Abandoned or Unsecured Bike Policy
Page 1 / Issue No: / 000 / Document: / AB/CC/v / Date: / December 2013The University provides cycle storage facilities for use by UCLan staff, students and visitors. Bikes remain the responsibility of the owners and UCLan accepts no liability for damage or loss. UCLan recommends that bikes are insured and secured with robust locking mechanisms such as a good quality D-Lock.
UCLan’ s cycle facilities are for the exclusive storage of bikes, any other items found to be stored shall be removed with immediate effect and recycled by FM Waste and Recycling.
Abandoned Bikes & Unsecured Bikes
A large number of bicycles are parked on campus either in cycle compounds, at bicycle standsand at various locations throughout the University. This policy describes the procedure for reporting, tagging and removal of suspected abandoned bicyclesincluding those that are either unsecured or inadequately locked.
The purpose of this policy is to reduce the number of abandoned bicycles and thefts across the University estate. This will create space for regular users to secure their bicycles and deter thieves. We will work in partnership with Lancashire Constabulary to deliver a consistent and integrated approach to identify, tag, remove and recycle abandoned/unsecured bicycles.
Abandoned Bikes
1. Identification
If a bicycle is suspected to have been abandoned, a UCLan bike tag will be attached to the bike. Abandoned bikes are likely to show some damage: buckled wheels, flat tyres, missing wheels or other parts. Once tagged, the abandoned bike will be recorded byThe Sustainable Travel Coordinator (x2052) or out of hours byUCLan Security (x2068) stating the location and description of the bike, date locked andwill include photographic evidence if possible.Everyone is encouraged to bring suspected abandoned bikes to the attention of UCLan Staff stating the location and description of the bike so that these bikes can be identified.
2.Monitoring, removal and storage
Owners have the opportunity to claim ownership of the bike by contacting Sustainable Travel Coordinator (x2052) or out of hours Security (x2068) within 28 days of tagging.
Bicycles which are not claimed within28 days of taggingwill be recycled or scrapped as determined by the Sustainable Travel Coordinator.
Note: It is the responsibility of all staff and students to ensure that bicycles are NOT left on campus for long periods of time or during the vacations. Please make arrangements for the safe storage of your bike or removal at the end of each or holiday period.
Insufficiently Secured/Unsecured Bikes
Bicycles which are found by UCLan Staff/Lancashire Constabulary to be unsecured or insufficiently secured will be locked with a secure D Lock and tagged in order to deter thieves/vandals, if the bike is not claimed within 28 days it will be removed.
If the owner wishes to reclaim their bike they should contact. The Sustainable Travel Coordinator (x2052) or out of hours UCLan Security (x2068) can be contacted to unlock the bike.
Sustainable Travel Coordinator 01772 892052
UCLan Security (out-of –hours) 01772 892068
Sustainable Travel Coordinator December 2013