English IVQuarterly Novel Project

Students will select a novel to read during the quarter. This selected novel must be approved by Ms. Sho and your parents. Presentation dates will be during the last week of each grading quarter. Since this is a long-term, independent project, students should begin early and prepare throughout the quarter. There will be no RE-DO on this project. The following guidelines will be required:

  • All work must be typed in 12 pt Times New Roman (or 11 pt Calibri) font and double-spaced.
  • Quality, not quantity is the rule
  • All projects requiring art and music must be accompanied by a one-page typed paper that explains why you selected the project, new insights gained about the novel while you worked on the project, and how the book connects to your project, with specific quotes and page numbers. THIS RULE DOES NOT APPLY TO PROJECTS ALREADY REQUIRING A WRITTEN COMPONENT. (Note: RP= requires paper)
  • Work must be professional and neat, and mustdemonstrate thought and effort. Elementary-level, messy, or rushed projects will NOT earn passing grades, and will greatly and negatively affect your grade.

You will be expected to present your work to the class and summarize your project in a speech of no more than five minutes.

Objectives of Project

Read a novel of your own choosing and (hopefully) enjoy it!

Put effort into a creative project which demonstrates your reading and understanding of the novel.

Clearly communicate to others about the novel and your project.


First Quarter

  1. Write a script for an interview with the protagonist (3 pages) and with another “actor” perform for the class.
  2. Write music and lyrics for your novel and present to the class. I must see original musical score and lyrics, and you must perform for the class. RP
  3. Write about one of your character’s lives twenty (20) years from now. (2-3 pages)
  4. Create a front page to a newspaper that is devoted entirely to your book. The front page should look as much like a real newspaper as possible with writing in columns, headlines, pictures, a newspaper title, etc. You can include a variety of different features in addition to news headlines and stories, including horoscopes for each character, a Dear Abby column with letters from characters, advertisements, personal ads, an obituary section, or anything else you might find in a newspaper. Everything you include must be based on events and characters in the story you read.
  5. After reading your novel, design either a computer game or board game based on the book’s central theme. The choices are only limited by your own creativity! Be sure to write clear directions and provide everything needed to play the game. RP
  6. Create and illustrate a poster-sized movie announcement for your book. Actors, credits, producers, etc and good artwork must be included. You will need to include a paragraph for each character explaining why you chose the specific actor to portray the character.
  7. Create a diary from the point of view of one of the main characters that spans the length of the story and reveals the major relationships and events of his/her life. It should include the character's feelings about these people and events: hopes, dreams, problems, concerns, frustrations, etc. Write in first person point of view (ex: Dear Diary, Today I went to see my best friend and we…). Include as accurate a date as possible for each entry. Your diary should have an appropriate cover and be bound in some way (at least 10 entries).

Second Quarter

  1. Choose or create five artifacts from the book that best illustrate the meanings of the novel. Include a ½ page analysis for EACH of the five artifacts, relating it back to the novel; of course you must also include quotes from the novel when doing this project.
  2. Perform a dramatic monologue (written yourself, 300 words min). “Be” a character from your novel and use your voice and costume tocreate the illusion to the audience that you are that character. Speak in first person and reviewsome of the most interesting experiences that happened to “you” in the novel.
  3. Re-write the novel’s ending (2-3 pages).
  4. Create and illustrate a comic book (at least 5 full size pages) relating to your book’s major themes and ideas.
  5. Write a paper describing the problem or conflict existing for the main character in the novel. Include examples from the text and explain how the conflict was or was not resolved (2-3 pages).
  6. Select one character from your book who has the qualities of a hero or heroine. Write2-3 pages on the subject (using quotes from the novel).
  7. Find a song and a poem that relates to the major theme of your novel. Explain the similarities in a 2-3 page analysis (must contain quotes from the novel).
  8. If your book involves travel from one setting to another, create a travel brochure depicting the

places the main character(s) went.

Third Quarter

  1. Choose any topic from your novel and write a 3 page research paper on it (including outline, bibliography, and parenthetical documentations- all in MLA format.)
  2. Write (2 pages) and EXPOUND on three things you learned about yourself, others or just life in general- while you were reading the novel. Provide quotes from the text to support your answers.
  3. Write a 2 page book review (see Ms. Sho for handout)
  4. You’ve discovered a “lost chapter” in the book. Write that chapter (2-3 pages).
  5. If a movie version has been produced for your book, write a comparison/contrast essay of at least 2 pages that compares/contrasts the film to the book.
  6. Create a book jacket (11"x17") that could be used for a hardbound edition of your book. Include an introductory summary of the story (250 words) and a brief biography (100 words) of the author on the flaps. Your purpose is to persuade readers to buy the book so include reviews, but you must also be true to the flavor and purpose of the novel. You will want to create a striking illustration for the jacket as well.
  7. Create a picture book based on your novel. Use either photographs, magazine pictures, drawings/etc.

to represent things that happened in your novel. Put them together in booklet form with a front and

back cover. Portray at least 10 main scenes/events in the novel and use a written caption with each

picture to explain what is happening. Picture book should tell the whole story (ending & all).

Student Name: ______
CATEGORY / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2
Creative Effort Weight=5 / Project is creative, neat, and shows much thought and effort. / Project is mostly creative, neat, and shows some thought and effort. / Project is somewhat creative, neat, and shows little thought and effort. / Project is not creative, is messy, and shows no thought or effort.
Content Weight=5 / Shows a full understanding of the topic. Student read and comprehended the novel. / Shows a good understanding of the topic. Student read and comprehended most of the novel. / Shows a good understanding of parts of the topic. Student may have read and comprehended parts of the novel. / Does not seem to understand the topic very well. Student did not read or comprehend the novel.
Format of written work
Weight =1 / All work is typed, double-spaced, 12pt, Times New Roman font / Most work is typed, double-spaced, 12pt, Times New Roman font / Some work is typed, double-spaced, 12pt, Times New Roman font / None of the work is typed, double-spaced, 12pt, Times New Roman font
Presentation Weight=3 / Student is completely prepared, presentation is loud, clear, and gives overview of novel and project. / Student seems pretty prepared, presentation is loud and clear but does not fully introduce novel and project / The student is somewhat prepared, the presentation lacks volume and clarity. Both novel and project are not covered. / Student does not seem at all prepared, presentation lacks volume and clarity. Student does not talk about novel or the project.
Grammar and Spelling Weight=3 / All work is grammatically correct. All words are spelled correctly. / Most of the work is grammatically correct. Most words are spelled correctly. / Some work is grammatically correct. Some words are spelled correctly. / Much of the work is grammatically incorrect. Many words are spelled incorrectly.
Following Directions Weight=3 / Project follows all directions and is the minimum page length required. / Project follows directions mostly and is the minimum page length required. / Project follows few directions and is less than the minimum page length required. / Project does not follow directions and is less than the minimum page length required.

Quarterly Project Grading Rubric