Scouting Your Faith
A Retreat for Catholic Scouts
presented by
The Catholic Committee on Scouting
for the Archdiocese of Santa Fé /

The annual retreats for youth in scouting and Campfire for the Archdioceseof Santa Fe will be held at:


Saturday, October 11, 2014

St. Jude Thaddeus Parish

5712 Paradise Blvd. NW Albuquerque, NM

8:30 – 3:30

Registration begins at 8:00 AM

For both retreats, the registration starts at 8:00 a.m. and program ends at 3:00 p.m.

Scouts will learn more about their Catholic Faith with a day full of activities tailored for their respective scouting program. We will grow in our Catholic Christian beliefs by listening, sharing, praying, singing, and playing. The day’s activities are designed to jump start a scout’s endeavors in working toward the religious award for their rank. We will also offer counselor training for Ad Altare Dei and Pope Pius X emblems. Registration for counselor training is due by September 27th. A $10.00 fee is requested for each scout, and $3.00 for each parent who attends. For more information to register online or download the forms, see our website at: or contact Christy Glaser @ ; (505) 228-7272.

Online registration will begin on July 1st

Daisies & Pathfinders/Tenderhearts(K-1) / Child of God / Tiger Cubs/Cub Scouts (1-2) / Light of Christ
Brownies Tenderhearts(2-3) / Family of God / Cub/Webelos Scouts (3-5) / Parvuli Dei
Brownies Tenderhearts(2-3) / Ave Maria / Boy Scouts (6-age 18) / Ad Altare Dei
Juniors & Explorers (4-5) / I Live My Faith / Boy/Varsity Scouts or
Cadettes& Pioneers (6-12) / Marian / Venture (9-age 21) / Pope Pius XII
Ambassadors & Patriots, Seniors (10-12) / The Spirit Alive

Boy Scouts will meet their counselors and get the schedule for their meetings.

Parents will be working with American Heritage Girls, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts throughout their award program. These parents are strongly encouraged to stay for the retreat. Lunch will be provided, and all scouts will receive a commemorative item. Books for each award will be available for purchase at the retreat, pre-ordering is recommended to insure that there are enough books.

*Child of God and Ave Maria books are available to download from the CCOS Website

For more information,see our website at

Please print except for signatures. >

2014 Scout Retreat–Archdiocese of Santa Fe

In order to facilitate planning, please register by completing and returning this form with payment:

Albuquerque Retreat:

Catholic Committee on Scouting

c/oChristy Glaser

10527 Vista Bella Pl. NW Albuquerque, NM 87114

Please send by September27,2013

Scout Name: ______Grade: ______

Award to be worked on: ______Troop/Pack #: ______

Parent/Guardian Name: ______

Are you willing to help? Y N Have you taken Youth Protection? BSA Y N Archdiocesan? Y N

Address: ______Phone: ______

City: ______Zip ______

Parish: ______

Retreat fee: ______Book Fee: ______Total enclosed: ______

Send $10.00/Scout and $3.00/Adult. Make checks payable to:Catholic Committee on Scouting

I, ______, the parent or guardian of ______agrees to allow the Catholic Committee on Scouting for the Archdiocese of Santa Fé to transport my child to the nearest or most appropriate facility, should my child require medical attention while attending this retreat. My child’s physician is ______, phone ______. I waive any claims against the Catholic Committee on Scouting for the Archdiocese of Santa Fé for any injuries sustained by my child while attending this retreat.

Please list any health problems or allergies which the Retreat Staff should be aware of:


I hereby grant to CCOS the right and authority to photograph, film and/or record vocally. These records may be used for promotional or publicity purposes and may be published in mass media publications, on CCOS’s internet site, or shown on television or movie presentations. The member and family’s last name may be used. This release is effective until revoked in writing by the undersigned. Such revocation shall only be effective to prevent any expanded future use of the records.

I do NOT authorize photograph, film, or vocal recording media release.
