BQF 2016 question set
Galatians 1:1Who raised him (Jesus Christ)? God the Father
Galatians 1:1From what did God the Father raise him (Jesus Christ)? The dead
Galatians 1:2Who are with me? All the brothers
Galatians 1:6What am I? Astonished
Galatians 1:6Why am I astonished? (That) You are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel
Galatians 1:6How are you deserting [OR How are you turning]? So quickly
Galatians 1:6Whom are you deserting? Him who called you in the grace of Christ
Galatians 1:6To what are you turning? (A) Different gospel
Galatians 1:7Who are there [OR Who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ]? Some
Galatians 1:7What do some want to distort? The gospel of Christ
Galatians 1:8If what let him be accursed? (Even if) We or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you
Galatians 1:9How do I say? As we have said before
Galatians 1:9When have we said? Before
Galatians 1:9What do I say [OR What have we said before]? If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed
Galatians 1:9If what let him be accursed? Anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received
Galatians 1:10If what would I not be a servant of Christ? I were still trying to please man
Galatians 1:10Of whom would I not be a servant if I were still trying to please man? Christ
Galatians 1:11What would I have you know is not man’s gospel [OR What was preached]? The gospel
Galatians 1:11Whom would I have know? You, brothers
Galatians 1:12From whom did I not receive it? Any man
Galatians 1:12Through what did I receive it? (A) Revelation of Jesus Christ
Galatians 1:13Of what have you heard? My former life in Judaism, how I persecuted the church of God violently and tried to destroy it
Galatians 1:14In what was I advancing? Judaism
Galatians 1:14Beyond whom was I advancing? Many of my own age
Galatians 1:14Among whom was I advancing? My people
Galatians 1:14What was I? Advancing OR Extremely Zealous
Galatians 1:14For what was I extremely zealous? The traditions of my fathers
Galatians 1:15Before when had he set me apart? I was born
Galatians 1:15What was I? Born (set apart, called)
Galatians 1:15By what did he call me? His grace
Galatians 1:16Among whom might I preach him? The gentiles
Galatians 1:16How did I not consult with anyone? Immediately
Galatians 1:17Into where did I go away? Arabia
Galatians 1:17To where did I return? Damascus
Galatians 1:18When did I go up? Then after three years
Galatians 1:18To where did I go up? Jerusalem
Galatians 1:18Why did I go up to Jerusalem? To visit Cephas
Galatians 1:18When did I remain with him (Cephas)? Fifteen days
Galatians 1:19Except whom did I see none of the other apostles? (Except) James the Lord’s brother
Galatians 1:20In what do I not lie? (What) I am writing to you
Galatians 1:20Before whom do I not lie? God
Galatians 1:21Into what did I go? The regions of Syria and Cilicia
Galatians 1:22When was I unknown? Still
Galatians 1:22What was I? Unknown
Galatians 1:22To whom was I unknown? The churches of Judea
Galatians 1:22Who are in Christ? The churches of Judea
Galatians 1:23What did they say? “He who used to persecute us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy”
Galatians 1:23Who is preaching the faith he once tried to destroy? He who used to persecute us
Galatians 1:23What is he preaching [OR What did he once try to destroy]? The faith
Galatians 1:23When did he try to destroy the faith? Once
Galatians 1:24Whom did they glorify? God
Galatians 2:1When did I go up? Then after fourteen years (again)
Galatians 2:1To where did I go up? Jerusalem
Galatians 2:1With whom did I go up? Barnabas OR (Taking along with me) Titus
Galatians 2:2Why did I go up? Because of a revelation
Galatians 2:2What did I set before them [OR What do I proclaim]? The gospel
Galatians 2:2How did I set the gospel before those who seemed influential? Privately
Galatians 2:2Before whom did I set the gospel privately? (Them) Those who seemed influential
Galatians 2:2Among whom do I proclaim (the gospel)? The Gentiles
Galatians 2:2Why did I set before them the gospel? In order to make sure I was not running or had not run in vain
Galatians 2:3Who was with me [OR Who was not forced to be circumcised]? Titus
Galatians 2:3What was Titus not forced to be? Circumcised
Galatians 2:3Though what was Titus not forced to be circumcised? (Though) He was a Greek
Galatians 2:3What was he (Titus)? (A) Greek (with me) OR Not forced to be circumcised
Galatians 2:4Who slipped in (might bring us into slavery)? (They) False brothers
Galatians 2:4Why did false brothers slip in? To spy out our freedom OR (So that) They might bring us into slavery
Galatians 2:4What do we have in Christ Jesus? Freedom
Galatians 2:4In whom do we have our freedom? Christ Jesus
Galatians 2:5In what did we not yield? Submission
Galatians 2:5For when did we not yield? (Even a) Moment
Galatians 2:5Why did we not yield for even a moment? (So that the) Truth of the gospel might be preserved for you
Galatians 2:5What might be preserved? The truth of the gospel
Galatians 2:6What makes no difference to me? (What) They were
Galatians 2:6Who shows no partiality? God
Galatians 2:6What does God show? No partiality
Galatians 2:6Who added nothing to me? Those who seemed (to be) influential
Galatians 2:7What did they see I had been [OR What had Peter been]? Entrusted
Galatians 2:7With what had I been entrusted [OR With what had Peter been entrusted]? The gospel
Galatians 2:7To whom had I been entrusted? The uncircumcised
Galatians 2:7To whom had Peter been entrusted? The circumcised
Galatians 2:7How had I been entrusted? Just as Peter had been (entrusted)
Galatians 2:8Who worked through me [OR Who worked for mine]? He who worked through Peter
Galatians 2:8Through whom did he work? (Me,) Peter
Galatians 2:8For what did he work? His apostolic ministry OR Mine
Galatians 2:9Who seemed to be pillars (should go to the circumcised) [OR Who perceived the grace that was given to me (gave the right hand of fellowship)]? (They,) James, (and) Cephas, and John
Galatians 2:9What did James and Cephas and John seem to be? Pillars
Galatians 2:9What did James and Cephas and John perceive [OR What was given]? (The) Grace
Galatians 2:9What did they give (James and Cephas and John give)? The right hand of fellowship
Galatians 2:9To whom did they give the right hand of fellowship (James and Cephas and John give the right hand of fellowship)? Barnabas and me
Galatians 2:9Why did they give the right hand of fellowship to Barnabas and me (James and Cephas and John give the right hand of fellowship to Barnabas and me)? We should go to the Gentiles and they to the circumcised
Galatians 2:9To whom should we go? The gentiles
Galatians 2:9To whom should they go (James and Cephas and John go)? The circumcised
Galatians 2:10What did they ask us [OR What was the very thing I was eager to do]? To remember the poor (the very thing)
Galatians 2:10Whom did they ask us to remember [OR Whom was I eager to remember]? The poor
Galatians 2:11Who came (stood condemned)? (He) Cephas
Galatians 2:11To where did Cephas come? Antioch
Galatians 2:11When did I oppose him (Cephas)? (When) Cephas came
Galatians 2:11To what did I oppose him (Cephas)? His face
Galatians 2:11Why did I oppose him (Cephas)? He (Cephas) stood condemned
Galatians 2:11How did he stand (Cephas stand)? Condemned
Galatians 2:12Before when was he eating with the Gentiles? Certain men came from James
Galatians 2:12Who came? (They,) Certain men
Galatians 2:12From whom did certain men come? James
Galatians 2:12With whom was he eating? The gentiles
Galatians 2:12When did he draw back and separate himself? (When) They (certain men) came
Galatians 2:12Fearing whom did he draw back and separate himself? The circumcision party
Galatians 2:13Who acted hypocritically? The rest of the Jews
Galatians 2:13How did the rest of the Jews act? Hypocritically
Galatians 2:13Why was Barnabas led astray? The rest of the Jews acted hypocritically along with him
Galatians 2:13By what was Barnabas led astray? Their hypocrisy
Galatians 2:14When did I say? (When) I saw that their conduct was not in step with the truth of the gospel
Galatians 2:14What did I see was not in step with the truth of the gospel? Their conduct
Galatians 2:14With what was their conduct not in step? (With) The truth of the gospel
Galatians 2:14To whom did I say? Cephas
Galatians 2:14Before whom did I say? Them all
Galatians 2:14What did I say? “If you, though a Jew, live like a Gentile and not like a Jew, how can you force the Gentiles to live like Jews?”
Galatians 2:15What are we ourselves? Jews by birth and not Gentile sinners
Galatians 2:15Who are Jews by birth and not Gentile sinners? We ourselves
Galatians 2:15By what are we ourselves Jews? Birth
Galatians 2:16What do we know? (A) Person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ
Galatians 2:16Who is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ? (A) Person
Galatians 2:16By what is a person not justified [OR By what will no one be justified]? Works of the law
Galatians 2:16Through what is a person justified? Faith in (Jesus) Christ
Galatians 2:16In whom have we believed? Christ Jesus
Galatians 2:16Why have we believed in Christ Jesus? To be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law because by works of the law no one will be justified OR We know that a person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ
Galatians 2:16Who will be justified by works of the law? No one
Galatians 2:18If what do I prove myself to be a transgressor? I rebuild what I tore down
Galatians 2:19Through what did I die [OR To what did I die]? The law
Galatians 2:19Why did I die to the law through the law? (That) I might live to God
Galatians 2:19To whom might I live? God
Galatians 2:20What have I been? Crucified
Galatians 2:20With whom have I been crucified? Christ
Galatians 2:20When do I live [OR When is it I who live]? No longer
Galatians 2:20Who lives in me [OR Who loved me and gave himself for me]? Christ OR The Son of God
Galatians 2:20What do I live? The life
Galatians 2:20In what do I live the life? The flesh
Galatians 2:20By what do I live? Faith
Galatians 2:21What do I not nullify? The grace of God
Galatians 2:21Why do I not nullify the grace of God? For if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose
Galatians 2:21If what did Christ die for no purpose? Righteousness were through the law
Galatians 2:21Who died for no purpose if righteousness were through the law? Christ
Galatians 2:21For what did Christ die if righteousness were through the law? No purpose
Galatians 3:1Before what was Jesus Christ publicly portrayed as crucified? Your eyes
Galatians 3:1Who was portrayed? Jesus Christ
Galatians 3:1How was Jesus Christ portrayed? Publicly OR (As) Crucified
Galatians 3:7Know what? It is those of faith who are the sons of Abraham
Galatians 3:7Who are the sons of Abraham? Those of faith
Galatians 3:8What preached the gospel? The Scripture
Galatians 3:8Foreseeing what did the Scripture preach the gospel? That God would justify the Gentiles by faith
Galatians 3:8Who would justify the Gentiles? God
Galatians 3:8Whom would God justify? The gentiles
Galatians 3:8By what would God justify the Gentiles? Faith
Galatians 3:8When did the Scripture preach the gospel? Beforehand
Galatians 3:8To whom did the Scripture preach the gospel? Abraham
Galatians 3:8Saying what did the Scripture preached the gospel? “In you shall all the nations be blessed”
Galatians 3:8Who shall be blessed? All the nations
Galatians 3:8What shall all the nations be? Blessed
Galatians 3:9Who are blessed? Those who are of faith
Galatians 3:9Along with whom are those who are of faith blessed? Abraham, the man of faith
Galatians 3:10Who are under a curse? All who rely on works of the law
Galatians 3:10Under what are all who rely on works of the law? (A) Curse
Galatians 3:10Why are all who rely on works of the law under a curse? For it is written, “Cursed be everyone who does not abide by all things written in the Book of the Law and do them”
Galatians 3:10What is written? “Cursed be everyone who does not abide by all things written in the Book of the Law and do them”
Galatians 3:10What be everyone who does not abide by all things written in the Book of the Law and do them? Cursed
Galatians 3:10Who be cursed? Everyone who does not abide by all things written in the Book of the Law and do them
Galatians 3:11What is evident? (It, that) No one is justified before God by the law
Galatians 3:11Who is justified before God by the law? No one
Galatians 3:11What is no one before God by the law? Justified
Galatians 3:11Before whom is no one justified by the law? God
Galatians 3:11By what is no one justified before God? The law
Galatians 3:11Who shall live by faith? The righteous
Galatians 3:11By what shall the righteous live? (By) Faith
Galatians 3:12Of what is the law not? Faith
Galatians 3:12Who shall live by them? The one who does them
Galatians 3:13Who redeemed us? Christ
Galatians 3:13From what did Christ redeem us? The curse of the law
Galatians 3:13By becoming what did Christ redeem us? (A) Curse for us
Galatians 3:13What is it written? “Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree”
Galatians 3:13What is everyone who is hanged on a tree? Cursed
Galatians 3:13Who is cursed? Everyone who is hanged on a tree
Galatians 3:14In whom might the blessing of Abraham come to the Gentiles? Christ Jesus
Galatians 3:14What might come to the Gentiles? The blessing of Abraham
Galatians 3:14To whom might the blessing of Abraham come? The Gentiles
Galatians 3:14Why might the blessing of Abraham come to the Gentiles? We might receive the promised Spirit through faith
Galatians 3:14Whom might we receive? The promised Spirit
Galatians 3:14Through what might we receive the promised Spirit? Faith
Galatians 3:15When does no one annul it or add to it (a man-made covenant)? Once it has been ratified
Galatians 3:16What were made? Promises
Galatians 3:16To whom were the promises made? Abraham and his offspring
Galatians 3:16What does it say? Not “And to offsprings” (referring to many) OR “And to your offspring” (referring to one, Christ)
Galatians 3:16Referring to whom does it not say “And to offsprings”? Many
Galatians 3:16Referring to whom does it say “And to your offspring”? One OR Christ
Galatians 3:17What is what I mean? (This) The Law which came 430 years afterward does not annul a covenant previously ratified by God so as to make the promise void
Galatians 3:17What came 430 years afterward [OR What does not annul a covenant previously ratified by God so as to make the promise void]? The law
Galatians 3:17When did the Law come? 430 years afterward
Galatians 3:18If what does it no longer come by promise? The inheritance comes by the law
Galatians 3:18By what does it no longer come if the inheritance comes by the law? Promise
Galatians 3:18When does it come by promise if the inheritance comes by the law? No longer
Galatians 3:18Who gave it (the inheritance)? God
Galatians 3:18To whom did God give it (the inheritance)? Abraham
Galatians 3:18By what did God give it (the inheritance)? (A) Promise
Galatians 3:19What was it (the law)? Added OR Put into place
Galatians 3:19Why was it added? (Because of) Transgressions
Galatians 3:19Until when was it added? The offspring should come to whom the promise had been made
Galatians 3:19Through whom was it put into place (the law put into place)? Angels
Galatians 3:19By whom was it put into place (the law put into place)? (An) Intermediary
Galatians 3:20Whom does an intermediary imply (implies)? More than one
Galatians 3:20Who is one? God
Galatians 3:21If what would righteousness be by the law? (A) Law had been given that could give life
Galatians 3:21By what would righteousness be if a law had been given that could give life? The law
Galatians 3:22What imprisoned everything? The Scripture
Galatians 3:22Under what did the scripture imprison everything? Sin
Galatians 3:22Why did the Scripture imprison everything under sin? (So that) The promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe
Galatians 3:23What might be given? The promise by faith in Jesus Christ
Galatians 3:23To whom might the promise by faith in Jesus Christ be given? Those who believe
Galatians 3:24What was our guardian? The law
Galatians 3:24Until when was the Law our guardian? Christ came
Galatians 3:24Who came? Christ
Galatians 3:24Why was the law our guardian until Christ came? We might be justified by faith
Galatians 3:24What might we be? Justified
Galatians 3:24By what might we be justified? Faith
Galatians 3:25What has come? Faith
Galatians 3:25When are we under a guardian? No longer
Galatians 3:25Under whom are we no longer? (A) Guardian
Galatians 3:26In whom are you all sons of God through faith? Christ Jesus
Galatians 3:26Who are sons of God in Christ Jesus through faith? You all
Galatians 3:26What are you all in Christ Jesus through faith? Sons of God
Galatians 3:27Who have put on Christ? As many of you as were baptized into Christ
Galatians 3:27Whom have as many of you as were baptized into Christ put on? Christ
Galatians 3:28Who is there? Neither Jew nor Greek, neither slave nor free, no male and female
Galatians 3:28Why is there neither Jew nor Greek (neither slave nor free, no male and female)? You are all one in Christ Jesus
Galatians 3:28Who are one is Christ Jesus? You all
Galatians 3:28What are you all in Christ Jesus? One
Galatians 3:28In whom are you all one? Christ Jesus
Galatians 3:29If what are you Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise? You are Christ’s
Galatians 3:29According to what are you heirs if you are Christ’s [OR According to what are you Abraham’s offspring if you are Christ’s]? Promise
Galatians 4:1Who is no different from a slave as long as he is a child (is the owner of everything)? The heir
Galatians 4:1When is the heir no different from a slave (is he the owner of everything)? As long as he is a child
Galatians 4:1From whom is the heir no different as long as he is a child? (A) Slave
Galatians 4:1What is he (the heir)? No different from a slave as long as he is a child OR Owner of everything
Galatians 4:2Under whom is he? Guardians and managers
Galatians 4:2Until when is he under guardians and managers? The date set by his father
Galatians 4:3How were we enslaved to the elementary principles of the world? In the same way
Galatians 4:3When were we enslaved to the elementary principles of the world? (When) We were children