Town of Poughkeepsie Little League U 12All Stars WIN ‘SWEET’N LOW CELEBRATES FITNESS SWEET-NESS’ GRANT

Zero-Calorie Sweetener Awards $1,000 to Town of Poughkeepsie Little League U 12All Stars Baseball Team

BROOKLYN, NY (August 30, 2013) – In honor of their commitment to starting good habits early, Sweet’N Low has awarded Town of Poughkeepsie Little League U 12All Stars Baseball team with the ‘Sweet’N Low Celebrates Fitness Sweet-Ness’ grant. The $1,000 grant is meant to be used for equipment, uniforms, registration fees, and/or other sports-related team materials to support and encourage the continuation of exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle.

America’s favorite zero-calorie pink sweetener, awarded the ‘Sweet’N Low Celebrates Fitness Sweet-Ness’ grant to 50 youth sports teams and leagues nationwide to commend them for taking steps to fight obesity and diabetes through exercise. Obesity and diabetes affect the community of Poughkeepsieand the entire United States, with 1 in 6 American children being obese and more than 26 million American children and adults suffering from diabetes. Adopting an active lifestyle and following a healthy diet are the first steps in fighting these health crises.

“We’d like to congratulate the Town of Poughkeepsie Little League U 12All Stars for the steps they have taken to fight diabetes and childhood obesity in their community and are happy to award them with the ‘Sweet’N Low Celebrates Fitness Sweet-ness’ grant,”said Steven Eisenstadt, President and CEO of Cumberland Packing Corp., the manufacturer of Sweet’N Low. “By supporting local sports teams, Sweet’N Low has the opportunity to help children across the nation take part in a healthy lifestyle early on.”

The ‘Sweet’N Low Celebrates Fitness Sweet-ness’ contest ran online from July 12 – July 26and had close to 100 entries country-wide. All youth sports teams were eligible, from baseball to swimming and any athletic program in between. The Town of Poughkeepsie Little League U 12All Stars from Poughkeepsie were one of fifty teams which were selected for a $1,000 grant.

“As Sweet’N Low helps millions of adults around the world manage their weight on a daily basis by sweetening food and beverages without added sugars, which cuts calories and carbohydrate intake, we were happy to expand our impact on the important matter of obesity by awarding grants to support youth sports leagues.” Eisenstadt added.

For more information about Sweet’N Low, visit