Age 8 Class 4 Term 1


Name of Pupil ______


This book culminated all the lower primary work on Know the Creator. It aims to synthesis all the main objectives learnt in the madrasah in the lower years and also make them socially relevant. Hence in each lesson the teacher is urged not only to dwell on the content but get children to reflect on how the attributes of Allah relate to their social attitudes and awareness.

There will inevitably be gaps and shortfalls in the booklet. Our request is that these are not used to undermine the booklet. We urge that all well intentioned feedback be given to us to improve the booklet.

Abid Bata


Lesson Number / Details
1 /
  1. All things are important because all things are connected to each other.
  2. Allah wants us to connect through love for each other

2 /
  1. All creation is beautiful and we need to learn to appreciate it.
  2. Mirror Mirror on the wall is about our inner beauty

3 /
  1. Allah made all things happen in stages for good reasons
  2. Childhood stage is important

4 /
  1. Allah gives us plenty out of his grace
  2. We need to take care of the things Allah has given us

5 /
  1. Where is Allah
  2. Needless and Uncreated

6 /
  1. How to love Allah
  2. What things take away us from Allah

7 /
  1. Those whom Allah loves
  2. Our role models

8 /
  1. How we connect to Allah through prayers
  2. Meaning of Namaz

9-12 / Teacher devised lessons to recap, projects, assembly items and test.

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Did you know that Allah has connected everything up? Just think about rain!Think of how the rain has been connected up to the clouds, the winds and the Sun.

Did you know that the hot Sun warms up the water in the river? Then the winds carry the water away from the river until they go up in the sky. Then cold winds in the sky make clouds which make rain.

Allah has connected all things in this way so that all things can work together.

Allah has connected all things up to make us understand that all things are special. Nothing is not special!

You too are connected to many things. Think of how you too are connected to other people, the animals, the rivers and the trees.Is it not amazing how Allah has made all his creation to be connected together?

What can we do in class to show that we like to be connected to each other?


Where does our food grow? Yes on plants!It is amazing how food can grow on top of trees; inside the trees; and under the ground, inside the roots. Do you know which foods grow inside the roots?

It is rain that feeds the trees that grow the foods. We all eat the food. The animals too eat the food. Then we eat the animals. We are all connected!

When you study the things carefully you see that nothing is left out of the Great Connection. Allah made all things connected so that they work together in harmony.What do you think we learn from this?


Every thing in your body is also connected together to one important thing. Do you know what that thing is?

It is the brain. But where is the brain?

The brain is on the top of the body, like a crown. Allah put the brain on the top because it is the most important thing we have and it has to be kept safe. It controls everything like our hands, our legs, our tongues, our stomach and even our eyes. Even your breathing isconnected to the brain.

Everything in the body works well because of the brain. If Allah had not connected our body to our brain then our body would not be able to do anything. This happens to those who do not use their brains properly! Don’t you agree?


Every time we see how Allah has connected things up we must remember that Allah does not like us to live alone. He likes us to be connected to each other in a good way.

To be connected in a good way we must help each other, learn from each other and not make other people fall down in life.

When we pray together in the mosque we have to connect-up with each other. We must pray together by standing together, bowing together and sitting together. There are deep meanings to all these things.

When we go to school we also connect up with our friends. We work together; we play together and we also grow up together. In the family too we are all connected together and we must try our best to make our family happy.

Try to make a list of people whom you connect up with in school and in the family. Write down the title: My Good Connections in Life.


This activity will help children to see how things in nature are connected together.

1. Try to link all the things that connect together. Then complete the sentence below. Then try to add more things in the picture with their connections.

This activity is to help children learn that we are connected to each other through ideals and commitments.

2. WriteTrue or False for each one of these statements

a. Love connects us to our family______

b. We must connect to all things by respecting them______

c. To be happy we must break-up from our friend______

d.Those who are greedy make good connections______

e. Truth does not connect with those who tell lies______

f. Knowledge connects us to Allah’s creation______

g. Wisdom connects us to the Quran______

h. To connect to your soul you must have faith______

i. If you are fair then you connect to Allah______



  1. Here are people praying together. They are all connected to each other. Draw more people joining them to connect together. Explain in a sentence why you think praying togetheris good.

2. You are to write a small speech to tell people how all things have a GREAT CONNECTION. Give an example in your speech.

3. On a plan piece of paper you have to draw Islamic patterns which are all connected together. Islamic patterns connect to each other to signify how Allah has beautifully designed the GREAT CONNECTION of the universe.



You saw how Allah has connected all things in the GREAT CONNECTION. Do you remember how we are connected to the plants, to the animals, to the earth and to each other?

Now do you remember ever looking up in the sky during a clear night?

Just think of how Allah has made the moon change its shape and how the stars shine at night. All these are beautiful things that Allah has created.

Now imagine you are in a spaceship and you are able to go up in the sky. Imagine how many new things you would see. One interesting place is Saturn. It is a place with rings around it. Look at some pictures of Saturn. Is not Allah the creator of wonderful and amazing things!What should you say when you see amazing things that Allah has created?

Everything that Allah has created in beautiful. When we see the beautiful things we must think of how wonderful Allah must be. Only a wonderful creator can create such beautiful things, don’t you agree! Remember we pray only to Allah who has created all these beautiful things. As Muslims we must not pray to anyone but to the wonderful creator who created things and also connected them up.


If you were high up in the sky in a spaceship and you looked down then what do you think you will see? Did you know that you would see a beautiful blue round place?Do you know what this blue place is? …. Yes it is where we live. It is the earth!

Our earth has many wonderful things everywhere and we are lucky to be here. There are beautiful trees, green grass, all sorts of animals, insects, rivers, mountains, rain, breeze etc. We must respect all these creations. We must think of all these things as beautiful.

If we want to see the true beauty of things we have to look closer at things. First think of the rainbow! Do you know how many colours Allah has put in the rainbow?

Do you know how the rainbow is made?

You need water and light. The water comes from the rain and the light comes from the Sun. When the Sun and the Rain connect together in the right way they make colours of the rainbow. What do you think we learn from this?

When we see beautiful things we can say thank you to Allah by saying Praise, Glory and Thank you or Masallah, Subhanallah and Alhamdulillah. We can also say Allahu Akbar if we want to say that Allah is Amazing. There are many such beautiful things we say in prayer. Which ones do you know?


Do you know what the most beautiful thing is in the world?

The most beautiful creation is the human being! Yes, men and women are the most beautiful creation. If you want to see the beauty Allah has given to you then look at how your brain is on the top of your body;how your arms move;how your voice can speak so many words;your hands which can write, draw, hold and make things; your eyes that see all the seven colours of the rainbow; your legs that help you walk, sit and play etc. You must respect all the things you have because Allah has made you in such a beautiful way.

There are some bad people who say: “O look at her, she is not beautiful!” This is a very bad thing to say because Allah gave a special beauty to all people. We must never think that other people are ugly because Allah has given a special beauty to all things he has created.

Question: Can you think of a reason why women were the Hijab?

Answer: Because no body can judge her and say: “O look at her; look at her clothes; look at how she was so beautiful but now she is not; look at her hair style; look at ….”


This activity is to help children broaden their notion of the vastness of creation

  1. Here is a picture of kids looking at beautiful things Allah has created. Name the things they see and try to colour the rainbow in seven different colours. What other things would they see from their spaceship?

Look in to space books to see the kind of things Allah has created. Think of the colour and the vastness of creation.

2. This boy is looking closer atplants to see beautiful patterns and colours. He sees leaves with patterns in them. Draw the missing patterns in the leaves below and write ALLAH all over it to show that Allah is the one who made all the patterns.

3. Allah has given vivid colour to tropical fish. Look these ones in vivid colours to show their beauty. Then look at pictures of coral and try to draw coral in this aquarium.

4. Choose and write the sentences in the box that go with the following:

  1. A boy says that his friend is ugly. What do you say to him?
  1. A girl says that she wished she had golden hair. What do you say to her?
  1. A boy says that foxes have ugly tails. What you say to him?
  1. A man says crocodiles are lovely and friendly. What do you say to him?

5. A lazy boys says that he will never have a bath because he will always be beautiful



1. You may have done the story of a witch who wanted to be the most beautiful woman on the earth. So she would always look at others and think: “I am more beautiful than her.” She would then stand in front of the mirror and say: “Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the prettiest of them all?”

Now you have to rewrite the story as though you were the mirror. The mirror has to teach her that all creation of Allah is beautiful. Write down a small conversation of what she would say and what the mirror would say.

  1. Take a magnifying glass and seek one thing whose patters you can look at closely. Try to make a drawing of it and draw the patterns you have seen. Then write Allahu Akbar all over it to show that we learn that Allah is Amazing.


Did you know that all things like the Sun, the moon and the earth used to be joined together like all the things in a cake? Allah had made all things joined up together because he wanted all things to start together.

Then Allah made all the things to separate out by causing a big blast. The big blast is called the BIG BANG.

Then step by step the stars, the moons, the planets and the mountains began to appear.

Then all the oceans were made, then all the land was made, then the mountains began to blast out like volcanoes, and finally the earth was ready for things to live on it.

All these show to us that Allah likes to make things in a step by step way.Everything has it’s time! What do you think we learn from this?


Even when a tree grows it does so in a step by step way. First a treeis a small seed. Then from the seed grows a little plant, then the plant grows bigger with small baby flowers. The baby flowers are called buds. After the buds the big flowers grow. Then from the flowers we get fruit.

We see that the fruit comes at the end of all the steps.

Think of the apple. First the tree grows. Then on the tree comes the buds. Then from the buds come the flowers and then finally from the flowers come the apples.

What we learn from this is that Allah gives fruits to the trees only when trees grow in a step by step way. If the trees did not first grow buds or flowers then there would be no fruit on the trees.


Do you know that we too grow in a step by step way! Do you knowwhere our first stage of life is?Yes it is inside our mothers. Allah only allows a mother to grow a baby inside her if she and her husband love each other closely. The baby then grows for nine months inside the mother. Then finally the baby is born.

The baby then stays a baby until it stops making dirty nappies, stops drinking it’s mothers milk, and learns to walk and talk. Then it becomes an infant child. When it is a child it learns many new things like good habits, saying Salaams etc. Then many years later it grows old.

All these are stages of our lives. Allah has made us go through these stages so that we can learn by getting the best experiences from our lives on this beautiful earth.

Imagine what would happen if we were never babies or if we were never children. Then would we get the time to learn new things? Would we get the time to play andhave fun? Would we get to how to love our parents? That would be sad, would it not!


Have you thought of what we learn about Allah from the way things happen in a step by step way?

We learn that each step is important. This means that it is not just the fruit that is important but the seed, the plant, the bud and the flowers are all important. It means that you are not important only when you grow up but even when you are a baby or a child you are still very important. So we must respect each and not think that it is no good being a child or a baby.

Allah has made every step in our lives an important step.

Some people say that don’t believe in Allah. They say that to be a child is to be in the ‘primitive’ or low stage of survival. But if you believe in Allah then you would say that even to be a child is not a low stage of survival but a high stage as we learn so many beautiful things when we are children.


1. Here is a drawing of some important things you have learnt about. It shows how all things were all joined together first until they all separated by a big blast. What does this tell us about how Allah makes things? Colour the picture or make a poster to show how all things were joined and a stage came when they were separated.