Proceedings of the Board of Education

Community Unit School District No. 5

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 22, 2016

The Board of Education met in Regular Session on June 22, 2016 in the Jr. High Computer Lab. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Brunnworth. Present at roll call were Brunnworth, Rademacher, Rimar, Sievers, Skertich and Swenson. Remer was absent. Also present were Superintendent Murphy, Principal Baumberger, Secretary Bruch, Miranda Matta and parents, Lee Ann Skertich, Kathy Stephens, Nikki Garrels, Marcia Schulte and Amanda Butts.

Motion by Swenson, seconded by Sievers to adopt the agenda and approve the Minutes of the Special School Board Meeting of May 10, 2016 and the Regular School Board Meeting of May 18, 2016. All ayes. Motion carried.

Recognition, comments, and correspondence from employees and public:

Mr. Murphy read a Resolution of Recognition for Miranda Matta for taking 2nd place in the IESA 1A State Track Meet in the 200 Meter dash. She was congratulated by the Board.

Motion by Brunnworth, seconded by Rademacher to approve the bills as presented. Roll call: 6 ayes. 1 absent. Motion carried.

Financial Report for May 2016:

Mr. Murphy reported that the Education Fund is dropping fast, but it is not anything he did not budget for. The Education Fund balance is $53,987.01. We may not receive any local tax money until August. With each payroll at approximately $120,000 and the monthly bills, we could run out of money by August if we do not receive local property tax money and the State does not send any categorical payments. Fund balances for the other funds are: Building Fund $357,532.64, Bond and Interest Fund $12,096.16, Transportation Fund $64,327.05, IMRF $40,493.95, Working Cash $47,114.79, Tort Immunity $31,339.32 and Life Safety $17,187.78. Total of all funds is $624,078.70 with $522,961.49 in the Operating Funds.

Budget Report for May 2016:

The Operating Funds are at 94% of Revenue and 93% of Expenses. The budget is right where it was projected to be.

Revenues vs. Expenses by fund are:

Ed Fund 94% - 88%

O & M Fund 100% - 97%

Tort Fund 97% - 98%

Transportation Fund 96% - 87%

IMRF 101% - 90%

Mr. Murphy stated that our contract with First Student will be done as of July 1st.

Motion by Skertich, seconded by Sievers to approve the Financial Report and Budget Report for May 2016. All ayes. Motion carried.

Unfinished Business:

Nothing to Report

New Business:

Motion by Brunnworth, seconded by Rademacher to approve the prevailing hourly wages as established by the State of Illinois Department of Labor. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Rademacher, seconded by Rimar to approve the Scheller Ins. Agency renewal from APEX for the district carrier for Commercial Property, Inland Marine, Crime, General Liability, and School Board Legal Liability; and Zenith for Worker’s Compensation Insurance. Roll call: 6 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried.

Motion by Brunnworth, seconded by Rademacher to raise the student lunch rate to $2.75 for the 2016-2017 school year. Roll call: 6 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried.

First reading of Board Policy 5:310 Compensatory Time Off.

Motion by Swenson, seconded by Sievers to accept Kohls for the Mt. Olive food bid for the 2016-2017 school year. Roll call: 6 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried.

Motion by Rimar, seconded by Brunnworth to accept the bread bid from Flowers, milk bid from Prairie Farms, and fuel bid from M & M. Roll call: 6 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried.

Motion by Swenson, seconded by Sievers to accept the resignation of Michelle Schmidt, HS Spanish Teacher, effective immediately. All ayes. Motion carried.

Agenda item to hire Kim Carlile as an unpaid Assistant Jr. High Cheerleading Coach for the 2016-2017 school year was tabled until after closed session.

First Reading of Student Growth section of Teacher Evaluation Plan.

After discussing the agenda item to lease a color copier from DNT for $150 per month, it was decided to table the item until July.

Motion by Rademacher, seconded by Sievers to enter in Closed Session at 7:44 p.m. for the following purposes as allowed under the Illinois Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/1 et seq.): A. Discussion of the appointment, employment and dismissal of employees of the public body and collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives.

Roll call: 6 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried.

Motion by Brunnworth, seconded by Skertich to return to open meeting at 10:37 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Skertich, seconded by Rademacher to amend the Superintendent contract for 2015-2016 school year clarifying the annuity language, this represents a savings of $1,100 to the district. Roll call: 6 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried.

Motion by Rimar, seconded by Sievers to approve the Superintendent contract for 2016-2017 school year with a 0% raise and amend the contract language to change the position from Superintendent to Superintendent and Elementary Principal. Roll call: 6 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried.

Motion by Skertich, seconded by Swenson to approve the Principal contract for the 2016-2017 school year to change the language for health insurance and annuity to comply with the federal law. There will be no additional cost to the district for this change. The salary will be $74,300 and the position will be High School and Jr. High Principal. Roll call: 6 ayes. 1 absent. Motion carried.

Motion by Sievers, seconded by Rademacher to approve the Assistant Principal/Athletic Director contract as well as the job description. Roll call: 6 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried.

Motion by Rimar, seconded by Rademacher to increase the Board Meeting Secretary salary from $25.00 to $50.00 per meeting. Roll call: 6 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried.

Motion by Rademacher, seconded by Sievers to accept the Memorandum of Understanding from the Mt. Olive Education Support Personnel regarding holidays. Roll call: 6 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried.

Motion by Swenson, seconded by Skertich to pay for tournament and conference sports fees for the 2016-2017 school year from the Fema Fundraiser money. Roll call: 6 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried.

Motion by Rademacher, seconded by Sievers to approve the bus driver contract. Roll call: 6 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried.

Motion by Sievers, seconded by Skertich to hire fall coaches and assistant coaches with salary to be determined.

Jr. High Baseball – Coach Chris Monke

Jr. High Softball – Coach Jake Buzick, Assistant Coach Mike Kierbach (pending background check and coaching certification).

Jr. High Cheerleading – Coach Kathy Stephens, Assistant Coach Kim Carlile

High School Football – Coach Bill Jones, Assistant Coaches Chuck Cox, Matt DeVries, Larry Caldieraro, and Ken Swenson

High School Volleyball – Coach Andrea Keller

High School Cheerleading – Coach Allison Buzick

Roll call: 6 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried.

Principal’s Report:

Mr. Baumberger had nothing to report.

Superintendent’s Report:

Mr. Murphy reported that the General State Aid Claim has been completed for 2015-2016. The average daily attendance was 447.48 compared to the prior year of 471.91. This is a decrease of 24.43 students. Mt. Olive has two financial problems, the State of Illinois not funding us adequately and our enrollment is crashing. This decrease in ADA will be approximately $90,000 less in General State Aid which is based on a three year average. The Master School Board Member information was provided to the school board members. Regarding the naming rights for the gyms and fields, Mr. Murphy would like to make a recommendation of a minimum of a $25,000 donation if someone would like to put their name to any field, track, gym or baseball field. Regarding special education rating, we received a 4 in every category, which is a perfect score.

Board member Rimar asked if the donation money for naming rights would go into the sports fund. Mr. Brunnworth recommended that it should since it is sports related. Mr. Murphy said it will be the board’s decision as to where they want the money to go. Mr. Swenson also mentioned that any funds remaining from the Earl Pluhm donation need to be disbursed. He suggested that it be donated to the band. Mr. Murphy said he will have figures in July regarding the funds remaining from the Earl Pluhm donation.

Mr. Brunnworth announced that there will be a Special Board Meeting on Wednesday, June 29, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Superintendent’s office regarding negotiations. The next regular School Board Meeting will at 7:00 on Wednesday, July 20, 2016 in the Superintendent’s office.

Motion by Skertich, seconded by Swenson to adjourn at 10:55 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried.


President Secretary