Sumter Central High School
Course Title: Multimedia Design
Program: Business, Management and Administration
LaTonia Johnson, Instructor
Room E109
Phone: (205) 652-1501
Web Address:
Course Description
Multimedia Design is a one-credit course designed to provide students with hands-on skills involving graphic design, digital photography, Web publishing, and digital video production. Students use various hardware peripherals and software for completing documents. Career and technical student organizations are integral, co*curricular components of each career and technical education course. These organizations serve as a means to enhance classroom instruction while helping students develop leadership abilities, expand workplace-readiness skills, and broaden opportunities for personal and professional growth. This course will include an entity of IT Microsoft Academy. (see additional sheet for information).
Prerequisites course is Business Technology Applications
Course Goals
Students will:
Compare types of multimedia, including presentation, desktop publishing, Web page design, graphic design, digital photography, and digital video use in creating projects.
Utilize a variety of input devices for digitizing multimedia information, including digital camera, video, scanner, Internet downloads, and graphic software.
Use a variety of software and equipment to create, modify, and enhance multimedia projects.
Demonstrate appropriate techniques associated with graphic design.
- Examples: selecting, resizing, manipulating graphics, changing resolution, rastering, retouching photographs, correcting color, creating images
Utilize precision tools to manipulate images.
- Examples: deleting, moving, rotating, setting custom alignment guides, extracting and applying filters
Utilize graphic design software to create business and personal publications.
- Examples: newsletters, brochures, business cards, calendars
Apply integration principles for importing scanned, digitized graphics and text, tables, charts, and pictures into a publication.
Utilize research results to interpret the impact of media and copyright laws on media publications.
- Examples: ethical issues, authenticity
Explain differences among Web sites, Web pages, and Web browsers.
•Identifying Web elements, including hypertext markup language (HTML) tags, headings, and body
Develop interactive Web pages and sites using a variety of component formats, including HTML, HTML editors, and Web authoring programs.
- Examples: components—guest book, forms, hit counter, marquees, hover button, transition, banner advertisements, navigational schemes
Determine the applicable format for converting digital files.
- Examples: Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) Portable Network Graphics (PNG), Music Player 3 (MP3), Tagged Image File Format (TIFF)
Apply knowledge of project management to ensure a quality product.
Demonstrate the manipulation of digital image file sizing.
•Optimizing resolution for Web and print publications
Determine career and entrepreneurial opportunities, responsibilities, and educational and credentialing requirements related to multimedia design.
Essential Question(s)
What criteria should be considered when determining the correct type of software and equipment to be used for multimedia project development?
What criteria should be considered when determining the correct type of software and equipment to be used for creating a graphic design?
What criteria should be considered when determining the correct type of software and equipment to be used for Web site development?
What are the planning stages when developing, maintaining and evaluating Web sites?
Grading Scale
A = / 100-90B = / 89-80
C = / 79-70
D = / 69-60
F = / 59-Below
Evaluations will be based on the following:
Daily Assignment Completion / 30%Assessments (Quizzes, Tests & Exams) / 30%
Homework / 10%
Major Projects / 30%
Total / 100%
Supply List for all courses taught by Mrs. Johnson:
- 1-inch with sheet protectord
- 1 packs of notebook paper and copier paper
- Pack of black/blue ink pens (to be used throughout the course)
- Pack of #2 Pencils (to be used throughout the course)
- Jump/flash/thumb drive (at least 4GB)
- Composition or folder with 3 prongs and 2 pockets for notes
Introduction to Multimedia
3-ring binder, paper, pen, 8-divider tabs, computer with Internet access
Software: Keynote, Pages, Photo Booth, iMovie, Microsoft Words and PowerPoint
Attendance Policy--
MAKE-UP WORK: It is the responsibility of the student to manage his or her make-up work. You must get the assignments, take the make-up tests etc. Do not expect your teachers to automatically inform you and schedule your make-up work. You will be expected to use the course website and other tools to avoid falling behind. The policy from the student handbook appears below:
1.Excused Absences: With regard to make-up work, an excused absence permits the students to make up the work for credit. Students will be given three days to make up their work for each day of absence for multiple absences. Work which was previously assigned and due on an absence day is due on the day of return. Work which is not completed within the allotted time will be graded as failing. Excused absences on test days will allow the student an opportunity for a make-up test. Chronic absence on test days, or days when major assignments are due, may disallow the student from make-up opportunities.
2.Unexcused Absences: Students are not allowed to make up assignments which are missed due to unexcused absences. Student absences from the classroom due to suspension out-of-school are considered unexcused. First Time Out-Of-School-Exception (see suspension from school)
3.In-School Suspension: Students assignment will be sent to in-school suspension teacher. Failure to follow this procedure, or failure to turn in work upon return to class, will result in a failing grade being assigned for the missed work.
CTSO (Professional Organization)
All business employees are also encouraged to join (FBLA), Future Business Leaders of America. FBLA is an employee organization that helps enhance course instruction, develop leadership skills, and provide opportunities for professional growth and service. Membership is $12.00 for the school year.
Culminating Product(s)
Students prepare for competitive events