Open Government Information and Data Re-use Working Group

Minutes of meeting, 10:00am–12:00am, 10 June 2010


Keitha Booth (SSC) Chair / Paul de Wijze (PCO)
Kevin Sweeney (LINZ) / Mark Horgan (Education Sector))
Ted Christiansen (MoH) / Mark Lindsay (Stats)
Nadia Webster (DIA) / Gaynor Bradfield (NatLib)
Caroline Doust (MSD) / Fiona Staples (DIA)
Julian Williams (MORST) / Frank March(MED)
Kelvin Bannan (MED) / Janet Thomson (SSC)

In Attendance:

Adam Cooper (LINZ)


David Lambie (MoE); / John Roberts (Archives)
Lewis Brown (NLNZ) / Geoff O’Malley (LINZ)

Corresponding only:

Richard Best (DIA) / Michelle Edgerley (DPMC)


Agenda item 1: Apologies

Apologies were received from David Lambie (Ministry of Education); John Roberts (Archives) and Lewis Brown (National Library). It was noted that Lewis would be an “occasional” attendee, with Gaynor being the representative from the National Library.

Agenda Item 2: Minutes of meetings and Action Point updates

The minutes of the meeting dated 8 April 2010 were confirmed.

Action points from the previous meeting were updated and new actions set:

Item / Task / Completed Y/N
040310/1 / Prepare a process for Chief Executives of lead agencies to sign off Working Programme activities for discussion at the next Working Group meeting and subsequent implementation. / Y
040310/4 / Document any terminology issues in the Terms of Reference. / Will remain an ongoing issue until an agency takes the lead.
040310/5 / Supply further detail about the assessment model being considered for the Official Statistics system. / Y
080410/1 / Add Mark Lindsay’s name under “Apologies” in the minutes of the Workshop on 4 March 2010 / Y
080410/2 / Send out pdf version of the process diagram for work activities proposed for the Work Programme / Y
080410/3 / Publish the Working Group Terms of Reference on the PSI / Y
080410/4 / Forward the updated Pilot One Evaluation Terms of Reference to the Secretariat by 14 April 2010 / Y
080410/5 / Forward the updated Pilot Two Terms of Reference and the Evaluation Terms of Reference to the Secretariat by 14 April 2010 / Y
080410/6 / Update the paper “Mandates for releasing information and Agency Capability” and forward to the Secretariat by 13 April 2010 for inclusion in the next meeting of the Chief Executives’ Steering Group. / Y
080410/7 / Update the Working Programme outcomes overview diagram and prepare a single page summary for the next meeting of the Chief Executives’ Steering Group. / Y

3: Project updates

Members discussed the written reports already distributed:

3.1 Education: “Develop data reuse strategy for tertiary education (non-personal) data”:

It is unlikely that the project will be completed by the deadline of 30 June, but the actions and consultation planned are the right approach. MOE will keep SSC posted on this project and the legal advice being sought to ensure compliance with NZGOAL.

3.2 MoRST: “Pilot of environmental and geospatial catalogue with”:

There is no long-term home for the catalogue or dedicated funding. The NZ Geospatial Office has dedicated funds to host the site for the next financial year. MORST and LINZ are working on technical issues. MoRST is considering the launch options – big or low-key.

3.3 National Library: -“Mandates work – stage 2”

Gaynor will send out the updated paper before the next meeting. She requested members to advisee any specific information about cross-system written obligations (through legislation or other documentation) to make information available.

Action Point: Group members to forward to Gaynor any documents or references to cross-system obligations to make information available

3.4 SSC: 2010 Government Feed Standard

Matthew noted that there is more interest in using feeds as a mechanism now than there was even a year ago. The Feed Standard aligns New Zealand with international ‘best practice’ for the use of Atom.

Mark suggested that Matthew include in the second paragraph a statement that feeds are widely acceptable and are international best practice; this would strengthen the message.

Action point: Update the Feed standard to include a statement that feeds are widely acceptable and are international best practice

Paul advised that PCO is preparing a paper about issuing information via Atom Feed – they expect to complete this on 5 October 2010.

3.5 DIA:”Open Data Project”

DIA will shortly add a feed aggregator to the website.

Nadia reported that much of the traffic to the site came from Google or the Guardian newspaper’s Open Government Data site. Some further queries came from overseas. Interestingly, a number of people expect to find personal data and they also expect DIA to own the data.

The Research and Evaluation Group at DIA is undertaking the evaluation. Their draft report is expected in a couple of weeks.

Nadia said that DIA will fund out of baseline post 30 June. They are awaiting the evaluation report’s recommendations about whether or not DIA continues to manage this site in the long term.

DIA only put prepared scripts into the site in May to enable more traffic analysis. This information has been provided to the evaluation team.

Both Engagement Pilots are awaiting Ministerial approval to commence their consultation later this year.

3.6 Statistics NZ: “Barrier to Re-Use of Government Held Data”

In addition to the barriers identified in the paper it was agreed that the lack of a value proposition for data reuse was a significant barrier for departments. The paper is a starting point for discussion around the wider programme. It was suggested that the Group discuss this paper at the next meeting, as it is very different from the earlier draft. Keitha confirmed that the paper is not going to the Chief Executive’s Steering Group meeting this month.

3.7 Archives NZ: “Barriers to re-use of unstructured data” / “Documenting metadata standards used across government”

As John was not present at the meeting, it was suggested that Group members email John with any questions.

Action Point: Group members to forward any questions on the project report from Archives NZ to John Roberts.

3.8 SSC: “Review of Policy Framework for Government held information” / “NZGOAL” / “Develop messages promoting greater data and information re-use”

Keitha explained that ODOM has approved the NZGOAL cabinet paper, so it can now go to the Cabinet Domestic Policy Committee. She will send an update email to those agencies that provided comments during the CAB100 consultation round.

Paul pointed out that the PCO had discussed with SSC and DIA the opportunity to use PCO to test a pilot Public Domain Assertion tool, and were awaiting a letter from the SSC and DIA to progress this. Keitha will follow this up.

Action Point: SSC to update those agencies that provided comments on the NZGOAL Cabinet paper during the consultation round.

Action Point: SSC and DIA to write to the PCO regarding the opportunity to test a pilot Public Domain Assertion tool.

4 Planning for CEs’ Leadership Workshop

4.1 Adam Cooper explained that outcome of this session will provide input to the agenda for the Chief Executives’ Steering Group workshop. Colin MacDonald, as Chair of the CEs’ Steering Group expects a sense of collective effort and that the Group is focusing on the right things and working at the right speed. The Chief Executives then have to work through whether they are up for that.

4.2 Open Government Information and Data Re-use Working Group Workshop 10 June 2010: summary of discussion

  The working group is actively engaged with the Open Information and Data Re-use work programme.

  The current work programme is a bottom-up aggregation of projects that is loosely connected to formative outcomes.

  A clearer direction and a refining of the work programme will help build on the work to-date. In this context, the working group has identified the following focus areas:

Area / What the working group would like to move towards / Implications for CEs’ workshop on 24 June
Context / A deeper and clearer shared view about our context
Clearer interpretation of our authorising environment and local context – (be cautious about extrapolating the international experience)
Clearer view on the distinctions and relationships between open government, transparency and open data (the current programme has a flavour of each)
Continue to build a shared understanding of agency roles and obligations around information access (and care) / It is important that the CEs are aware of these views. Given the purpose of the workshop, we may not be able to address all of these issues at the on the 24th - however, we could modify the discussion to:
  Canvas the issue of open government vs open data
  Focus the group on the future state for government information and data (ie what it will look like as a result of the work programme) – probably using a series of statements
  Ensure we are clear on the group’s philosophical approach to open data (which may surface some risks)
  Discuss the factors that might determine the focus of the overall work programme? (e.g. any specific target areas/sectors?)
We can also consider how to address these issues in future meetings and/or via new projects and activities.
Direction / A clearer and more robust articulation of our direction, (the outcomes we seek to achieve in this context)
Develop a much clearer value proposition for this work (recognition that the work done to-date on outcomes is a useful start – but it does not yet describe what the programme is aiming to achieve
Use policy intervention logic to better link general and agency-specific drivers – clarifying first principles
Work programme / A more refined and coherent programme of work that:
Is joined-up, prioritised and targeted
Prioritised and targeted approach to information access and/or impact (based on audience, use, sector/type e.g. geospatial) this will provide greater recognition of differences where information is currently used to support services vs. where it is already a service (cost barriers)
Stronger connections between projects and outcomes
Identifies and accounts for the risks, benefits and costs involved
Risks and consequences of more open data and/or debate understood and accounted for. How may this impact on ongoing political appetite? i.e. if ministers need to defend open data. Do we really know what we are getting ourselves in for (initially and longer term)?
Costs and benefits need to be better understood
Approach / An approach that acknowledges and supports relevant agencies in this space
Acknowledge concerns about data release – e.g. costs –( esp. for agencies for whom info service is not core) and information misuse
Clarify the value prop for individual sectors and agencies, including their obligations. Then help them evaluate suitable information to release, know what standards apply and, understand the costs. Recognise that this is not new – existing policy framework for govt-held information applies.
Get input and support for the programme – cohesion of agencies working in this space is important and we should aim for some consistency around data release channels

4.14 Adam asked members to email him any further comments. He will write up today’s comments and email the completed list to the Group for their reference and update.

Action point: Group members to email any further comments to Adam Cooper for inclusion.

Action point: Workshop comments to be collated and a copy emailed to the Working Group members for their information and records.

5: Other business

5.1 SSC will draft the agenda for the July meeting after the Chief Executives’ Steering Group 24 June planning workshop.

5.2 Minutes from this meeting will be posted on the PSI and no longer sent out via email.

5.4 The PCO will host the August 5 workshop at the PCO, Reserve Bank Building. Further information will be provided closer to the time.

6. Next Full Meeting

6.1 The next meeting will be held on Thursday 8 July 2010, 10.00am to 12.00 noon at the SSC.


Meeting Date / Item # / Summary of Task / Action undertaken / Responsible person / Due date
10.06.2010 / 100610/1 / Group members to forward any documents or references to cross-system obligations to make information available to Gaynor at the National Library, to be included in the project report / All / 1-Jul-10
100610/2 / Update the Feed Standard to include a statement that feeds are widely acceptable and are international best practice. / Matthew Ross / SSC / July
100610/3 / Group members to forward any questions on "Barriers to reuse of unstructured data" / "Documenting metadata standards used across government" to John Roberts / All / July
100610/4 / SSC will update those agencies that provided comments on the NZGOAL Cabinet paper during the consultation round. / Keitha / SSC / July
100610/5 / SSC will write to the PCO regarding the opportunity to test a pilot Public Domain demonstrator tool / Keitha / SSC / July
100610/6 / Group members to email any further comments on the Leadership Workshop to Adam Cooper at LINZ for inclusion. / All / 14-Jun-10
100610/7 / Workshop comments will be collated and a copy emailed to the Working Group members for their information and records. / Adam Cooper, LINZ / 14-Jun-10
04.03.10 / 040310/4 / Document any terminology issues in the Terms of Reference / Will remain an ongoing issue until an agency takes the lead / All members / Ongoing


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