EdenCampModernHistoryThemeMuseum is a venue that strives for quality. Over the years we have won numerous awards for our high standards and customer care. We are regulated for Health & Safety by Ryedale District Council and are insured with the NFU for Public liability insurance. We are a member of the Yorkshire Tourist Board and abide by the English Tourism Council's code of practice for Attractions. We are also members of the Ryedale Tourism Association.
1. There are risk assessments produced for Eden Camp, which cover a wide range of issues from the training of staff to the maintenance of equipment. The aim is to make Eden Camp a safe place to work and visit. The assessments are contained in the Company Handbook which is available to be seen if necessary. Within this document is a Safety Policy, which includes Contingency plans for Emergencies and a COSHH Assessment in relation to any potentially Hazardous Substances. You may wish to contact the Local Education Authority for advice and any guidance that they feel may be appropriate for such visits. The group leader should be aware of any LEA guidance.
2. School parties do not visit any high risk areas. Eden Camp is a visitor centre, which is used by the General Public of all ages. There is an 'assault course' style play area on the camp, similar to many seen in public parks with log walks etc and there are some military vehicles, such as a lorry, where children can climb on the tailgate. These attractions are maintained to the best of our ability. The play equipment is inspected by the local Health and Safety enforcement agency periodically but accidents (slips, trips and falls) are always a possibility. The school should make a decision whether to restrict access to these and arrange adequate supervision as necessary. It must be emphasised that primary responsibility for the supervision of children on the visit rests with the teachers/helpers and every group should be accompanied by appropriate members of teachers/helpers in relation to the number of children.
3. There are numerous outside exhibits, some of which the children may climb on. The exhibits that may not be climbed on are clearly signed.
4. Normal toilet and disabled toilet facilities are provided, i.e. WC, Hot and Cold water, sink etc.
5. There are separate defined huts where meal breaks can be taken. These areas are heated. The area and time is designated to the party upon arrival.
6. A Puppet Show can be requested if required upon arrival. The time for the show is allocated upon arrival.
7. There are no animals kept at Eden Camp, but other visitors may bring dogs which are required to be under control and kept on a short lead.
8. Any potentially dangerous areas where, for example, chemicals are stored, are locked wherever possible and other areas, where access needs to be restricted, are cordoned off. Signs clearly indicate these areas.
9. First Aid facilities and First Aid treatment should ideally be provided by teachers/supervisors and details regarding specific medical problems i.e. allergy to plasters should be fully ascertained by them. First Aid facilities are usually available at the Camp but cannot be guaranteed to be available at all times. We rely on you to keep us informed of any potential problems if First Aid is requested. First Aiders at Eden Camp are fully trained.
10. Eden Camp staff are experienced and used to visitors. Site work (repairs etc) are carried out, where possible, when there are not visitors, or in areas where the public are excluded. Segregation of traffic and pedestrians is maintained wherever possible. Traffic is marshalled and defined parking areas used and speed limits are in force.
11. Please note that the staff, are allowed in free on a ratio of 1:10 for SUPERVISION purposes. We request that you stress to your pupils that there are other visitors on site, not all able bodied or as agile as themselves.
12. Please advise the pupils that whilst the huts may be viewed in any order, they should observe the 'No Entry' signs and refrain from shouting and running, children not supervised and not obeying this simple request will be asked to return to their coach until their school has completed their visit to our Museum.
13. Hut 29 includes a dedicated chapel of worship and we would ask you to stress to the children to respect the peace and quiet of this area.
14. We would recommend that you make a list of the pupils on the trip to ensure that no one is left behind, either at the Museum or at any other stops along the way. We have had a pupil left behind and we frequently get parties arriving that do not know how many children they have with them!
We trust you enjoy your visit and that the children learn a greater understanding of the events during those important war years. Please feel free to contact ourselves if you require any further information.
Museum Director