Expression of Interest – Advisory Committee
Feast Asia – May 1 2016
For over 10 years, the Museum has collaborated with Victoria’s multicultural communities to stage vibrant and popular community festivals. On Sunday 1May 2016, the Immigration Museum will host Feast Asia, a one-day event showcasing an array of cultural activities, cuisines, music and traditions celebrating culture from across the continent of Asia.
The Immigration Museum invites community groups to become part of the Advisory Committeeand make recommendations (made within key deadline periods for the festival), for the Immigration Museum Program Manager and Senior ProgramsOfficer to develop a program of performances, demonstrations, activities and food for the festival. The deadline to submit your Expression of Interest is Monday 21March 2016
The Immigration Museum is committed to authentic representations of contemporary and traditional cultural practices, food, discussion topics, performances and displays at community festivals. We value the contribution thatAdvisory Committees make to our events and welcome their input throughout the development process. We invite 1-2 active participants from each community to provide input and attend the occasional workshop meetingin person or by phone in the lead up to the event.
The role of the festival advisory committee is to;
- gather information, recommend contacts from within their own communities, and identify cultural practices, stories, activities, performers and presenters to be considered by IM programming staff
- Provide guidance and assistance in developing culturally sensitive content for the program
- be the contact to other non-advisory committee members of their community to promote the event and encourage attendance and participation in the program.
For further information don’t hesitate to get in touch;
Sam Boivin
Senior Program Officer
PH: 03 9927 2740
Eleni Kaponis
Program Manager
PH: 03 9927 2741
- What best describes you? (please circle)
Member of Community group / organisation / Individual / Sole Trader / Small Business / Performer / Artist / Other (please specify)
- Describe what ideas you have for programing to be consideredfor the festival?
i.e. food and beverage stalls, tastings, performances, workshops, demonstrations, films, talks, displays, children’s activities or other (PLEASE ATTACH photos, video or web links if available).
- Statement of community group / organisation purpose & who it represents:
- Group contact information:
Are members of your group able to commit to planning the festival and attending the majority of committee meetings?
☐Yes ☐No
Main contact:
Name ______
Phone ______
Website / facebook______
Email ______
- Is your community group / organisation based in Victoria? ☐ Yes ☐ No
(As Immigration Museum is part of Museum Victoria, priority is given to Victorian community groups)
- What links does your group or community have with other cultures that may relate to the themeFeast Asia?