Name: ______

Chapter 8 Section 2 Notes
Electing the President

Electoral Votes
/ 1. What three states have the largest number of electoral votes?
2. Do only states have the electoral votes? Explain your answer.
3. What is the smallest number of East Coast states it would take to equal the number of California’s electoral votes?
/ Elector -
Electoral vote -
Winner take all -
Third Party Candidate -
Twelfth Amendment -
January 20th -
Electoral College -
Did you know?
/ How many popular votes? Electoral College Votes?
Ross Perot - Ross Perot -
George Bush - George Bush -
Bill Clinton - Bill Clinton -
Cover Story / 4. How many popular votes did Andrew Jackson win?
5. Did Andrew Jackson win the presidency by popular vote?
6. Who had to choose the President in December 1824?
The Original System
/ 7. How is the President chosen?
8. How was the Vice President chosen in 1800s?
9. What was the reason for the twelfth amendment?
Electoral College System Today / 10. How are popular votes related to the Electoral College system?
11. When does Congress count electoral college votes?
12. Name two presidents who were elected who lost the popular vote, but won the electoral votes.
Electoral College Issues / 13. Name two reasons why some people criticize the Electoral College System:
Electoral College Issues / 14. List the differences between the two elections:
15. Do you agree or disagree with critics who argue that the Electoral College system should be abolished? Explain.
Presidential Succession / 15. What happens during the inauguration ceremony?
16. Using a graphic organizer such as the one below, describe the ceremonial events that usually occur when a new president takes office.

Checking for Understanding
/ 17. A(n) ______is a member of a party chosen in each state to formally elect the president and vice president.
18. A(n) ______is the official vote for president and vice president by electors in each state.
19. Why do presidential candidates spend more time in states with large populations?
20. What does the phrase “winner take all” mean in presidential elections?
