St Wilfrid and Mother of God Parish, Abbeydale Road, Sheffield 11, St Ronan’s Road, Sheffield S7 1DX; Tel: 255 0827

18th June 2017. Feast of Corpus Christi. Father’s Day. Month of Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.


Sunday: 8.30 & 10am. Corpus Christi Procession at St Marie’s at 3pm. Musicians and singers of all ages are needed and very welcome to join in at the 6.30pm Mass on Saturday and 10am on Sunday morning.

Monday: 7.30pm. Exposition until 8.30pm. SVP at 8pm.

Tuesday: 9.15am Monthly Mass at St Wilfrid’s Centre & 12 Requiem Mass for Patrick Harrison.

Wednesday: 9.45am. Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal after Mass.

Thursday: 7am & 10. Novena with Holy Communion & Benediction at 7.30pm.

Friday: 10am. Holy Hour 2-3pm in the day chapel.

Saturday: 10am & 6.30pm first Mass for Sunday. Confessions: 10.30am – 11am & 5.30- 6pm. Nuptial Mass for Rose Drury & Christopher Webster at 12.30.

Rosary is offered every day in the Church 20 minutes before Mass.

Please pray for the Sick: The Sick in Nether Edge Hospital, Martin Doyle, Beverley Hope, James Baker, Robert Baker, Robert Goodwin, Harry Bishop, Leanne Chesney, Eleanor Goring, Mary Alderson, Quentin Whitlock, Beverley Clayton, Nichola Martin, Mark McHugh, Des McCann, Nichola Ross, Philip Jones, Steve Horn, Sally Riley, Noel O’Donovan, Jim McGowan, Asia Bibi, Ofelia Ramos, Mandy Voyce, Isabel Bela, Frances Richardson, Rob Bradley, Elizabeth Coakley, Sue Smith, Anya Crook, Jane Scott, Sheila Devanney, Elbzie Tkaczyk, John Kirk, Fr Kieran O’Connell, Josie McGuigan, Fr Attree, Norman Jones.

Lately Dead: Patrick Harrison, John Raftery, Wilfred Butler, Cath Askwith, Frances Hart, Cecily Moore, Bridget Killackey.

Anniversaries: Joseph Wang, Margaret Hartley, Luke Hayden, Doris Lush, Ellen Rushby, Pat Durkin, Jean Foster, Pat Kilgannon, Peter Kilgannon, Frank Young, Alexander Anderson, Patrick Conaghan, Tom Clancy, Annie Molloy.

Masses Received: Int of SVP, Int of Fr Wolstenholme, Thanksgiving, Dec.mems of the Hayden family, Paul Mitchell(2), Mary & Tom Waddington, Int of Fr.K. Jean Farret, For Aubrey & Phyllis McNeelance to get back to good health(4).

Offertory collection: loose plate £554. Envelopes £703. Thank you.

Day for Life next weekend. A special collection after Communion at all Masses.

Eucharistic Ministers: 6.30pm ( 11,12,13,14,7) 8.30am(8,9),10am(8,9,11,12,7)

Altar Servers:: N & S Hardwick, J Goodchild, 8.30am: U Norris, 10am: A & E Scriven.

Tote: Winning numbers were 13 & 22 with 2 winners receiving £20 each. We welcome new members at any time. 10p for 2 numbers between 1 & 30. Number sheets at the back of Church.

Women of All Ages – On Wednesday July 12th at 7pm at the Cricket Inn at Totley for an evening walk. Everyone welcome – get to know other ladies in your parish. Any queries call Anita Allen –m 07963562617.

Mother of God now has a news announcements section on its webpage. If you have a social media account such as facebook ,please share this link with your contacts. Visit This will help to remind you about upcoming meetings and events.

SVP TRIP TO BAKEWELL: Wednesday 5th July. For more information (including lunch menu) and booking speak to any member of the SVP or ring Celia 07815820052 by 20th June.

Your Credit Union is the inexpensive option for small loans. If all you want is a few hundred pounds – to help with a new fridge, a short break, some house repairs, maybe to help fund a gap year – it can be difficult to find an affordable bank loan, so you could pile it onto your credit card – which often costs far more than the Credit Union – or you could go for a payday loan costing much, much more. Or you could come to your Credit Union. To join see one of the collectors after Mass or ring Bob Lyons 2369334.

A Date for your Diary Sacred Heart Concert at Our Lady and St Thomas on June 22nd at 7.30pm. For further details see poster in church porch.

Notre Dame Catholic High School Summer Festival, Showcase & Art Exhibition Thursday June 29th 4pm to 9pm. Everyone welcome.

Diocese of Hallam Caring Services now has a counselling service for women. This takes place at Mother of God Parish Centre. We are able to offer this free of charge (donations welcome). If you know of any women in your parish who you think would benefit from this service they should contact Bernie Ware 0114 2566 408/07980406198 to arrange an appointment.

Padley Annual Pilgrimage July 9th. Assemble at 3pm at Grindleford Station for the Rosary procession to the Chapel. Concelebrated Mass at 3.30Ppm.

Hallam Diocesan Pilgrimage to Walsingham Saturday 15th July, Cost £17 adults. Students/children £11. Coach leaves Pond Hill at 8am promptly and returns at 9pm approx. Contact Francesca Flynn 0114 2686247,

Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies starts in September. To find our more or to register visit or call 0114 2566410

Parish Meeting: Next meeting will be on Thursday July 6th at 8pm in the Parish Centre. Everyone welcome. It was proposed that we have one house mass a month throughout our parish. These will start on the 3rd Wednesday of September and follow through each month on the 3rd Wednesday. So I request volunteers.



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