Go Spike Activator and Sitting Volleyball WorkshopApplication Booking Form

To be completed by the Course Organiser and returned to no less than 6 weeks before the proposed start date of the course. Courses registered less than 6 weeks in advance will be subject to an administration charge of £20.

Course Details
Level / Go Spike Student Activator ☐ / Go Spike
Activator ☐ / Sitting Volleyball Workshop ☐
Suitable For / Students age 16+ / Adults age 16+ / Age 16+
Cost per Candidate / £35 / £70 / £50
Min-Max Numbers / 14-20 / 14-20 / 12-24
No. of Hours / 3 / 4 / 4
Venue Address / Enter address here
Course Type / Open ☐
Will be advertised on Volleyball England website for public bookings / OR / Closed ☐
Will not be open for public bookings
Date / Enter date here / (If known)
No. of candidates / Enter no. here /
Time / Enter time here
Facility Contact/Invoicing Details
Facility Hire Cost / £ Enter cost here / OR / ☐Free
VAT (for above cost) / ☐Incl. VAT / ☐Excl. VAT / OR / ☐VAT Exempt
Facility Contact Name / Enter name here /
Tel. / Enter tel. no. here /
Email / Enter email here /
Course Organiser Contact Details
Name / Enter name here /
Tel. (1) / Enter tel. no. here / Tel. (2) / Enter alternate tel. no. here /
Email / Enter email here /
Go Spike Activator/Student Activator / Sports Hall Facilities/Equipment
(Please tick to indicate availability)
☐ / 1 volleyball court, fixed posts
(preferred) / OR / 1 badminton court per 6 candidates with net or rope across courts
☐ / To have heating or be at a warm temperature and have access to drinks on site
☐ / Minimum 1 volleyball per 2 candidates
☐ / 1 trolley or portable ball container on all courses
☐ / Whiteboard/flip chart and pens (in sports hall)
☐ / 14-20 seats or benches for 14-20 candidates + 1 seat for tutor (in sports hall)
Sitting Volleyball Workshop / Sports Hall Facilities/Equipment
(Please tick to indicate availability)
☐ / 1 sitting court per 12 candidates / OR / 1 badminton court per 12 candidates with net or rope across court(s)
☐ / To have heating or be at a warm temperature and have access to drinks on site
☐ / Minimum 1 volleyball per 2 candidates
☐ / 1 trolley or portable ball container on all courses
☐ / Whiteboard/flip chart and pens (in sports hall)
☐ / 12-24 seats or benches for 12-24 candidates + 1 seat for tutor (in sports hall)
Classroom Facilities/Equipment
☐ / Whiteboard/flipchart and pens
☐ / Multimedia projector and screen
☐ / Tables/chairs for 12-24 candidates + 1 tutor
Declaration: I confirm that I have read and agree to the Health and Safety terms & conditions for course organisation and delivery set by Volleyball England.
Signed (Course Organiser): / Please sign here / Date: / Enter date here /


Volleyball England, SportPark, 3 Oakwood Drive, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 3QF

T: 01509 227722 E: