SVMFL General Membership Meeting Minutes
Date: October 8, 2013
E-Board: George Cardozo, President; Jeff Buonanni, Vice President Scott Kieras, Treasurer; Terri O’Shea League Auxilary; Tim O’Shea, Equipment Manager Andy Pettola, Flag and Powderpuff Commissioner, Tommy Porter, Tackle Commissioner, Hope Chapman, Secretary, Terri O’Shea, League Auxilary
Absent E-Board Kim Beaudoin, Cheer Director
Attendees: Ron Pastor, Chris Kohl, Shari Kohl, Sarah Jean, John Degumbia, Pat Testa, Chris LaPorte, Michael Ferrari, Jim Tracy, David Sullivan, Jeff Graziano, David Schneider, Jon Evjen, Bonnie Solivan, Howard Campbell
Meeting Agenda:
Call to order - meeting was called to order at 8:0134pm by President, George Cordoza
A. Roll call was conducted by Hope Chapman
B. Accept minutes of last meeting – Motion to accept minutes approved
C. Treasurer Report – Scott Kieras
1. League balance is $33,898.34 after all equipment accounted for and paid for.
D. Tackle Commissioner’s Report –Tom Porter
1. Looking for coaches for all star game. Sign up board is in the field house.
2. Looking for 4 players per team/championship team can choose 5. Submit players names to Tom Porter
3. We have to provide medals for West Hartford Game
4. Trophys will also have to be ordered.
5. Discussion to split up A/B team affiliations. When its time to jump from B to A, the players go to the draft – setting up restructuring committee led by Tommy Porter
E. Flag & Powder Puff Commissioner – Andy Pettola
1. Rules – If flag comes off when flag comes off, the play is live. Refs to be updated.
Re-send out the communication for powderpuff mom vs. graduate game. Game will be played on top field on a Sunday around playoff time. Possible date 11/10/13
F. Cheer Report – Kim Beaudoin - Absent
G. Equipment Manager Report –Tim O’Shea
1. Shoulder pads, jerseys, and helmets will be taken after the last game unless they are playing in the tournament. List will be given for the remainder of the items.
H. League Auxilary Report – Terri O’Shea
1. Tom Bentz will be doing trophys. We are determining what league will contribute then each coach will go to Awards of Elegance
2. Halloween Bash information coming out for event on 11/2. Will be sold at the concession stand.
I. Old Business -
1. Working with Engineer on specs for new scoreboard
2. Shari Kohl reporting on Southington Food Bank. The league collected 2022 Lbs of food and $1439.68 collected from Stop and Shop.
J. New Business –
1. Coaching applications need to be submitted
2. We will post E-Board open positions – Elections are on the last Tuesday of October.
3. Criteria for amount of meetings to get voting rights is 75%.
4. Playoff schedule – Saturday, November 16 at SHS B 9:30 A 11:30. Powderpuff, Flag and C Divisions playoffs on Sunday, November 17th at 9:30, 11:30 and 1:30pm
5. The A Squad team coming in 4th and 5th place will have a play off after last game of the season the Tuesday night after last game. George will update the officials. The winner of that game makes the playoffs.
Adjournment - Meeting Adjourned by George Cardozo at 9:20pm