Leeds for Life Foundation - Application Form
All applications must be submitted via email to by midday onWednesday 1st November 2017.Any applications handed in after this date will not be considered. Applications will be considered by a University panel and will be assessed in relation to the following criteria:
- How well the case is made for developing your skills
- The extent to which your project will benefit others
- The overall quality of your application.
Instructions & notes forall applicants:
- You may only receive Leeds for Life Foundation funding once during your studies at the University of Leeds
- The maximum amount of funding you can apply for is £500
- Please fill out ALL fields - any fields that do not apply please enter ‘N/A’
- You are required to provide a report of your project within four weeks of completion which sets out the skills you developed and outlines your experiences. This report may include photos and links to video footage
- If you are a final year student the project must be completed by 30th September following completion of your degree
- If, for any reason, you are unable to undertake your project you are required to return the funds you received and you must email as soon as possible to notify staff
- Projects must NOT result in any academic credit (e.g. final year projects, intercalating medical student projects, research projects).
Applicant Name:
Name of Project:
Location of Project:
Start Date:
End Date:
Will this project result in any academic credit: YES / NO
In submitting this application you are confirming that you have not previously received a Leeds for Life Foundation Grant.
Section 1 - Personal Details
Forename: / Surname:Student number:
Please indicate whether you are a UK, EU or International Student
Degree Course:
Level of Study:
(e.g. Undergraduate level 2/Masters/PhD)
Is this a group or individual project?
If it is a group project please provide the name, student number, degree course and level of study for all University of Leeds students participating:
Correspondence address: / Term time / Holidays
Email address:
If you a final year student please provide a personal email address:
Phone number:
Have you applied for a Leeds for Life Foundation grant before? / If yes was your application successful?
Personal tutor’s name and email address:
Is which country is your project based?
If you are a disabled student and have any special requirements for attending interview please let us know here:
(See section 5 for more details.)
Section 2 - Project/Activity Details
(PLEASE NOTE: Questions 4 and 5 are key to your application being successful so please consider this when answering)
1. Provide a brief statement of the purpose and scale of the project:(max 100 words)
2. Are there any other organisation(s) involved in your project/activity? (Yes/No)
3. If you answered yes to question 2please provide the following additional details:
- Organisation(s) name
- Why have you chosen to work with them?
- How do they assist you in establishing and/or executing the project?
- What service do they provide to the beneficiaries of the project?
(max 100 words)
4. What skills and attributes will you gain and how will theydevelop by carrying out this project/activity?
(Please refer specifically to theLeeds for Lifewebsite for details of the 13 Leeds for Life skills)
(max 300 words)
5. Does your project have any beneficiaries other than yourself? (Yes/No)
6. If you answered yes to question 5, please identify the target group and explain the benefits to them from your project. Remember to consider any potential problems you may encounter working with this group:
(max 300 words)
7. Please give a brief summary of your motivations for carrying out this project/activity and any previous relevant experience you may have:
(max 300 words)
8. What other money has been raised so far, from what source and do you have any plans for future fundraising to contribute to the project/activity?
(max 100 words)
9. Please provide a breakdown of anticipated costs for your project/activity, including any specific dates by which you need funding, and clearly identify the elements to be covered by the Leeds for Life Foundation grant
Item / Cost in £
10. Please give an approximate timescale for the delivery of your project, including start and end dates, preparation and delivery time. Always bear in mind academic and other commitments.
Date / Activity / Location
Section 3 – Personal Tutorsupport (this section must be completed and returned as part of your application)
At this point in your application please email your completed form to your Personal Tutor/Supervisor and arrange to meet them to discuss your project/activity. Your Personal Tutor will need to complete this section of the form andsend it back to youbefore you apply as applications will not be considered without a supporting statement from your Personal Tutor.
Personal Tutors/Supervisors please consider the following points in your supporting statement:
Please could you consider the following points in the supporting statement:-
- The likely benefit of the project to the student
- The ways in which the student’s skills will be developed
- The ability of the student to complete the project
- Whether carrying out the project will interfere with the student’s academic progress.
Section 4 - Health and Safety
It is important that you consider any Health and Safety risks to yourself or others which may arise from your proposed project/activity. You remain totally responsible for your own health, safety and belongings whilst taking part in your project/activity and will not be covered by University insurance.
Section 5 - Support for disabled students
We want to ensure that the opportunities provided by the Leeds for Life Foundation are fully accessible to all students. In some cases, if you are a disabled student, you may require additional support in order to take part in your proposed project/activity (for example, you may need some mobility assistance, note-taking support, sign language interpreting , etc.)
In many circumstances we are able to work with the Disabled Student’s Assessment and Support team (DSAS) to arrange this support. Normally we would also make sure that this support is funded separately from any project funding, so that you would not need to use your project funding for these purposes. We are happy to discuss you access or support requirements with you at any stage just contact us at
Section 6 – Additional information
The closing date for submission of applications is: Midday on Wednesday 1st November 2017 Consideration will only be given to applications submitted by email to ing this form by the closing time/date.
You will be notified if you have been invited for interview by Friday 24th November 2017and interviews will be held week commencingMonday 27th November 2017.
Please remember that this is a competitive application process and our funds are limited. We encourage you to consider all of your answers carefully and pay attention to spelling, punctuation and grammar. Do not include any other supporting information with your application and you can get advice on making competitive applications at the Careers Centre, 5-7 Cromer Terrace
Thank you & Good Luck!