Contact Information:
Chris Baughman
Home Phone: 259–2258
School Phone: 234 – 1562
Email: OR
Welcome to our Pre Calculus class for the 2013-2014 school year! This year you will extend your knowledge of learning in Geometry and Algebra 2, but, more importantly, Pre Calculus is designed to prepare you for high school or college calculus and/or college algebra. I am extremely excited about teaching pre calculus thisyear, and with your help, I believe we can have a very successful and exciting school year.
- a three-ring binder with loose leaf paper OR a notebook
- writing utensils
- calculator (TI-83, TI-84, TI-89, or TI-Inspire)
- graph paper (I can provide copies, but you may want your own for home.)
Homework, presentations, and daily work will account for 40% of your nine-weeks grade. Assessments, such as quizzes, tests, and projects will account for 60% of your nine-weeks grade. Each test will count twice in PowerSchool underneath the “Assessment” category. Nine-weeks tests may also be given and count as a test grade at the end of the first and third nine weeks. Semester exams will count for 20% of the entire semester grade.
- Quizzes will be given as I see a need for them, and sometimes they will be unannounced.
- Test will be given once or twice per chapter.
- Material on tests and exams is comprehensive, meaning any material covered prior to a test is subject to be on that test.
Any student who fails to complete a homework assignment by the due date will receive a “0.” However,
the student may request to complete a maximum of two“Alternate Assignments” per nine weeks to turn in two days following the incomplete homework’s due date. Students will receive no higher than a “65” on the alternate assignment to replace the “0” missed for the assigned homework. Alternate assignments will be posted on my Haiku page.
All assignments will be posted weekly on the board as well as on my Haiku website.
Grading Scale:
90 – 100A
80 – 89B
70 – 79C
65 – 69D
0 – 64 F(adopted by the Oxford School Board of Trustees 2009)
Make-up Work:
Make-up work for absences will follow school policy. You must have an excused absence within twodays to be allowed to make up any work missed. Any unexcused absences will result in a “0” for any work missed on the date of the absence. It is your responsibility to get any assignments you missed from me as well as make arrangements to take tests or quizzes that were missed on the day of the absence. You may email me anytime you are or have been absent.
You may come in Monday mornings before 7:15 (duty day) OR any other morning between 6:30 and 7:40 to make up missing work.
Extra credit MAY be given as a regular part of class work. I do not give extra credit at the end of a grading period so a student can simply raise his/her average. No extra credit assignments will be accepted late.
Advanced Mathematical Concepts: Precalculus with Applications. Glencoe, Inc. 2006.
Student Access Code: B02192C5C1
NOTE: If you have trouble opening the online textbook, be sure to download Adobe Reader.
Rules and Consequences:
To have a successful school year, it is my responsibility to see that the classroom acts as a comfortable and supportive environment for you and your classmates. Therefore, I have procedures that I expect to be followed. Hopefully, these procedures will always be followed, but if they are not, consequences will be dealt out accordingly. Please read my classroom rules and consequences below.
Classroom Procedures:
When I ask for your attention or others are presentingstop what you are doing, turn and face the speaker, get quiet, and respect the rights of the speaker by listening and paying attention
In order to enter or exit the classroom, you must have your ID on and around your neck with the school-issued lanyard.
Restroom Policy:
It is important that students remain in the classroom unless it is an absolute emergency. Therefore, I will not allow you to go to the restroom unless I see it as an emergency. If youhave a problem and may need to go to the restroom on a regular basis, please have your parent send a doctor’s note explaining the circumstances. You will be expected to go to the restroom in between classes.
No student will be allowed to leave the classroom without a hall pass and an ID.
Cell Phone/Computer Use:
- Any student suspected of texting or using your cell phone during class will be asked to give your phone to me. I will turn in your phone to the principal who will keep your phone until a parent or guardian comes to school and gets it.
- Students who argue or refuse to hand over their phone will be referred to the principal and will suffer a three-day out of school suspension.
- When assignments allow for use of cell phones or computers, it is expected that phones and computers be used appropriately. Any suspicion of inappropriate use will result in the confiscation of the cell phone or computer and the student will not be allowed to use the technology in class again.
Group Work:
Much of this class will be spent doing work in groups. It is expected that when working in groups, you will remain on task, keep discussions within your group only, and keep an appropriate volume level. For presentations, one random group member will be chosen to present solutions his or her group discussed and the mathematics supporting those solutions. This group member’s performance will determine the entire group’s grade for the presentation. Therefore, it is imperative to hold each other accountable during group work. Failure to comply with group work expectations will result in grade deductions for every member of the group.
Haiku Web Page:
Assignments, alternate assignments, presentations, homework solutions, announcements, etc. will all be posted on my Haiku Learning web page. At times, assessments may also be taken via this web page. Please check this website consistently for new material. Please follow the instructions below to enroll in your class.
- Go to
- Type in the following code to enroll: G56MQ
- Click on Student
- Click on Register and enter your information
- Be sure to read the terms of service and mark the box saying you have done so.
- Click Create Account
- Once an account has been created, to sign back into the website, go to and click on Sign In at the top.
This site will send a mass text message concerning homework assignments, upcoming tests, changes in schedule, and any other announcements that may pertain to this class. The number from which the message is sent is a random number to which a reply cannot be sent. To receive these text messages, send a text to (610) 365-1777 with the message @coachbaugh.