Five geographic regions have been established by the WISCPHR to assist in the dissemination of information from the national and state level to the individual program/member level. Each region, officially affiliated with the Society, shall adhere to the following guidelines when electing representatives:

  1. Specifications:
  1. each Regional Representative (hereafter referred to as Reg Reps) shall be a Member in good standing of WISCPHR;
  2. two to three Reg Reps shall be elected from each region;
  3. Reg Reps will be elected at regional meetings during the first regional meeting of each calendar year which is to take place no later than March 1st and the process is at the discretion of each region;
  4. the term of office will begin on June 1st and end on May 30th;
  5. terms shall be two (if two Reg Reps are elected) or three (if three Regional Reps are elected) years and Reg Reps will be elected in alternate/rotating years;
  6. if a Reg Rep is unable to complete the two or three-year commitment, nominations will be requested by the remaining Reg Rep(s) and a new election shall be held to elect a Reg Rep to fill the vacancy;
  1. Responsibilities:
  1. General:
  1. attend 3-5 WISCPHR Board meetings in each year;
  2. serve on at least one WISCPHR committees including but not limited to the Education, Leadership, Quality Improvement, Membership, Nominating and Telecommunication Committees;
  3. communicate information from the Board meetings to the regional membership;
  4. discuss regional concerns and activities at Board meetings;
  5. maintain all regional documentation (meeting minutes, roster of regional members, calendar of events, etc);
  6. organize and schedule all regional meetings and elections;
  7. mentor new Reg Reps as they are elected
  1. Specific Responsibilities:
  1. Each Reg Rep is responsible for specific responsibilities in order to assist the region run smoothly. These specific responsibilities are outlined in the Policy Manual
  2. Each Reg Rep is encouraged to assume these responsibilities and to assist the other Reg Reps as needed


Subject: WISCPHR Regional Representative-Two Year Term

Policy: To provide a guideline of responsibilities for each year of service as a WISCPHR Regional Representative when there are two representatives.

Affected Parties: Two Year Term Regional Representatives


Responsibilities of all Regional Representatives:

1)Serve as part of the Board of Directors (BOD) and be a part of the quorum for voting. Attend 3-5 WISCPHR BOD meetings in Wisconsin Dells each year. Preferably in person, may be by teleconference if needed. Consult with fellow BOD members to inform of absence.

2)Serve on 1-3 WISCPHR committees. Refer to WISCPHR website for a complete list of committees.

a)One regional rep from each region to join the website subcommittee. One regional rep from each region to join the teleconferencing subcommittee.

b)One regional rep from each region to join the leadership committee.

c)One regional rep from each region to join the Health Promotion and Education committee.

3)Responsible for reporting all information from BOD meetings to the regional membership, and for bringing regional concerns to the attention of the BOD.

4)Each region is encouraged to nominate a WISCPHR member for the Award of Excellence that is presented at the Annual Conference in spring. The nomination may be made by a regional rep or by a participating region member.

5)First year in term:

a)Responsible for attendance at 4 regional meetings per year. Preferably in person, teleconference is allowed for special circumstances to be discussed with fellow representative. Minimum of 2 in-person attendance.

b)Track attendance at all regional meetings. Keep track of members and non-member attendees. For all non-members attending, politely encourage them to become a member prior to attending the next meeting. Inform the current president of attendees that are not members and also previous attendees that did not renew their membership. There is a letter developed that the current president may send to previous members encouraging them to renew their membership. Request at all meetings for any updates of membership, mailing address, email address, phone numbers.

c)Responsible for preparing minutes of each regional meeting and distributing them to the fellow representative and WISCPHR president. After approval by all, distribute to regional membership and attendees. Seek additions or corrections from the membership and make appropriate actions on suggestions. Email approved minutes to the WISCPHR secretary to be posted on the website within 1-2 weeks post meeting. Send summarized minutes to WISCPHR President to include in BOD meeting agenda.

d)Collect newsworthy articles from Regional members according to the WISCPHR timeline to be included in your respective regional newsletter. A regional contact may be designated by the region/regional rep to work this role. (Each region is responsible for 1 of the 5 newsletters during a calendar year).

e)The regional rep or appointed regional contact must submit region news to the WISCPHR newsletter chair by date specified in WISCPHR timeline for all five newsletters.

f)Maintain current mailing list, email and phone listings for all regional members and submit completed Roster form to WISCPHR President by September 1st.

g)Assist with preparation of regional meeting agendas.

h)Chair regional meetings in time of absence of second year rep.

i)Mentor the member that is rotating in for the current second year rep. Inform the secretary of their contact information to add to the Executive Board of Directors and Contact document. Have the new reps information put on the newsletter, website, and inform the membership. Work with them so they are comfortable locating the regional rep online binder.

6)Second year in term:

a)Plan four regional meetings per year. This includes coordination of meeting location, development of meeting agenda, speakers, handouts, assignments, lunch, etc. May seek ideas for coordination from membership and first year rep. Preferably in person, teleconference is allowed for special circumstances to be discussed with fellow representative. Minimum of 2 in-person attendance. Seek help from first year to chair regional meeting in absence.

b)Chair regional meetings.

c)Coordinate with first and second year reps to develop a brief list of regional goals to be accomplished between June 1st and May 31st of that term.

d)Maintain and keep current WISCPHR Regional Rep information on the website in one central location under the “Leadership Tab”. The website will, at a minimum, hold current information including Constitution and Bylaws for WISCPHR; Policies and Procedures for WISCHPR, regional map; regional membership phone and email lists; WISCPHR timeline; minutes of previous regional meetings from last two years; list of current WISCPHR Executive Committee, Regional Reps, Committee Chairs and Committee Members; and Website information including Cardiac Rehab AACVPR registry and Pulmonary Rehab AACVPR Registry.

Subject: WISCPHR Regional Representative-Three Year Term

Policy: To provide a guideline of responsibilities for each year of service as a WISCPHR Regional Representative when there are three representatives.

Affected Parties: Three Year Term Regional Representatives


Responsibilities of all Regional Representatives:

7)Serve as part of the Board of Directors (BOD) and be a part of the quorum for voting. Attend 3-5 WISCPHR BOD meetings in Wisconsin Dells each year. Preferably in person, may be by teleconference if needed. Consult with fellow BOD members to inform of absence.

8)Serve on 1-3 WISCPHR committees. Refer to WISCPHR website for a complete list of committees.

a)One regional rep from each region to join the website subcommittee. One regional rep from each region to join the teleconferencing subcommittee.

b)One regional rep from each region to join the leadership committee.

c)One regional rep from each region to join the Health Promotion and Education committee.

9)Responsible for reporting all information from BOD meetings to the regional membership, and for bringing regional concerns to the attention of the BOD.

10)Each region is encouraged to nominate a WISCPHR member for the Award of Excellence that is presented at the Annual Conference in spring. The nomination may be made by a regional rep or by a participating region member.

11)First year in term:

j)Responsible for attendance at 4 regional meetings per year. Preferably in person, teleconference is allowed for special circumstances to be discussed with fellow representative. Minimum of 2 in-person attendance.

k)Track attendance at all regional meetings. Keep track of members and non-member attendees. For all non-members attending, politely encourage them to become a member prior to attending the next meeting. Inform the current president of attendees that are not members and also previous attendees that did not renew their membership. There is a letter developed that the current president may send to previous members encouraging them to renew their membership. Request at all meetings for any updates of membership, mailing address, email address, phone numbers.

l)Responsible for preparing minutes of each regional meeting and distributing them to the fellow representative and WISCPHR president. After approval by all, distribute to regional membership and attendees. Seek additions or corrections from the membership and make appropriate actions on suggestions. Email approved minutes to the WISCPHR secretary to be posted on the website within 1-2 weeks post meeting. Send summarized minutes to WISCPHR President to include in BOD meeting agenda.

m)Maintain current mailing list, email and phone listings for all regional members and submit completed Roster form to WISCPHR President by September 1st.

12)Second year in term:

a)Responsible for attendance at 4 regional meetings per year. Preferably in person, teleconference is allowed for special circumstances to be discussed with fellow representative. Minimum of 2 in-person attendance.

b)Assist with coordination of regional meetings with third year representative. Chair regional meetings in time of absence of third year rep.

c)Collect newsworthy articles from Regional members according to the WISCPHR timeline to be included in your respective regional newsletter. A regional contact may be designated by the region/regional rep to work this role. (Each region is responsible for 1 of the 5 newsletters during a calendar year).

d)The regional rep or appointed regional contact must submit region news to the WISCPHR newsletter chair by date specified in WISCPHR timeline for all five newsletters.

e)Mentor the member that is rotating in for the current third year rep. Inform the secretary of their contact information to add to the Executive Board of Directors and Contact document. Have the new reps information put on the newsletter, website, and inform the membership. Work with them so they are comfortable locating the regional rep online binder.

13)Third year in term:

a)Plan four regional meetings per year. This includes coordination of meeting location, development of meeting agenda, speakers, handouts, assignments, lunch, etc. May seek ideas for coordination from membership and first and second year reps. Preferably in person, teleconference is allowed for special circumstances to be discussed with fellow representatives. Minimum of 2 in-person attendance. Seek help from second year to chair regional meeting in absence.

b)Chair regional meetings.

c)Coordinate with first and second year reps to develop a brief list of regional goals to be accomplished between June 1st and May 31st of that term.

d)Maintain and keep current WISCPHR Regional Rep information on the website in one central location under the “Leadership Tab”. The website will, at a minimum, hold current information including Constitution and Bylaws for WISCPHR; Policies and Procedures for WISCHPR, regional map; regional membership phone and email lists; WISCPHR timeline; minutes of previous regional meetings from last two years; list of current WISCPHR Executive Committee, Regional Reps, Committee Chairs and Committee Members; and Website information including Cardiac Rehab AACVPR registry and Pulmonary Rehab AACVPR Registry.