Novel Newspaper Assignment

Create a newspaper based on the events of your novel. You will use the newspaper template I have shared with you on Google Docs. One person in your group needs to make a copy and share it with everyone in the group. Each group member will complete 2 articles for your newspaper. All articles should include specific events, character names, and situations from the book.


•Title/Name of Newspaper

•Create a title for your newspaper. It should reflect a theme from the book.


•At the top of the first page, write a summary of your book in the form of a major news story. Make sure your summary answers who, what, where, when, and why. Include the genre.

•Main character

•Write a feature story about the main character include who the character is, what he/she did, and any interesting things about the character.

•Draw or find a picture of the main character or find a picture of someone who fits the character’s description.

•Create a headline for each article.

•Features- Choose from the following:

•Advice Column - Pretend a character wrote a letter to the advice columnist seeking advice about a problem in the book. Write the original letter and a response on how the problem would be solved. Use figurative language.

•Book Review - Write a review for your book. Explain your likes/dislikes. To whom would you recommend this book? Create a headline for your review. Include imagery.

•Editorial - Choose an issue in your book and take a side on it. Write a letter to the editor describing how you feel about the issue. Use text evidence.

•Comics - Design a 4 panel comic strip illustrating something funny that happened in your book. Include dialogue. Create a title for the comic.

•Word Search - Using names, places, etc. from the book, create a puzzle. Include an answer key.

•Advertisement - Using places from the book, create an advertisement for visiting that particular place or selling something important from the novel. Describe what it looks like and why someone would want to visit/buy this particular place or product. Insert a picture here.

•Obituary or Other Life Announcement - Write an obituary/announcement for someone who may have died in your book. Summarize who they were and a little bit about their life. Include character traits.

•Breaking News Story or Feature Articles-Stories about topics or events that are of interest to a certain group of readers (e.g., sports, animal stories, academic topics, interviews with school staff).

•Help Wanted- Create an effective ad to attract help for a job. Create a headline to grab a reader’s attention and then explain the benefits and features of your job offer. Make sure the job is related to your novel.


CATEGORY / Excellent / Good / Needs Improvement / Poor
Requirements / All of the required content
was present. / Almost all the
required content was
present. / At least 75% of the
required content
was present. / Less than 75% of the
required content was
Layout-Headlines & Captions / All articles have headlines that
capture the reader's attention
and accurately describe the
content. All graphics have
captions that adequately
describe the people and action
in the graphic. / All articles have
headlines that
accurately describe
the content. All
graphics have
captions. / Most articles have
headlines that
accurately describe the content. Mostgraphics
have captions. / Many articles do not
have adequate
headlines OR many
graphics do not have
Spelling and
Proofreading / No spelling or grammar errors
remain after one or more
people (in addition to the
typist) read and correct the
newspaper. / No more than a couple of spelling or grammar errors remain. / No more than 3
spelling or grammar
errors remain. / Several spelling or
grammar errors
- Supporting Details / The details in the articles are
clear, effective, and vivid
80-100% of the time. / The details in the
articles are clear and pertinent 90-100%
of the time. / The details in the
articles are clear and
pertinent 75-89% of
the time. / The details in more
than 25% of the
articlesare neither
clear nor pertinent.
Who, What, When,
Where, & How / All articles adequately address
the 5 W's (who, what, when,
where and how). / 90-99% of the articles adequately address
the 5 W's (who, what,
when, where and
how). / 75-89% of the articles adequately address the
5 W's(who, what, when,
where and how). / Less than 75% of the
articles adequately
address the 5 W's
(who, what, when,
where, and how).