Calling all schools! This is your opportunity to be highlighted during the KIIITV Share Your Christmas broadcast! Don’t miss this opportunity -the chance to be showcased in our live TV special are booked quickly!
KIII-TV Channel 3 is planning for our 27thAnnual “Share Your Christmas” Food Drive, benefiting the Food Bank of Corpus Christi. This is your invitation to participate in our efforts to feed the less fortunate in South Texas, and provide a lesson of giving, community and comradely to our youth.
The “KIII-TV Share Your Christmas” broadcast will take place on Friday, December 5, 2014. As an incentive for your school to participate, we will again have our yearly school contest! There are three in-town school categories (Small, Medium and Large, by enrollment total) and one out-of town category (for all out of town schools), and one school in each category that collects the highest pound per student will receive a Grand Prize of $800.00 for their school. We will be awarding 4 checks this year. All schools of any grade level participating in this contest are eligible to win, as long as your participation form for your school is submitted.IN ORDER TO BE INCLUDED IN THE CONTEST, WE MUST HAVE THE APPROXIMATE ENROLLMENT FOR THE SCHOOL. WE USE THIS NUMBER TO DETERMINE WHICH CATEGORY YOU SCHOOL IS IN.
The official collection deadline for all schools will be on November 21. Your donation will be picked up and weighed by the Food Bank of Corpus Christi. Food Donation Pick-Up will take place Monday December 1st to Thursday, December 4th. Please have your food contribution in one place at your school for easy pick-up. You will get a Pick-Up Confirmation email from the Food Bank to set up your pick up date and time. If you have sent in a participation form to KIIITV but do not get contacted by December 1st for a pick up time,please call the Food Bank at 361.887.6291for the pick up date and time.
Please note that on your school’s pick up date, monetary donations cannot be accepted. All money or checks must be mailed to the Food Bank or hand delivered to one of the Share Your Christmas locations during the food drive on December 5. All mailed donations must be accepted by December 4th to be in the tabulation for the contest. DO NOT TAKE ANY LOOSE CHANGE TO THE FOODBANK; THEY CAN ONLY ACCEPT CASH IN BILLS OR A CHECK.Your school’s contest total consists of food collected and monetary donations. Every $1 that is donated is equal to 14 pounds of food that will be added to your school’s total pounds collected.
We invite every school that is participating in the Food Drive to come on our Share Your Christmas show on Friday December 5th. We will be doing the show between 5:00am-6:30pm and there will be a numerous locations, including 4towns outside of Corpus Christi, that you are eligible to go to. This is a priceless way to make your school recognized for how they collected the food and/or money, during an interview conducted by members of our Channel 3 news team at the Share Your Christmas
Depending on the selected interview time, being on the Share Your Christmas show could mean that students are taken out of school, but you can choose a specific student or students and teachers and make it a field trip. If you wish to have your school on our Share Your Christmas broadcast on Friday December 5th,pleaseindicate on your participation form and you willreceive a call to set up a time during the day that will work for you.
If you wish to join in the spirit of giving and to collect food for the “Kiii-TV Share Your Christmas Food Drive”, please fill out the participation form and email to ANDor fax it back to 361.986.8440 AND 361.887.7687.
If you have any questions, please call email or call at 986-8405