Editor’s Report – Fall 2010 Toronto Meeting

Oct 28, 2010

Ed teNyenhuis

Between March 11, 2010 and Oct 27, 2010, a total of 78new & resubmitted papers in the transformer area were submitted to IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery for possible publication. For the 57 reviews completed during this period, the recommendations were:

Accept without changes: 13

Revise and Resubmit: 26

Reject: 18

Another 18 papers are under review and 5 papers are waiting to be processed for their initial review. A summary of the accepted papers is at the end of this report. The above numbers include reviews managed by Dr Francisco De Leon of Polytechnic Institute of NYU and myself.

The papers accepted for publication are shown below:

Number / Paper ID / Title
1 / TPWRD-00721-2009 / Diagnostic Application of Moisture Equilibrium for Power Transformers
2 / TPWRD-00689-2009.R1 / On-Line Conditional Anomaly Detection in Multivariate Data
for Transformer Monitoring
3 / TPWRD-00676-2009.R2 / Development of Ultra – Low Noise transformer technology
4 / TPWRD-00375-2009.R1 / Reduction of Loss and Local Overheating in the Tank of a Current Transformer
5 / TPWRD-00924-2009.R1 / Oil forced versus Oil directed cooling of Power Transformers
6 / TPWRD-00701-2009.R1 / Diagnosis of On-load Tap Changer Contact Degradation by Dynamic Resistance Measurements
7 / TPWRD-00671-2009.R1 / Experimental Comparison of Conventional and Optical Current Transformers
8 / TPWRD-00880-2008.R1 / Explicit Dynamic Analysis of a Retrofit Measure on a Power Transformer to prevent Projection of a Bushing due to an Internal Fault
9 / TPWRD-00336-2010.R1 / HTS Transformer: Construction Details, Test Results and Noted Failure Mechanisms
10 / TPWRD-00016-2010.R2 / Analysis of Nonlinear Characteristics for a Three-Phase, Five-limb Transformer under DC Bias
11 / TPWRD-00699-2009.R2 / New Three-Phase Inductive FCL with Common Core and Trifilar Windings
12 / TPWRD-00901-2009.R1 / Interpretation of Transformer FRA Responses – Part II: Influence of Transformer Structure
13 / TPWRD-00862-2009.R1 / A Critical Cross-Examination on Load-Balancing Transformers for Distribution Systems

It can be noted that the number of papers being submitted has been steadily increasing. Below is shown statistics during the last 2 years (new & resubmitted papers):

2010 Fall Meeting78

2010 Spring Meeting77

2009 Fall Meeting40

2009 Spring Meeting54

I am now also reviewing letters for publication. These require a less rigorous review and only 2 reviewers are needed per letter. Since the last meeting, 10 letters were submitted for review and 7 reviews were completed with the below recommendations:

Accept without changes: 2

Revise and Resubmit: 3

Reject: 2

I would like to thank all of the reviewers who volunteered for this effort and donated their time, and would like to encourage everyone associated with IEEE Transformers Committee activities to consider becoming a Reviewer.

I would like to encourage those Reviewers that already have an account on IEEE Manuscript Central to keep their profile information updated and complete the areas for key words and areas of interest. We need more reviewers and I encourage any of you that have not signed up as reviewers to sign up per the instructions below.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ed teNyenhuis

Editor, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

All members and attendees of the IEEE Transformer Committee are invited to review technical papers. Please sign up at: