Kanawha Valley Council on Philanthropy (KVCOP) Community Initiative

Guidelines for Grant Application Form

  1. All KVCOP Community Initiative projects must demonstrate the ability to make an impact in the identified issue area. The issue areas are:

Economic Development -a project that influences growth and restructuring of an economy to enhance the economic well being of a community or region.

Economic Development and Health-a project that influences growth and restructuring of an economy to enhance the economic well being of a community or region, and seeks to improve the health of community members through education, services or other interventions.

Economic Development and Education -a project that strengthens the economy by helping to prepare people for jobs and/or the changing demands of the workforce in a community or region.

  1. Applicants will develop outcomes for each project’s progress. Outcomes point to an issue or condition and help the community understand where they are, which way they are going, and how far they are from where they want to be. Effective outcomes are relevant, measureable, and show improvement or change in the issue area.
  1. The attached application must be completed by each applicant for the proposed project.
  1. The Host Organization is the nonprofit, charitable 501c 3 organization that will have the primary responsibility for accounting for the funds granted, insuring that the project and the final report, with receipts, are completed. The Host Organization must have 501c 3IRS status.If you are not sure if the host organization qualifies under the KVCOP Community Initiative guidelines, contact Sheri Ryder, The Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation, at 346-3620, , or email Kim Tieman at .
  1. All completed grant applications with all the required material as outlined in the grant application, must be received electronically via email at The Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation by 5:00 p.m. onMarch 27, 2015. Emailcompleted forms to . Hard copy, faxed or incomplete applications will not be considered. The applications will be reviewed for due diligence. A subcommittee of the Kanawha Valley Council on Philanthropy will review all applications and make recommendations for funding.
  1. You can access the grant application viaThe Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation’s web site: Once on TGKVF website on the left hand side select: Programs and Initiatives > KVCOP and look for the link to the application. If you have any questions about the application process please contact Sheri Ryder by email .

The Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation facilitates the KVCOP process for a variety of local funders; the Community Initiative is not a project of The Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation. The Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation is onepartner of many. The Community Initiative is not a part of The Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation’s grant cycles.

Kanawha Valley Council on Philanthropy(KVCOP) Community Initiative

Grant ApplicationForm

Issue Area (Please circle one) / Economic Development / Economic Development and Health / Economic Development and Education
Project Name/Contact Information / Project Name:
Host Organization/Fiscal Agent:
Copy of the host organization’s 501c3, current financial statement or audit, and list of the current Board of Directors must be provided with this application. The host must have a 501c 3 IRS status. / Organization Applying for Grant (If different than host organization):
Address for the Host Organization: / Address for Applicant:
Phone: Fax: / Phone: Fax:
Email: / Email:
Contact Name: / Contact Name:
Project Description / Please provide a brief (no more than 1 to 2 pages)overview of the project you are seeking support for: (project design, include process, target population, etc.)
Timeline / This project will start / / (month/day/year) This project will finish / / (month/day/year)
Area(s) / What geographic area(s) will this project serve?

Kanawha Valley Council on Philanthropy (KVCOP) Community Initiative

Grant Application Form

Demonstrate how the proposed project can benefit individuals and/or communities by addressing economic developmentor projects that address both economic development and/or health or education issues. Please add more lines if needed for the goal(s) and the impact areas.

Issue Area (Please mark the selected area for this project) / Economic Development / Economic Development and Health / Economic Development and Education
Project Goal(s)
Economic Development Impact / Objective(s)
Expected Outcome(s)
Economic Development and Health
Impact / Objective(s)
Expected Outcome(s)
Economic Development and Education
Impact / Objective(s)
Expected Outcome(s)

Kanawha Valley Council on Philanthropy (KVCOP)

Community Initiative

Grant Application Form

Collaboration between nonprofit organizations, businesses, faith-based organizations or government is a requiredpart of this Community Initiativeproposal. The applicant must demonstrate matching resources. The KVCOP Community Initiative must have the following Memorandum of Understanding completed and signed by the members involved in this project. (Please add more lines if needed to the Memorandum of Understanding.)

Memorandum of Understanding

Organization Name / Contact Person / Contact Person Signature/Date / Contribution to the Project
(Description of services and estimated value) / Cash

The Host Organization is the entity that will have the primary responsibility for the fiscal management of the funds granted. They are responsible for making sure that the project and the final report, with receipts, is completed. The Host Organization must be one of the collaborative partners for the proposed project.

Host Organization / Name & Position of Contact Person / Authorized Signature/Date

Kanawha Valley Council on Philanthropy Community Initiative

Grant Application Form

Prepare the following operating budget for theproposed projecttimeline (not to exceed 18 months).Indirect or grant administrative costs are prohibited, please refer to the January 8th PowerPoint for a full list of restrictions. Successful projects will have matching sources of funds either in cash and/or in kind.Provide a written budget narrative on a separate page if you are not able to provide detail of each line item on this form.

ITEM / Amount Requested from KVCOP Community Initiative / Amount provided from other sources (cash and/or in kind) / Total Amount from all sources
Supplies or Materials
Contracted Services
Other Program expenses –
please list:


9/10/2018 1:27 PM