Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Pastoral Council Meeting

Pastoral Council Minutes

January 6, 2015 – 6:30 P.M.

Rosa Road Parish Center

Present: Fr. Bob Longobucco, Celeste Rossetti, Joe Farry, Pat Palicastro, Paul O’Brien, Sharon Koegl, Danielle Rice, Karen Mills and Terry McLaughlin

Absent: Larry Grimmer, Carl Garkowski, Carol Mondello and Deacon Tom Sharrow

Opening Prayer: Celeste Rossetti

Introduction of Terry McLaughlin: Terry was a member of our parish. She was gone for 7 years and has returned. She is considering/being considered for one of the Pastoral Council openings.

Approval of Pastoral Council Minutes 11/17/14: Motion to approve-Paul, Second-Joe

Old Business:

Make Me a Channel of Your Peace Update: A committee, made up of Paul, Pat and Joe, held a meeting. A banner designed by George Bollock was approved. 4 banners will be made by Snyder Signs. 2 will be placed at the Rosa Road location, 1 on the front of the church building and 1 in the rear on the side of the church building. 2 will be placed at the Union Street location, 1 on the front of the church building and 1 on the side of the school building.

The principal of the school, Lucia Gutierrez, will speak to the staff to see if they can come up with a way to incorporate the theme into the classroom.

In addition, we are also looking for a way to integrate the theme into the faith formation program. Father Bob suggested a competition.

School Update: A suggestion was made to include Lucia Gutierrez’s bio in the bulletin during Catholic School’s week.

Recruitment of Pastoral Council Members: The committee has not met yet. They will set up a meeting. Father Bob and Deacon Tom have been speaking to people regarding interest.

Family Promise Update: Paul asked for more information. Father Bob explained:

-national program

-86 cities

-DSS screens for us

-local residents looking to find a home within about 6 weeks

-families stay in each location for 1 week (Sunday night to Sunday morning)

-provide breakfast and dinner; help to make lunches

-children attend school in their district

-adults search for jobs during the day through the regional center

End of Year Reports: Will be in 1/11 Sunday Bulletin

Moving Forward: Father is comfortable with progression

Our past year was a keeping it together year:

Michael Taylor

Prior principal getting a new job at the end of August

Hiring new principal

Interim principal

Pastoral Council helped with listening sessions

Father Bob wrote an article for the Catholic worker- He feels surrounded and blessed by great people

2014: Successful

2015: Moving Forward

We emerged from crisis as a more cohesive unit

School/Heart of Christ Gala: February 27, 2015

Honoring Bishop Hubbard

The glee club will sing

John Grey

Silent Auction

Father encouraged the council members to attend to show that everyone is working together

Poverty Initiative: Bridges out of Poverty – we lost our focus and need to get back on track. We need to reach out more in Northern Schenectady and extend invitations to come to mass.

Union Street Development: Attorney Lou Lecce would like to rent parking spaces in the Union Street lot. Some concerns raised are safety of the school children and the maintenance of the lot. More information is needed to discuss further.

New Business: Peace Pole – install with prayer or mass

Father Bob mentioned that Father Kane is retiring

Closing Prayer: Provided by Joe and led by Father Bob

Remaining Meetings: Our remaining meetings will be on March 3rd and June 2nd. We will have any emergency meetings as needed.

Meeting adjourned: 7:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen M. Mills