Designing Performance-Based Instruction Aligned with the Common Core State Standards for English/Language Arts
Lesson Plan Outline
Common Core Standard under Study:
RI 11.1-12.1 Cite strong and through textual evidence to support an analysis of what the texts says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain.Objective: (Performance-Based objectives are composed in the know and do format. The “know” refers to the content whereas the “do” is always linked to a literacy standard and/or a higher order thinking skill).
SWBATcite strong and through textual evidence IOT support an analysis of what the texts says explicitly and inferences drawn from the text.General and Domain Specific Vocabulary Words:(List and operationally define key terms that are essential to student mastery of the objective. Students should be encouraged to use knowledge of Latin and Greek word parts and context clues to create meaning before and during reading).
Do manipulative activity with a partner:Citation
a quote or reference brought forward as support (more useful when it includes a line number, paragraph number, page number, and or/author)
able to perform a specified action well and powerfully
written with great care and completeness
Textual Evidence
Information taken directly from the text (by the reader) to prove or disprove something
to hold up or serve as the foundation
the process of separating material into constituent elements or parts
clearly stated
a logical assumption based on facts from the text and one’s own prior knowledge and/or experience
Teacher Model:The teacher demonstrates what students should know and be able to do while students listen attentively, taking notes where appropriate.
What informational or literary text(s) will be used to model the skill?
Does the informational text expose students to a variety of historical, scientific, or technical texts across topics, eras, and/or perspectives?OR
Does the literary text expose students to a variety of authors, themes, genres (i.e., dramas, stories, poetry), and traditions (i.e., mythical, traditional, classical)?
I plan to use a paragraph 1, sentence 1 and sentence 2 of an historicalinformational text entitled, “ The Scottsboro Boys and Fundamental Rights. The topic of the texts is civil rights. The era of the text is 1930s. The author’s does not share a perspective/opinion on the topic; rather he remains neutral throughout the text, sharing information about a series of events.What is the plan for exposing students to a rich and rigorous evidence-based conversation and writing opportunity during the model?
Students will be exposed to the teacher having a rigorous evidence-based think-aloud and will be exposed to the teacher model the objective/outcome at least 2 times before being required to guide the teacher in the same process. Students will be asked to highlight and record notes on key terms/unfamiliar words in the text during the teacher model.Guided Practice: Students are asked to demonstrate developing knowledge of the objective by demonstrating their knowledge and ability in the large group setting. The teacher uses this opportunity to assess as many students as possible with special attention to struggling learners. This text/portion of the text can be written at the instructional level, since access to the text will be scaffold by the teacher. If students are unsuccessful at this phase, then students would benefit from another teacher model.1b; 1e; 1f; 2a; 2c; 3a; 3b; 3c; 3d; 3e; 4a
What informational or literary text(s) will be used to model the skill?
Does the informational text expose students to a variety of historical, scientific, or technical texts acrosstopics, eras, and/or perspectives? OR
Does the literary text expose students to a variety of authors, themes, genres (i.e., dramas, stories, poetry), and traditions (i.e., mythical, traditional, classical)?
I plan to use a paragraph 1, sentence 3 and paragraph 2, sentence 3 of an historicalinformational text entitled, “ The Scottsboro Boys and Fundamental Rights. The topic of the texts is civil rights. The era of the text is 1930s. The author’s does not share a perspective/opinion on the topic; rather he remains neutral throughout the text, sharing information about a series of events.What is the plan for engaging students in a rich and rigorous evidence-based conversation and writing opportunity during the guided practice?
Students will be required to guide the teacher in demonstrating a developing understanding of the objective by using the text to cite strong and through textual evidence IOTsupport an analysis of what the texts says explicitly. Students will be required to record their response on the appropriate graphic organizer and guide the teacher in the same.Cooperative Practice: Students are asked to work in groups of two to demonstrate developing knowledge of the objective. The teacher uses this opportunity to circulate the room assessing and assisting as many students as possible with special attention to struggling learners. This text/portion of the text should be written at the independent level, since students will be reading most of it without the teacher. If students are successful in this phase, they are ready for the next step in the gradual release process.
What informational or literary text(s) will be used to model the skill?
Does the informational text expose students to a variety of historical, scientific, or technical texts acrosstopics, eras, and/or perspectives? OR
Does the literary text expose students to a variety of authors, themes, genres (i.e., dramas, stories, poetry), and traditions (i.e., mythical, traditional, classical)?
I plan to use a paragraph 2, sentence 1 and paragraph 2, sentence 4 of an historicalinformational text entitled, “ The Scottsboro Boys and Fundamental Rights. The topic of the texts is civil rights. The era of the text is 1930s. The author’s does not share a perspective/opinion on the topic; rather he remains neutral throughout the text, sharing information about a series of events.What is the plan for engaging students in a rich and rigorous evidence-based conversation and writing opportunityduring the cooperative practice?
Students will be required to guide the teacher in demonstrating a developing understanding of the objective by using the text to cite strong and through textual evidence IOTsupport an analysis of what the texts says explicitly.After coming to an agreement, students will be required to record their response on their individual graphic organizer.
Independent Practice: Students are asked to work independently to demonstrate knowledge of the objective. The teacher uses this opportunity to determine what students know and can do without any assistance from the teacher, teacher assistant, or peer. This text/portion of the text should be written on student’s independent level so that the text does not interfere with their ability to demonstrate mastery of the skill. If students are unsuccessful in this phase, then students may benefit from exposure to the general and domain specific vocabulary and/or exposure to a second round of the gradual release process.
What informational or literary text(s) will be used to model the skill?
Does the informational text expose students to a variety of historical, scientific, or technical texts acrosstopics, eras, and/or perspectives?OR
Does the literary text expose students to a variety of authors, themes, genres (i.e., dramas, stories, poetry), and traditions (i.e., mythical, traditional, classical)?
I plan to use a paragraph 3, sentence 1 of an historicalinformational text entitled, “ The Scottsboro Boys and Fundamental Rights. The topic of the texts is civil rights. The era of the text is 1930s. The author’s does not share a perspective/opinion on the topic; rather he remains neutral throughout the text, sharing information about a series of events.What questions will students be required to answer? (Goal: To ensure that students can compose a rich evidence-based response?)
Students will work alone, without any assistance, to demonstrate mastery of the objective by using the text to cite strong and through textual evidence IOTsupport an analysis of what the texts says explicitly. Students will be required to record their response on their individual graphic organizer.Homework for Students Struggling with this Objective: (Students would benefit from homework aligned with the prerequisite skill necessary to demonstrate mastery of the know and do objective).
Analyze what the text says explicitly using the next paragraph in the text (2 instances).Homework for Students Not Struggling with this Objective: (Non- struggling students would benefit from homework designed to enrich their ability to apply knowledge and skills aligned with the know and do objective).
Cite strong and through textual evidence IOTsupport an analysis of what the texts says explicitly using the next paragraph in the text (2 instances).