Women in American History: The Path to Suffrage & African American History: The Road to Civil Rights Webquest

Mr. Contipodero

Ms. Scalpello

Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion


As scholars of Mr. Contipodero’s United States History course, the motto of “Results and Responsibilities Not Excuses” is challenged once again. During the post-Reconstruction Era, black Americans survived racism and discrimination through Jim Crow Laws, segregation, and the “separate but equal” clause created in the Plessy v. Ferguson court case. At the turn of the 20th century, women focused on achieving voting rights as well as equal status to men due to the severe inequalities that placed women as second-class citizens.


Students need to answer the justified questions within the Webquest to obtain appropriate knowledge of the two topics. The sheet given to you states which topic you need to work on today. Follow the links placed on the Webquest by holding down the CTRL button and clicking on the web address (hyperlink). Students need to write down the answers found on the web pages.


Women in American History: The Path to Suffrage

19th Amendment



1.  Which southern state was the last to ratify the 19th Amendment?

2.  What is section 1 of the 19th Amendment?

Susan B. Anthony


1.  What amendment did Susan B. Anthony use to argue her position to vote before 1872?

2.  What did she say to provide evidence of her argument?

Declaration of Sentiments


1.  Who wrote the Declaration of Sentiments?

2.  Pick two points from the Declaration of Sentiments that you find most offensive and explain why!

Mary “Mother” Jones

http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAwomen.htm (*Need to search for her category!)

1.  What radical labor organization did Jones help form?

2.  When Jones traveled the country, what did she help workers do?

Women’s Rights Timeline


1.  Name an event from 1913 and 1914.

Philosophy of Women’s Suffrage

http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/suffrage/index.htm (*Click on The History of Women’s Suffrage!)

1.  Define Picket.

2.  What was the underlying philosophy of women’s suffrage?

3.  What right did women’s suffrage claim for women?

African American History: The Road to Civil Rights



1.  What is the goal of the NAACP?

2.  What did DuBois establish in 1910?

3.  What was the top priority in the 1920s for the NAACP?

Plessy v. Ferguson


1.  What is the Creole of Color?

2.  What did Plessy’s lawyer argue?

3.  What precedent did the Plessy decision set?

Jim Crow Laws



1.  What did the Compromise of 1877 end?

2.  How did the Compromise of 1877 effect southern blacks?

3.  Which state did many blacks migrate to for a desperate escape from Jim Crow laws? (Tennessee)

Literacy Tests/Poll Tax


*Also use a search engine (Google, Bing) for questions 3 and 4

1.  What did a black citizen from Alabama have to do to register?

2.  What was the Alabama Application form designed to do?

3.  Which amendment ended the poll tax?

4.  Which President of the U.S. formalized and help approve the 24th Amendment?

The Niagara Movement


1.  Why did the Niagara Movement group fail to attract a massive amount of support?

2.  In the Declaration of Principles, what does the Niagara Movement demand from the courts?