PEN 2013 Roots and Prefixes List
Prefix / Meaning / Examples / Example 2a, ab, abs / away, from / absent / abandon
ad, a, ac, af, ag, an, ar, at, as / to, toward / adhere / adapt
bi, bis / two / bicycle / bisect
circum / around / circumference / circumscribe
com, con / together, with / combination / connect
de / opposite, from, away / detract / defer
dis, dif, di / apart, not / disperse / different
epi / upon, on top of / epicenter / epidermis
equi / equal / equitable / equality
ex, e / out, from, forth / eject / exhale
Root / Meaning / Examples / Example 2
aero / air / aerobics / aerated
agri / field / agriculture / agrarian
alter / other / alternate / altercation
ambi / both / ambigious / ambidextrous
amo / love / amorous / enamored
ang / bend / angle / tiangle
anim / life, spirit / animate / animal
ann,enn / year / annual / biennial
anthropo / human / anthropology / philanthropic
apt, ept / fasten / inept / aptitude
aqua / water / aquarium / aqueduct
arch / primitive / archaic / archetype
art / skill / artisan / artist
aud / hear / audible / audition
baro / weight / barometer / isobar
belli / war / bellicose / rebellion
biblio / books / bibliography / bible
bio / life / biology / biosphere
brev / short / brevity / abbreviate
cam / field / campus / campaign
cap / head / captain / decapitate
cardi / heart / cardiac / cardiogram
cede, ceed / go, yield / precede / succeed
centr / center / central / centrifuge
cert / sure / certain / certify
cess / go, yield / cessation / process
chron / time / chronic / chronicle
cide, cise / cut, kill / scissors / suicide
claim, clam / shout / clamor / exclaim
clar / clear / clarity / declare
cline / lean / decline / incline
cogn / know / cognition / incognito
commun / common / communal / community
corp / body / corpse / corporation
cosm / universe / cosmos / microcosm
Prefix / Meaning / Examples / Example 2
hyper / over, above / hypersensitive / hyperactive
hypo / under, beneath / hypodermic / hypocrisy
in / in, into, not / inject / incorrect
inter / between, among / intercede / interact
mal, male / bad, ill / malignant / malevolent
mis / wrong / mistake / misunderstand
mono / alone, single, one / monopoly / monotone
non / not / nonsense / nonprofit
ob / in front of, against / obvious / observant
omni / everywhere, all / omniscient / omnipresent
Root / Meaning / Examples / Example 2
crat / rule / aristocrat / autocrat
cred / believe / credit / incredible
cycle / circle, ring / cyclone / bicycle
dem / people / epidemic / democrat
dic / speak / dictate / verdict
div / separate / division / divide
domin / rule / dominion / dominate
duc / lead / conduct / educate
fer / bear, carry / ferry / transfer
firm / strong / affirm / confirm
flect / bend / deflect / reflect
form / shape / transform / uniform
frag / break / fragment / fragile
fug / flee / fugitive / refuge
gen / birth, race / generate / progeny
geo / earth / geology / geography
grad / step, stage / gradual / graduate
gram / letter / grammar / telegram
graph / write / graphite / autograph
grat / pleasing / gratitude / grateful
hab, hib / hold / prohibit / habitat
hom / alike / homonym / homogenous
hydr / water / hydrant / hydroelectric
imag / likeness / imagery / imagine
init / beginning / initial / initiate
integ / who / integrate / integer
jud, jur, jus / law / judge / jury
laps / slip / elapse / relapse
liber / free / liberate / liberty
log, logy / word / prologue / dialogue
luc / light / lucid / translucent
lum / light / illumine / luminous
luna / moon / lunar / lunatic
man / hand / manual / manipulate
mar / sea / mariner / submarine
Prefix / Meaning / Examples / Example 2
preter / past, beyond / preternatural / Preterite
pro / forward / proceed / promote
re / again, back / recall / recede
retro / backward, behind, back / retroactive / retrospect
se / apart / secede / senile
sub / under / subordinate / subway
super / greater, beyond / superstition / supernatural
trans / across, beyond / transcend / transcontinental
un, uni / one / unilateral / unity
un (uhn) / not / unhappy / unethical
Root / Meaning / Examples / Example 2
mater, matr / mother / matron / maternal
mech / machine / mechanize / mechanic
mens, ment / mind / demented / mental
migr / depart / migration / migrate
miss, mit / send / missile / submit
mon / warn / admonish / monitor
mort / death / mortician / mortal
mot, mov / move / promote / remove
narr / tell / narrate / narrative
nat / born / nation / native
nav / ship / navigate / naval
not / mark / annotation / denote
nun, noun / declare / enunciate / announce
nov / new / innovate / novel
numer / number / enumerate / numeral
ocu / eye / binocular / oculist
opt / visible / optician / optic
opt / best / optimal / optimist
orig / beginning / aborigine / origin
pater, patr / father / paternal / patriarch
path / feeling / empathy / pathos
ped / foot / pedal / pedometer
pend / hang / appendix / suspend
phon / sound / phonics / telephone
photo / light / photogenic / photograph
phys / nature / physician / physical
pod / foot / podiatrist / pod
poli / city / metropolis / police
pop / people / populate / popular
port / carry / porter / import
psych / mind / psyche / psychology
put / think / computer / deputy
ques / ask, seek / quest / question
rect / straight / rectify / rectangle
rid / laugh / deride / ridicule
Root / Meaning / Examples / Example 2
rupt / break / erupt / rupture
sci / know / conscience / science
scop / see / laparoscopic / periscope
scribe / write / inscribe / describe
script / written / manuscript / transcript
sect / cut / intersect / dissect
sed / settle / sedentary / sediment
sens / feel / sensation / senses
sign / mark / insignia / signal
sim / like / simile / assimilate
sol / alone / solitary / desolate
solv / loosen / solvent / resolve
son / sound / sonogram / sonnet
spec / see / inspect / spectator
sta / stand / static / stagnant
strict / draw tight / constrict / restrict
struct / build / construct / instruct
sum / highest / summary / summit
tact, tang / touch / contact / tangent
ten / hold / tenant / tenure
terr / land / terrain / terrace
the / god / monotheism / theology
therm / heat / thermal / thermos
tract / pull, drag / attract / tractor
trib / give / contribute / tribute
turb / confusion / disturb / turbulence
urb / city / suburb / urban
vac / empty / evacuate / vacant
vag / wander / vagrant / vague
var / different / variety / vary
ver / truth / verify / verdict
vic / conquer / conviction / victor
vid / see / evidence / video
voc / voice / advocate / vocal
void / empty / avoid / devoid