Input and Output

Standard I/O

File I/O

C++ Library Functions


The following functions and operators are used for input from cin. The header file iostream.h must be included at the front of any program that uses these functions.


extracts the next character, string, or numeric from input

int get()

returns the next character (like C's getchar)

istream& get(char&)

extracts the next character

istream& get(char*, int n, char delim = '\n')

extracts next n characters from input

or until delimiter is reached (delimiter left in stream)

istream& getline(char*, int n, char delim = '\n')

extracts next n characters from input

or until delimiter is reached (delimiter included in string)

istream& read(char*, int n)

extracts next n characters from input

istream& ignore(int n, int delim = EOF)

discards n characters or until delimiter is reached


The following functions allow for status reporting and manipulation within the input stream. Functions that use them must include <iostream.h>

int gcount()

returns the number of characters last extracted

istream& putback(char c)

puts the last character read back

int peek()

returns the next character without extraction

istream& seekg(long n, seek_dir = ios::beg)

alters stream position to n characters from beginning (default),

current position (ios::cur), or end (ios::end)

long tellg()

returns the current stream position

istream& ws(istream&)

discards leading whitespace


The following functions are used for output to cout, cerr, or clog. Functions that use them must include <iostream.h>


inserts the next character, string, or numeric to output

ostream& put(char c)

writes character c to output

ostream& write(char* buff, int n)

write n characters from array buff to output

ostream& flush()

function member to force writing of output stream

ostream& flush(ostream&)

manipulator to force writing of output stream

ostream& seekp(long n, seek_dir=ios::beg)

alters stream position to n characters from beginning (default),

current position (ios::cur), or end (ios::end)

long tellp()

returns the current stream position

ostream& endl(ostream&)

inserts a '\n' and performs a flush


Input and output streams have a set of common functions for status setting and checking

int eof()

returns TRUE if an end-of-file was encountered

int bad()

returns TRUE if an I/O error occurred with recovery unlikely

int fail()

returns TRUE if an I/O operation or conversion failed

int good()

returns TRUE if the above three are all false

int rdstate()

returns the I/O state (0 if OK, otherwise bit map of errors)

void clear(int state = 0)

sets the I/O state (0 or ios::goodbit to clear to OK)

int operator! ()

returns TRUE if bad or fail

operator void* ()

returns FALSE if bad or fail

The status bits are as follows:

ios::goodbit0, no bits sets, all is OK

ios::eofbitat end of file

ios::failbitlast I/O operation failed

ios::badbitinvalid operation attempted

ios::hardfailunrecoverable error


/* Test output formatting */

#include <iostream.h>

#include <iomanip.h> // needed for setw, setbase



int n = 1234;

cout < "default " < n < endl;


cout < "wide? " < ":" < n < endl;

cout < "WIDE " < ":" < setw(15) < n < endl;

cout < "decimal " < n < " = octal " < oct < n

< endl;

cout < "hex " < hex < n < ' ' < n < endl;

cout < "base 7?? " < setbase(7) < n < endl;

cout < '$' < setprecision(2) < setfill('*')

< setw(20) < double(n)/100.;

return 0;



The following functions control the formatting of input/output streams:

char fill()

returns the current fill character

char fill(char c)

sets the current fill character to c, returns previous fill character

int precision()

returns the current floating point precision

int precision(int n)

sets the floating point precision to n, returns previous value

int width()

returns the current width setting

int width(int n)

sets the width to n, returns previous width,

reset to 0 after each insertion/extraction

ios& dec(ios&)

sets decimal as the integer input base

ios& oct(ios&)

sets octal as the integer input base

ios& hex(ios&)

sets hexidecimal as the integer input base

ios& setbase(int)

sets the integer input base to any base from 2 to 16

In addition to <iostream.h>, the header file <iomanip.h> must be included to use any function whose name begins with set or reset


/* Test output formatting */

#include <iostream.h>



double x = 1234.56789;

cout < "default " < x < endl;

cout.flags( ios::showpos );

cout < "plus sign " < x < endl;

cout.flags( ios::scientific );

cout < "scientific " < x < endl;

cout.setf( ios::showpos );

cout < "both above " < x < endl;

cout.flags( ios::uppercase|ios::scientific );

cout < "capital E " < x < endl;

return 0;



Format flags are used to control the finer details of input/output formatting, such as alignment and the appearance of floating point and hexidecimal numbers

long flags()

returns the current format flags

long flags(long n)

assigns n to the format flags, returns previous format flags

long setf(long b)

turns on the specified format flag(s),

returns previous format flags

long setf(long b, long c)

clears the format flags(s) in c, turns on the format flags(s) in b,

returns previous format flags

long unsetf(long b)

clears the format flag(s) in b, returns previous format flags


The following flags are used to control I/O formatting. The actions described below are for the bits being set. The opposite action is implied for bits not being set.

adjustfield group

left / assumes left adjusted, padding on right
right / assumes right adjusted, padding on left
internal / assumes padding internal, between sign and value

basefield group

showbase / output preceding 0 for octal, 0x or 0X for hex
showpoint / output decimal point and trailing zeroes for floating-point
showpos / output preceding + sign for positive integer

floatfield group

scientific / output floating point in scientific notation
fixed / output a fixed number of digits after decimal point

(not in a group)

uppercase / use X and E for hex and scientific notation
skipws / skips white space on input


File I/O in C++ is done by associating the file with an input, output, or input/output stream using a variable of the ifstream, ofstream, or fstream class. To perform file I/O the header file <fstream.h> must be included.

Opening a file for input only or output only can be done simply with a constructor function as follows:

ifstream inFile("input.dat");

// opens existing input.dat for reading

ofstream outFile("output.dat");

// opens new output.dat for writing

ofstream appFile("log.dat", ios::app);

// opens existing log.dat for appending

Once this association is made, all input and output can be done using the stream functions already described.

Stream input and output from files should always be checked for errors.

This is done simply as follows

if (!inFile)// open failed


Establishing an input, output, or input/output stream for files can also be done as two statements, one to construct the stream variables, and another to open the files

ifstream inFile;

ofstream outFile, appFile;

fstream randomFile;

..."input.dat");"output.dat");"log.dat", ios:app);"database.dat", ios::in|ios::out);

The general form of the open statement is:

void open(char* name, int mode = ios::out, int prot = filebuf::openprot)

(The protection mode is operating system dependent.)

This opens the named file in the indicated access mode.

Valid modes are

ios::app / for appended output
ios::ate / seek end-of-file at open
ios::in / for input
ios::out / for output
ios::trunc / discard previous contents of the file
ios::nocreate / file must exist
ios::noreplace / file cannot exist


void close()

Closes the file, and disassociates the stream from the file. For example,



Mixing C Style and C++ Style I/O

If you have a program that attempts to use BOTH the C-style functions that use stdin AND cin in C++ you could, in general, have great difficulty in getting the program to work. stdin and cin are, in general, two different buffers using different buffering schemes. If you wish to use both, you must call cin.sync_with_stdio(); This will slow performance.

Likewise, if you have a program that attempts to use BOTH stdout in C AND cout, you can do one of the following:

a. call cout.sync_with_stdio();


b. 1. between each switch from the use of cout to stdout, use the endl function/manipulator or the flush function/manipulator


b. 2. between each switch from the use of stdout to cout, use the fflush function


/* Program to copy one file to another. */

#include <iostream.h> //for cin, cout, cerr

#include <fstream.h> //for ifstream, ofstream

#include <stdlib.h> //for exit



char in_name[25], out_name[25];

ifstream in_file;

ofstream out_file;

char c;

cout < "Source file??\n";


cin > in_name;

cout < "Destination file??\n";


cin > out_name;, ios::in);

if (!in_file)


cerr < "Can't open source file.\n";


}, ios::out);

if (!out_file)


cerr < "Can't open destination file.\n";



/* this is the main loop */

while ( in_file.get(c) )




cout < "Finished!!\n";

return 0;



/* This programs reads a file whose name is entered on the

command line and prints the file in reverse order to

<stdout>. This program works only on selected file

organizations. It will generally work on files

written by a C program (such as fileio2.cpp) */

#include <iostream.h>

#include <fstream.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])


long n;

if ( argc != 2)


ifstream infile(argv[1]);

if ( !infile )


infile.seekg(-1L, ios::end);

/* position at last byte of file */

n = infile.tellg();/* n + 1 = file size */

while ( n-- >= 0 )


cout < char(infile.get());

infile.seekg(n, ios::beg);


cout < endl;

return 0;


Lab 1 for Part 5

1. Experiment with various formatting options using stream I/O, including the printing of preceding zeroes.

2. Write a program that determines the size of a file by reading and counting every character in the file.

3. Write a function that compares two files, finding either the line number and character position of the first difference between the two files, or verifying that the two files are character-for-character identical. Print the line number and character position of the first difference between the two files.

Input and OutputPart 5, Page 1