Lesson Plans for Amy Brewer: September 17-21, 2012

**Reflections from last week can be found at the end of this lesson plan….

LA. The student will locate and analyze elements of characterization, setting, and plot, including rising action, conflict, resolution, theme, and other literary elements as appropriate in a variety of fiction

LA. The student will listen to, read, and discuss familiar and conceptually challenging text

LA. The student will use new vocabulary that is introduced and taught directly;


·  FAIR Testing all day


·  Students will take Vocabulary quiz (elements of fiction, subordinating conjunctions, clauses, terms from “The 11:59” story).

·  Present and turn in short story creative writing assignment (test grade group activity)

·  Debate sides of “The Pullman Strike of 1894”


·  Students will preview and discuss meanings of vocabulary words for “Raymond’s Run”…add to language arts binders for next vocabulary quiz

·  We will discuss Internal/External conflict in fictional stories

·  Listen to audio of “Raymond’s Run”…pause throughout to discuss dialect of protagonist, and complete the “making predictions” worksheet based on text…after the story we will have a discussion on student-predictions and actual outcome

·  Complete vocabulary worksheet on “Raymond’s Run”… students will finish for homework if necessary


·  Team Teaching in library with Ms. Homer

·  Lesson on Literary Analysis: Elements of Plot

·  Will diagram the following using “Raymond’s Run”: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution


·  Students will complete “Raymond’s Run” worksheet (15-20 minutes)

·  Read “Mrs. Flowers” from Literature books

·  Students will complete AWBS summary assignment


What worked?

Prior to teaching students AWBS, I thought it was important to review some grammar that coincides with this writing strategy. I wanted to help students understand that AWBS was really nothing more than using subordinating conjunctions to help write complex sentences. However, before teaching about subordinating conjunctions and complex sentences, I had to review independent and subordinate clauses. Luckily there were a couple of excellent Brain Pop videos that I paired with guided and independent practice activities that really helped students comprehend the grammar/writing concepts. To culminate the lessons for the week, students worked in groups on Thursday and Friday; and, wrote creative short stories using AWBS, conjunctions, and clauses throughout their text.

What didn’t work?

I had only planned on one class period for the creative writing lesson; however I didn’t take into account that students would spend so much time brainstorming and revising their stories. It was for a test grade, so students really wanted to take enough time to ensure that they met all of the requirements on the rubric; and therefore, it took about 2 class periods to finish. Next time, if I do this activity in the future, I will plan on using 2 class periods, b/c I am now behind one day on my lessons from last week. Also, we have FAIR testing on Monday, so I will likely end up being 2 days behind.