DiplomaGeneral Membership Meeting

Florida League of IB Schools

Feb. 27, 2015

TradeWinds Resort, St Pete Beach, FL

In attendance / Kim Hollis, Carlos Acosta, David Youngman, Nishira Myers, Michael Cook, John Burton, Jackie Miglionico, Alan Hamacher, Sarah Robinson, Lynne Newsom, Tyler Bumstead, Roger Tangney, Joan Friedrich, Robert Russell, Jan Patterson, Trisha Fitzgerald, Joe Williams, Anuj Saran, Susan Ferguson, Jeff Morgenstein, Adam Lane, Darrick Buettner, Stacey Swihart, Kathy Fleig, Beth Spinazzola, Kim Barker, Brenda O’Connor, Krystal Culpepper, Traci Budmayr, Gary Brady, Christina Bowman, Pamela Donehew, Susan Lovelace, Carson Stone, Kelly George, Robin Laber, Cliff Wagner, Susan Chance, Tiffany Ewell, Beth Benvenuti, Lisa Raiford, Colleen Wade, Mary Jo Hilles, LaDona Miller, Nancy Howser, Cathy Rutland.
Topic / Action
Call to order / 8:35 Alan Hamacher The Agenda includes the names and contact information of DP Board members so any member can contact Board members directly.
Introductions / By each coordinator
Voting At Large / Alan explained each school gets one vote by than the coordinator only. Districts don’t vote. Ballots were individually distributed by Board members. Beth Benvenuti was elected Member at Large.
Attendance / Attendance roster was circulated to indicate presence or make changes to information.
Presentation: Approaches to Learning by Richard Hood / Approaches to Learning. Richard Hood. Approaches to Teaching and Learning should energize your classrooms. He gave three handouts. ATL resources, Chocolate Debrief, To What Extent Does Chocolate Matter.
FENS slide (4 Key Motifs)
Blooms Hierarchy and Retention Rates
Teenager’s Brain Cartoon
Circular Bloom’s Chart (vocabulary of pedagogy
Asking questions by Bloom Category
Things to do as classroom teacher to access skills by Blooms
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Hierarchy of Imaginative Needs
Difference between affluent cultures and third world cultures re Maslow (time spent)
Vygosky pencil slide
Zone of Proximal development (green arrow)
Susan Chapman’s seven Cs
Michael Fullan’s 6 Cs
Start with the audience (remember the teenager’s brain). Get the freshmen to draw their brain and what is on it. During adolescence, the brain is involved in shaping itself. In men, this process is not complete until 27 or 28. He notes that ATL is the next level out from the center of the IB visual representation. It is just good pedagogy. The IBC will be the lens through which our teachers see it. If a visitor came into our classroom, she should be able to tell it’s an IB classroom.
Group exercise. To What Extent Does Chocolate Matter? Then the "Chocolate De-Brief Exercise”. Had someone read the Peterson quote. Made the point that we have to connect ATL to kids passing the exam for our teachers.
We have to redefine what assessment is. With ATL, we are going to do be doing a lot more formative assessment.
Learning and the Brain. Howard Gardner—every child is 100% smart. (Climb that tree).
London Taxi drivers have to learn all those streets. They have giant hypocampuses—take away: we are configuring their brain. The ATL practices are what is going to grow our students’ brains.
Multitasking is bad for your brain and actually impossible. You must detox your brain. Susan Chapman’s six Cs.
  1. Challenge (Vygotsky)
  2. Calibration (you need to relax your brain)
  3. Create (framing questions, big picture)
  4. Construct
  5. Catalyze (why do I need to know this? Relevance, so what?)
  6. Cultivate Curiosity
  7. Consilidate
Michael Fullan—6Cs for 21st Century Learning
NB: The secretary will be requesting specific slides from Mr. Hood, which he will provide if he generated them and owns the information. Those will be posted on the web site when received.
Karen Brown, legislative liaison. / Our lobbyist says things are somewhat quiet. Two pieces of legislative SB 774 (Mumford’s Bill) and 616. They will probably merge. They are about an abeyance for school grades and EOY testing. Be on the lookout for information from Karen. They are looking at the amount of testing students go through.
CCD Update. IB MYP World History is now a Social Science and IB Sports Exercise is a Science. Karen explained that Appendix L is what is used to match courses and exams for enhanced FTE on Survey 5. There is still work to do with SUS. Some Pre IB (physics and theater) classes are being added and some MYP have been added (US Government, Economics with Financial Literacy, World History/World Cultures). Coordinators should remember that IB Economics does not meet the state mandated financially literacy requirement for graduation.
Credit by exam. She has asked for a review of Math Studies by tthe SUS. All courses on CCD will be added.
The description of what constitutes an IB Curriculum (narrative) will now be on The Counselling for Future Education Handbook.
If you need to get in touch with her: . 850 597 0673.
Mentoring / Colleen Wade matched mentees with mentors.
Committee / Roger Tangney. Thank you to Ralph and the Board for their consideration of the finances. He thanked those who attempted the online submission. Points on rec letters: Try to avoid the 3-page letter; avoid teen fonts; try to find something unique; MAKE SURE YOUR RECIPIENT sends a thank you letter. There were 72 applications (mostly merit based). It was a very difficult task. Tried hard to have no duplications of schools, but some were so outstanding they spoke for themselves.
Scholarship recipients are listed on the web site.
College Relation Committee / Krystal Culpepper. Survey about graduation data. Discussion about whether we should have the survey or go to a blog spot. Coordinators were asked what they wanted. The suggestion was to look at Google docs. College panel was a great success.
Grants Committee / Joan Friedrich. Five grants were awarded. She thanked the members of the committee. Recipients were listed on the web site.
Adjournment / Meeting adjourned at 12:10