IOI subsidy for regional projects

APPLICATION FORM– membership year 2017/2018

Section 1: Project Summary

1.1.Title of the Project

1.2.Project institution

1.3.Duration and location

1.4.Brief Summary of the project

Section 2: Detailed Project Description

2.1.Objectives of the project

2.2.Target group(s)

2.3.Benefit for the IOI

2.4.Approach and methodology

2.5.Project evaluation

Section 3: Budget

3.1.Budget overview

3.2.IOI funding

3.3.Financial control

3.4.Financial contact details

Section 1: Project Summary

1.1.Title of the Project


1.2.Project institution

Please indicate which institution(s) will carry out the project.

1.3.Duration and location

Please indicate when the operation will start and finalise its activities as well as where the project will be implemented.

1.4.Brief Summary of the project

Please provide a brief summary of the project’s background, objectives, partnership, main activities and expected outputs and results (max half a page).

Section 2: Detailed Project Description

2.1.Objectives of the project

Please describe the overall objective of the project.

2.2.Target group(s)

Please describe which target group(s) the projects aims at. Please indicate whether only IOI institutions will profit from the project or whether the project should be open to external institutions.

2.3.Benefit for the IOI

Please describe in which way theIOIwill benefit from this project on a regional but also on a global level.

2.4.Approach and methodology

Please describe the approach and the methodology proposed to achieve the project’s objectives.

2.5.Project evaluation

Please indicate how and by whom the project will be evaluated and until when a final evaluation will be sent to the IOI General Secretariat.

Section 3: Budget

3.1.Budget overview

Please provide a budget overview indicating the different budget sources and donors as well as the total costs and the percentage that the IOI is supposed to cover. In case of trainings, please indicate whether fees will be charged to IOI or non IOI institutions.

3.2.IOI funding

Please indicate whether the IOI funding means paying for specific expenses that arise in a project or whether it means refund of a certain percentage of the project budget.

3.3.Financial control

Please indicate until when the project institutions provide the IOI General Secretariat with a detailed budget break-down and project report. Please indicate which independent financial control takes place in addition to the IOI internal control.

3.4.Financial contact details

Institution (original language and EN):

Legal status:


Contact person:

Bank details:

Bank name:



SWIFT code:

Holder of the account:

Authorised signatories of the account: