Greenbrier Planning Commission

January 16, 2017

Ronnie Shock Absent

Johnny Cardin Present

Steve Johnson Present

Steve McCune Present

Gary Porter, Vice Chairman Present

Tim Rowlett, Chairman Present

Roll call indicated a quorum was present.


Reappointed Steve Johnson to another 6 year term


Johnny Cardin made a motion to approve the minutes from the November 2016 meeting as printed. Gary Porter seconded, all voted in favor.

First order of business was a final plat approval for Canten Cove Subdivision. Tim Tyler was the representative. After review of the final plat, Steve McCune made a motion to approve the final plat at Canten Cove Subdivision. Johnny Cardin seconded, all voted in favor.

Second order of business was a lot split at North Hills for David and Mary Wooten. Zoning of the property will remain C-2. The purpose is to sell of the front part of the property which faces Hwy. 65, appraisal business will occupy the property. Gary Porter made a motion to approve the lot split at North Hills. Steve McCune seconded, all voted in favor.

Third order of business was to set the 2017 calendar. Steve McCune made a motion to keep the scheduled meetings on the third Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. with the exception of February 20th , Presidents Day. This meeting will be moved to Tuesday, February 21st. Gary Porter seconded, all voted in favor.

Fourth order of business was to elect the 2017 Chairman and Vice-Chairman. Johnny Cardin made a motion to elect Gary Porter as 2017 Chairman. Steve McCune seconded, all voted in favor. Johnny Cardin made a motion to approve Steve Johnson as Vice-Chairman. Steve McCune seconded, all voted in favor.

Gary Porter made a motion to adjourn, Johnny Cardin seconded. Meeting adjourned.


Tim Rowlett, Chairman Shawn Johnston, Secretary