Regional School District #16

Building Committee Meeting

2013 – Session 25 Agenda

April 9, 2013 (Tuesday)

7:00 PM – Long River Middle School, Prospect CT


Sherida Cocchiola Robert Spear

Stan Pilat Dave Rybinski

Jack Weinstein (arrived 7:20 p.m.)

ABSENT: William Fredericks, Robin Wright, Sheryl Feducia, Tom Galvin, Donna Cullen, Joe Theroux, Robert Hiscox, Gil Graveline, Mark Caswell, Chris Borajkiewicz, Allen Thibodeau

BOARD MEMBER PRESENT: Priscilla Cretella (arrived 7:40 p.m.)

STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Pamela Mangini, Business Manager

David Langdon, Facilities Director

OTHER ATTENDEES: Fletcher Thompson Turner Construction

Daniel Davis Philip Mazzatti

Vikas Nagardeolekar Lynn Temple

Facility Support Services

Kevin Bogue


Chairman Stan Pilat called the meeting to order at 7:13 p.m. at Long River Middle School Library, Prospect, CT.



Attendance was taken by signing an attendance sheet; a quorum was not present.

Jack Weinstein arrived at 7:20 p.m. which constituted a quorum.


a.  BC - 2/26/13

A MOTION was made by David Rybinski and SECONDED by Robert Spear to approve the minutes of February 26, 2013 Building Committee meeting.



a.  Construction Document Development

Mr. Nagardeolekar said the Bureau of School Facilities accepted the documents for the planned record review and informed the district that they did not have the resources to review in a timely fashion, which has prompted additional time to be reviewed by third parties. Henry Miga and Bruce Speedwack for Prospect are reviewing the documents. Comments have been received and are being reviewed. Mr. Nagardeolekar stated Fletcher Thompson is in constant contact with these reviewers. He is anticipated a sign-off date of May 6 by BSF. When that occurs, final documents will be put together for bidding.

b.  Approvals and next steps

i.  BSF PCT review(s)

·  LL – 2/1/13 & 2/7/13

·  New ES – 2/25/13

ii.  BSF sign-off

·  New ES = OSTA & DEEP.

iii.  Municipal Permit review(s)

·  Beacon Falls – “Local Review” – on-going

·  Prospect – “Local Review” – on-going

Mr. Nagardeolekar stated that because the BSF went to local (third party) review, this should satisfy the needs for local permitting. He said if both towns sign off on the reviews, they can issue their permits as they see fit, and permits are not necessary prior to bidding. He said the new Prospect school had three outstanding items which are being resolved. One of the items was bringing water to the site which Mayor Chatfield has received from the DEEP.

Mr. Spear asked if other districts have been approved quicker. Mr. Nagardeolekar did not know. Mr. Spear said construction looks like it will not begin until July and occupancy by Christmas break. Mr. Nagardeolekar said the delay has been out of their control. He also said that a retainer for the third party reviewer of $32,000 is being held by Beacon Falls while waiting on legal issues to be resolved.

Mr. Pilat said he wants the construction to be done correctly even if there is a delayed opening.

There was discussion on contractor bidding of the large and small companies. Mr. Temple has not seen manpower shortages but has seen companies going to bonding limits. Mr. Temple said it costs money for contractors to bid. Mr. Spear wants the bidding documents to be very clean and clear to eliminate few contingencies. Mr. Nagardeolekar stated there are always field conditions that require adjustments, items that are missed, or owner changes.

c.  Project invoices

A MOTION was made by Dave Rybinski and SECONDED by Sherida Cocchiola to approve the $26,000 invoice from Turner Construction.


d.  Miscellaneous

i.  April 8, 2013 (Monday) – Bidding Climate Review

Mr. Weinstein asked if the bids come in high, do they have to be accepted. Mr. Temple responded no, they can be rejected and rebid. Mr. Temple said good bids are within 10 percent of the projections.


a.  R16 - Professional services

i.  Commissioning CT HPB Design Review – On-going (OPR issued by BVH is 103012).

·  CD comments issued 3/17/13; FT response P, FP and E on 4/9/13

Mr. Nagardeolekar said he wants to schedule a meeting with Dave Langdon. Mr. Spear stated he is not being copied on comments from BVH; Turner also has not received any comments.

ii.  Traffic - On-going (OSTA scope review session occurred 1/23/13; re-submission of materials & new speed sign in-process).

·  Final Submission Documents reviewed for 4/11/13 delivery

b.  R16 - Utilities Coordination

i.  Yankee Gas – Cost of Service Agreements signed by R16 4/9/13; tentative work schedule = 7/22/13 through 8/9/13. Mr. Nag stated he reviewed this item with Mayor Chatfield and will schedule the water around the gas.

ii.  CT Water – Authorized to bid; work to be executed in Spring of 2013.

·  DEEP recommendation memo - 040413

c.  R16 - Hazmat Report(ing)

i.  Mr. Kevin Bogue stated he has identified lead which will be sampled for disposal characterization with contingencies that will guide the process.


i.  ED053 is under review with BSF – pending OSTA & DEEP final determination letters.


i.  Revised – pursuing finding of conformance. Mr. Nagardeolekar stated he is waiting for letter of approval.

f.  Building Official(s), Fire Marshall(s) & Public Safety

·  Beacon Falls – Third Party Review = TBD

·  Prospect – Third Party Review = TBD.

g.  Health Department (Food Service)

i.  Naugatuck Valley Health District – N/A

ii.  Chesprocott – N/A.


Mr. Mazzatti distributed the Project Master Schedule dated 4/8/13 and said there is ongoing refinement. He noted that the highlighted items are changes. Some of these dates push forward other dates. He said the driving delay is local review. He is targeting bids to be out by May 17 and received by June 17. Mr. Mazzatti has already been writing scopes of work in tandem with Fletcher Thompson. He has divided up the various trades to get the most work done with the least amount of contractors. He said they are hoping to start clearing trees the first week in July.

Mr. Spear asked Priscilla Cretella when the last day of school is. She responded June 24, and that staff will be moved to different sites so that construction can begin. Mr. Mazzatti said the 17-month construction schedule should be completed by December 2, and occupied by the end of January. Ms. Cretella said there were many problems with the occupancy of the high school during winter, and she doesn’t want to do that again. She doesn’t want to promise something that cannot be achieved. She also said a consideration should be made to keeping Community School for the district offices and not touch Algonquin. She wants to eliminate leasing. Mr. Pilat would propose tearing down Algonquin so that it doesn’t leave any issues for the district.


a.  PCT review and sign-off (ED053 & DEEP).

b.  Permit reviews and sign-off

c.  Future - TBD

IX.  Next Steps

a.  April 23, 2013 (T). Mr. Pilat will obtain future dates with the superintendent.

b.  Review BOE facility & design

c.  Play Equipment and FFE

Mr. Pilat said that there will be a lot of material for the Building Committee to review. He will obtain the material in advance of the meetings and members can review in advance of the meetings if they want to arrive early.

Mr. Nagardeolekar said there are three proposals for special inspectors that he will review with Ms. Mangini, Mr. Pilat and Mr. Spear. The special inspectors will be on site periodically to issue reports on rebar, concrete, compaction testing, etc.

X.  Information/Attachments –

040913 – Handouts:

a.  April 5, 2013 DEEP (Water Project) Recommendation Letter, dated 3/7/13

b.  April 4, 2013 Special Inspections Proposal - Fletcher Thompson

c.  March 22, 2013 Special Inspections Proposal – Macchi Engineers, LLC

d.  March 19, 2013 Special Inspections Proposal – Santo Domingo Engineering

e.  April 1, 2013 Prospect Local Review Comments (Draft)

f.  March 18, 2013 Prospect Local Review Comments (Draft)

g.  March 20, 2013 Beacon Falls Local Review Comments (Draft)

h.  March 12, 2013 Beacon Falls Local Review Comments (Draft)

i.  March 14, 2013 Transmittal –Local Review Document Sets for R16

j.  March 13, 2013 Transmittal – Prospect Local Review Document Sets

k.  March 7, 2013 Transmittal – Prospect Local Review Document Sets

l.  March 7, 2013 BSF Local Review Option Documents

m.  March 7, 2013 BSF PCT review form

n.  February 25, 2013 BSF PCT Response Letter

o.  February 19, 2013 Beacon Falls Local Review Schedule Notice

p.  November 5, 2012 R16 (New ES) Stormwater Pollution Control Permit documents

A MOTION was made by Dave Rybinski and SECONDED by Sherida Cocchiola to accept the Master Schedule and handouts and to include the attachments and handouts as part of the minutes.



A MOTION was made by Dave Rybinski and SECONDED by Bob Spear to adjourn the Building Committee meeting at 8:28 p.m.


Susan Vaill

Building Committee Clerk