Mr. Gerasimou

Academic Studies and Career Planning

Yorba Lind High School

Room 301 Phone# (714) 986-7500 Ext: 14301


Course Content

This 9th grade course is one semester in length, for five credits and is a graduation requirement.


  • Flash Drive / Storage device
  • Notebook
  • Pens / Pencils
  • Silent reading book


All activities will be assigned a numerical value. Grades will be based on a percentage of the total number of points using the following scale.

100-90% = A

89 – 80% = B

79 – 70% = C

69 – 60% = D

59% or below = F

Course Categories

  1. Homework
  2. Quizzes
  3. Tests
  4. Projects
  5. Final Presentation w/ Visual aid
  6. Participation Points including SSR

Absence / Make up Policy

  • An absent student will be given one day to make up work per day of absence.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to obtain and makeup all class and homework.
  • Truancies must be cleared before makeup work will be accepted.
  • If you are absent on a test or quiz day it is the student’s responsibility to arrange a makeup.
  • Please obtain readmits prior to the beginning of class.

Late Work Policy

Late work will be accepted during the course of the unit of study in which it was assigned, or within 1 week of the next unit beginning. It will be given 50% credit for completed assignments.

SSR – Sustained Silent Reading.

Academic Studies and Career Planning is a required course for graduation. Students who are proficient in reading are more successful both academically and in daily life, therefore ASCP students will read for the first 12 minutes of class every day to help them develop this skill. They will be required to bring an SSR book to class every day. Students are encouraged to read a book they will enjoy. (Nook, Kindle, iPad are acceptable, PHONES ARE NOT)Students will lose participation points if:

  • They do not bring a book
  • They are not reading during SSR
  • They are reading a textbook, newspaper, or magazine

Classroom Procedures and Rules

Expected Classroom Behavior: Anything you do which interferes with your ability to learn, impedes your classmates’ ability to learn, or interferes with my ability to teach is disrespectful and inappropriate and therefore unacceptable.

Be respectful of others and myself at all times.

  1. You are to be in your assigned seat and ready when the bell rings. The school tardy policy will be enforced.
  2. No gum chewing.
  4. Electronic devices: Cell phones, Mp3 players (iPods) and all other electronic devices must be turned off and put away during class time (Unless being used for an assignment). The Yorba Linda High School rules and consequences for cell phones and electronic devices will be enforced.
  5. The school dress code policy will be enforced.

Cheating/ Plagiarism

Cheating and or plagiarism will not be tolerated. They will result in the loss of credit for the assignment and the PYLUSD and Yorba Linda High School policies for academic dishonesty will be enforced.


Aeries is a valuable tool for the students to keep track of their grades and progress, as well as for parents to monitor their child’s progress throughout the semester. Aeries will be updated on a weekly basis (Or as needed with assignments)