “happenings” at Trinity for the year, 2011. Fr. Rosa said that we need to go out into the world and bring the good news of Christ. He reminded us to constantly remember that newcomers always have gifts to share – and that we should listen and learn from them.

Financial Snapshot

Financial Snapshot 12-31-2011
Income / Actual / Budget / YTD / YTD Budget
September / Pledge and Plate / $5,354.00 / $5,456.00 / $61,353.85 / $ 65,472.76
Total Incom / $12,608.90 / $13,061.00 / $109,275.45 / $117,141.76
Apartment Electric / $77.72 / $150.00 / $1,630.30 / $ 1,605.00
Church Electric / $315 / $190 / $2,611 / $ 2,280
Gas / $445 / $1,200 / $8,030 / $ 9,501
TotalBuilding and Grounds / $1,721 / $2,315 / $32,296 / $ 32,544
Clergy Costs – Total / $1,129 / $1,000 / $26,210 / $ 26,806
Total Expenses / $10,766 / $8,147 / $105,853 / $117,142
Excess Revenue over / $1,843 / $4,914 / $3,422 / $ 0
Energy Efficiency achievement over 2009 baseline / 5.7%
Goal for the year ending May 2012 / 10%
Owed on Loan / $55,125.00

Notes from the JubileeCenter

Sandwich Board: We have received donations from Deacon Steve and Lela Lowe and a grant from the Hunger Commission of the Diocese. We also received an Incentive Grant from Kraft Foods – to be used at the Northern Illinois Food Bank.

We served 7,643 plates of food in 2011. This figure is up 20% from last year and it doesn’t look like this will slow down any time soon. Please keep our Thursday guests in your prayers.

AmnestyCenter: Last year we did over 100 sets of fingerprints. People seeking immigration benefits want to be sure that they will be able to process their papers without fear of being picked up and deported at their hearing. We still help those in need of renewing their cards, petitioning for family members, and seeking citizenship. We are in hope that the laws will change this year to allow families to stay together while their paperwork is being processed rather than the petitioner having to go back to their native country for an extended period of time.

God is everywhere!

Musings from Rob,

As we start 2012, I can’t but think back to the wonders that filled Trinity during 2011. Wonders like: An Altar Guild that prepared for over 60 Masses and assured that the Church was always beautiful; A Sexton who performed miracles in painting our fence, restoring our windows, feeding the masses and feeding us! Father Rosa bringing a new perspective a new feeling of peace and beauty. Being able to continue to provide Godly Play for our Kid’s Sunday School and having them participate in so many Church Services. Ken Baxter bringing us beautiful and heavenly music. The beginnings of our energy efficiency drive. The continuation of Wednesday Morning Prayer and Bible Study. Of God’s light shining in our beautiful Church. Of new members and returning members. Of Gary and Inga’s wedding. Of the first year since I have been here that Trinity brought in more money than it spent. Of Bishop Lee telling us that God does have a plan for Trinity.

2011 also had some downers. Saying goodbye to the deKaysand the loss of our true friend, Lucile Kane.

But we did it; we not only survived but prospered! Father Rosa and Deacon Dolan both commented after the annual meeting about the spirit of excitement and purpose they felt here, of our pride and willingness to work to make Trinity a place for God’s children, not just now but for future generations to come.

My thanks to each and everyone of you who have contributed to Trinity – through prayer, effort, or financially. The list is too long to write here – but God knows of whom I speak!

I see 2012 as a year of evangelism – yes that hated word. We need to let others know the secret of what shines so brightly here, to let them experience God’s presence among us, and to invite them to join us in our spiritual journey.

“O God, you have made of one blood all he peoples of the earth, and sent your blessed

Son to preach peace to those who are far off and to those who are near; Grant that

people everywhere may seek after you and find you; bring the nations into your fold;

pour out your Spirit on all flesh; and hasten the coming of your kingdom.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (BCP pg. 100)