In-Sync Exotics4/8/11Board Meeting

Minutes from3/04/11 Meeting

Called the meeting to order at 6:48 p.m.

Present:Vicky, Lynne, Lisa, Ron, Chemyn, Helen, Stephen, Lakshmi, Jody, Eddie


Reviewed minutes from Board meeting–Chemyn makes motioned to acceptJodiseconds all approved.


Presidents Report

  • Barbara – not happy with Mak & Justin. Steven is Justin’s supervisor. Board to report if they see something not getting done should a report on 1st & 15th. Create a Google doc for Board to enter stuff (1) for all Board to read/write (1) for Stephen to use to prioritize for Justin. Board has only read access.
  • Vicky recommended to Barbara that she resignsbut can continue w/office if she wants until we find a replacement.
  • Donor Relations possibilities – Andrea T., Colleen Butler, Parul, Christina.
  • Donor – Decided on Colleen. She will also send donation thank you letters. Need to work with Ron.
  • Ron will enter all checks, deposits & matching gifts in QB & give to Donor Relations to send letters
  • VisitorCenter – Ken – there’s some honesty concerns. He would have no control over the money. Would run a report every evening and put with the drawer.
  • He would need to get an accurate count of inventory, office supplies & keep staffed
  • Expecting the ASA inspector between the 15th & 20th of May. We will not have to register with Collin Co. but don’t want to stop – don’t want to step on toes.
  • Trailer(s)
  • Yellow trailer will be gone next week. Friend of Mia will take away for free
  • We will be getting a 5th wheel. Elizabeth Chamber’s sister & brother-in-law have one. Will put Mak in that trailer
  • Rent will be $500 a month (exact monthly note on trailer) & will be paid off in 2 years. Will put on other side of house close to Cherokee. Will need to put in electric. Grey water can go on ground. Need to check on portable poop box or have port-a-potty guy come out to pump.
  • Lead Keeper can stay there as long as they are employed by In-Sync.
  • Before & after pictures will be ready on the 19. Want to mail before the BDB
  • Girls from English class called wanting to know if the Paw Print Alley boards were hung so that they could come out have their picture taken with the boards. The boards are being redone by Justin since they are not correct looked poorly done. When the girls came out they were told how they needed to do the boards to submit a design. They did not submit a design but showed up with the boards. Vicky will call & tell them the truth as to why they are not hung.


  • Lydia – out of crate & has access to her enclosure, doing good but will fall over if she looks up, eating chick getting around. Not putting weight on leg but the incision is doing great – granulating healing.
  • Dinari – worse – ate turkey for 10 days now not eating at all. Did eat two bones Wednesday nite if the raccoonsdid not get (having some issues with them getting the food). Going to A&M Tuesday nite will have exploratory surgery. Will return Wednesday nite.
  • Keenan – Dr will come out tomorrow draw blood
  • Because of Midas we were able to get blood type on Lucca(Type A) so will get as many of the cats typed. This will be a big help. So between now mid May will try to get as much blood from the cats & typed without having to knock them out.


  • Vicky received a letter from the Post Office with information regarding a new bar code system that will become effective in June. She asked me to research. After searching the internet for information I contacted the group below explaining how ISE handles their mail outs. Below is the response I received:
  • Mailers are not required to use the IMb on all business mailings; only when claiming automation prices.

If, you are not currently using a barcode on your mail pieces nor are you sending out Business Reply Mail, you are not required to have the new Intelligent Mail Barcode on your mail pieces. You may continue to send them out as you normally have.

Thank you,

Intelligent Mailâ Barcode


USPS® Address Management

877-640-0724, option 2KP

  • Applied for tax exemption at Office Depot & Staples– did you receive any info back from them?
  • Any other businesses to apply for exempt status?
  • Kids for Cats
  • March – 18; April - 15
  • Kids4Cats Board
  • Gave Vicky several ideas for a new board. On the back is the sample of what she liked. The idea mainly is to have several different species of cats painted on the board then areas for the kid names. Once Vicky agrees Justin has offered to do the board. (After finishing the other boards.) So when he has time & is ready I will get the material.


In-Sync Exotics Treasurer's ReportFor April, 2011

  • Balance Sheet – Cash on hand10,219+Fidelity Account (see below)
  • April P/L -$1,367
  • Animal care expenses almost exactlythe same as March
  • Brokerage Account with Fidelity$16,735
  • Balance Sheet, P&L, Detailed ExpenseReports, Deposits, Labor
  • Probably need a better way tocategorize Birthday Bash, Cat'sBirthday, etc
  • Now have Payroll Summary Report & Check Written Report
  • Will be host to 4 interns & there will be rules. He did a housing agreement.
  • These are the most up to date report because Sherry had just updated.

Funds and Grants

Hollie Brown at EAN Holdings LLC (Operating as Enterprise, Alamo National car rental companies) submitted a grant request on behalf of InSync Exotics for us. (Thank you, Ron for putting together an annual budget in such a short amount of time!)

Mazuri Exotic Animal Feed Nutrition Research available, but for research purposes only. We do not qualify.

Pepsi Refresh Project There are 8 application periods

  • There are 8 application periods

Application Period Number / Application Period (begins at 12:00:01 pm (Noon} on the 15t ends / Date Applications are Posted for Voting (begins 12:00:01pm (Noon) / Voting Period (begins 12:00:01pm (Noon) of the first date ends
11:59:59 pm / 11:59:59pm of the last date)
1 (Arts & Music) / 4/4 to 4/8/11 / 5/1/11 / 5/1 to 5/31/11
2 (Arts & Music) / 5/1 to 5/5/11 / 6/1/11 / 6/1 to 6/30/11
3 (Communities) / 6/1 to 6/5/11 / 7/1/11 / 7/1 to 7/31/11
4 (Communities) / 7/1 to 7/5/11 / 8/1/11 / 8/1 to 8/31/11
5 (Communities) / 8/1 to 8/5/11 / 9/1/11 / 9/1 to 9/30/11
6 (Education) / 9/1 to 9/5/11 / 10/1/11 / 10/1 to 1&/31/11
7 (Education) / 10/1 to 10/5/11 / 11/1/11 / 11/1 to 11/30/11
8 (Education) / 11/1 to 11/5/11 / 12/1/11 / 12/1 to 12/30/11

The Grant Project consists of four categories:

1)Arts & Music


3) Education

Application requirements:

  • A description of your project idea including budget detail
  • Level of grant money applying for
  • Category in which project idea fits
  • Work toward the Pepsi Challenge since it will take a lot of effort getting many people to sign It is a 1 in a million long short to win so put on back burner revisit next year?
  • Simmons grants – Harold Simmons heads up a foundation - working on grant so will submit a letter of inquiry & mail next week. Submit for Operational expenses – Vet, food, utilities, etc. Mr. Simmons also donated $15,000 recently.


  • Made $13,500 at Easter Egg Hunt
  • 405 children 537 adults attended
  • Received 3 comments cards
  • 1 hated all the smoking
  • No crafts for the kids (we had the BDB poster for kids to color)
  • Birthday Bash
  • Instead of dunking booth would like to do a balloon artist but Vicky still wants the dunk booth
  • Karen Long – will need 7-800 cupcakes
  • Need raffle items
  • Tiger Trot
  • Scheduled for 9-10-11
  • 5K & 1 mile
  • Oak Point Amp theater
  • Booked a band for $250
  • Charge $25 adult, $15 kids
  • $10 to watch band if not in race
  • $15 for t-shirts for non-racers
  • Food vendor?
  • Jimmy Johns or hot dog man? Ask the hot dog man
  • Sponsorships – working on this.
  • Tommy Cloud – experience in marketing
  • Presenting a folder within info to potential sponsorships
  • New ideas: Invite some post 911 organizations to join us at the race. Can put a booth promoting what they do.
  • 1 mile only will dogs be allowed
  • Cheerleaders & pictures



  • WalnutGlenAcademy raised $483 for ISE so gave them 2 months of a cat adoption
  • April – 5 tours & 3 night tours (nite tours were repeats who had been out at least once.
  • May – 3 tours scheduled w/more to schedule
  • June - 6 more scheduled
  • July - 5 tours scheduled
  • Tour schedule hanging by Mak’s desk w/all the details.
  • It is a challenge to get new tour guides trained. Will train the interns to help.


Media Report – May 6, 2011


We bought a 10-second cable ad on "Spotlight on Dallas" that will run for 15 days. Itexpires in October. Do we want to use it to promote the Birthday Bash, the golf tournament, the Tiger Trot or simply to bring visitors? Ideas on script photos?


  • Newsletter will be sent out every two months. Still waiting on approval for last one, have started on new one.
  • Press Releases for April: Stupid Legislation Easter Egg Hunt
  • Personal invitations: are ready to go upon your approval of the text. I'm including the first round list again fyi...

Bob Phillips, Texas Country Reporter

Robin Roberts, Good Morning America

Robin Johnson, Frisco Style

Brit Mott, Plano Profile

Patrick Williams, Dallas Observer

Pete Alfano, Fort Worth Star Telegram

Radio Disney (Plano)

The Ticket Sports Radio (Sanger)

Rachael Herrscher,

Tom McGregor,

Note that Dallas Child has been removed from the list. That's because they contacted us after I sent the EEH info want to do a feature on ISE (YAY!). Will let you know when it will hit the stands.

Community Events:

May 7: Asian Heritage Festival (LN LT); May 24: Granite Properties Volunteer Fair (JP LW)

P.O. Box 968Wylie, TX75098

May 10, 2011 Dear Mr. Phillips,

As a child in the 70s, I would sit with my mom and watch 4 Country Reporter every week. As the years have passed and your show has changed and grown, I've continued to watch you travel around this great state of ours and tell the stories of its places and people. We do have an interesting "homeland" don't we?

In light of this, I'd like to invite you (with or without the cameras and crew) to visit the wonderful place where I volunteer. It's in the small town of Wylie, Texas but serves a great need for the exotic cats in our state. In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and EducationCenter is dedicated to the rescue and care of abused and neglected exotic cats. You may or may not know this, but there are more tigers in captivity in Texas than exists in the wilds of India. (SOURCE???) Sad, isn't it? Unfortunately, that's why we are needed. There are now 52 exotic cats and one coatimundi, our honorary cat, calling In-Sync home. This includes three exceptionally rare white lions, a golden tabby tiger, three white tigers and a tiger cub (she's terribly cute!).

I've included a few "before and after" photos, because these photos show what we are able to accomplish with a little time, proper vet care, an appropriate diet, and tons of love! I hope you'll consider my invitation. I truly believe you would enjoy the time spent in the company of some of God's most majestic creatures.

Warmest Regards,

Lisa Williams

Media Director


In-Sync Exotics is a 501-C-3 non — profit Corporation — Texas charter # 01577341

USDA License # 74-000431 - 972-442-6888 - fax : 972-442-4137

Email eb Site


New volunteers:

Imran Patel – available once a week, days will change; has volunteered globally with various organizations (Habitat for Humanity, United Nations Development Programme, etc); only experience with animals is caring for own dogs; has basic construction carpentry skills; owns own electronics business; is very interested in environmental conservation issues

I already have 9 volunteers 5 interns for orientations in May. One additional intern will have to be scheduled on a weeknight, I will work on scheduling it.


Had 76 inquiries about volunteering in April, 12 were interviewed, 5 attended orientation (4 of those attended 4/1, so were included on the report from the last board meeting).

Eligible for green shirts due to 3 months of service:

Jan Hale – since Feb, 34 hours

Eligible for gold shirt, due to 1 year of service:

Patty Pierce – since May, 2010, 91 hours

The following positions are currently vacant, do I need to put them in the newsletter? If so, qualifications? Duties? Hours?

Visitor Center Coordinator; Office Manager; Donor Relations – Board Position

Enrichment Coordinator:

Kelli Malone is meeting with me tomorrow to learn about joining the enrichment team. We still have one more opening.

  • Stripes for volunteer shirts have been ordered


  • Chris & Marvin are almost ready to put cameras on website (finishing up on the hardwiring). Will charge (offer membership?) Will show only cats in playground.
  • Permits for electrical have been received so ready to go with new service
  • Telephone poles – cant’ track down guy who offered the poles.
  • Justin is still working on cleanup
  • There’s a 150’ x 10’ area for the construction material but will need to organize
  • Trailer going away
  • What about putting 5th wheel by VC but Vicky wants it by the A frame. If don’t put there now it will not get done.




  • Want to acknowledge someone so thought about the people who only do the Commissary – Jan ? Carlee ? Paul Chambers, Meredith
  • Plaque or apron?
  • Nomination “Volunteer of the Year” – someone who has made an impact for our cats.
  • Suggestions: Jodi, Barbara, Dr Wallace
  • Robert & Karen will give their presentation to the City of Wylie for a sign up at Hwy 78
  • Would like to start having Mak at the meetings so she has a better idea of what the Board does.
  • Tony (tiger) – Bill McNamara – we will get Tony as soon as Michael decides to give up but his permit expires on December 31 & it will not be renewed. At that time we will get Tony. The ASA inspector should be coming out by mid-May so that we can get our accreditation.
  • New website is completed. Everyone needs to review & make sure all the info is there. Only until everyone has reviewed will it be released.
  • Wild Animal Repo – Aired on Sunday April 8 which featured 3 rescues. Ours was the last which showed the rescue of the Leona 6.
  • AWO – San Antonio – Attorney General has asked Vicky to come in & take over. Told them if she did not have to worry about money she would. There’s $250,000 startup
  • $450,000 earmarked from some estates. Will be lots of work.
  • 144 animals – 20 tigers, 1 20 yr old lion who is lonely, 6 wolves, 100 monkeys
  • Perhaps call – “ In-Sync Left Behind”
  • All the Board needs to go down
  • Maybe Jami or Andrea for Lead Keeper?
  • We will also need to see the books

Adjourn 10:40p.m.