Hudson Area Schools Course Syllabus


  1. Course Title: Rosetta Stone
  1. Course Description:
  1. Credit Hours:1
  1. Course Prerequisites: None
  1. Course Times: Varies
  1. Course Location: Room 308
  1. Instructor: Kevin Reed (517) 448-8975, ext. 309
  1. Required Text and Other Learning Resources: Internet
  1. Course Overview: The student will use headphones with voice recognition software and Rosetta Stone software to use dynamic immersion, interaction, intuition, images, and instruction in building a strong foundation in Foreign Language.Daily online immersion in the language will occur, worksheets, quizzes and projects will also be a part of the instruction.

Course Content Expectations: Upon completion of this course, students should be able to do the following: Based on the Michigan Curriculum Framework, World Languages: Content Standards and Benchmarks (1998); upon completion of this course, students should be able to do the following:

1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions

1.1.N.SL.aUse the target language with culturally appropriate gestures in everyday social situations such as greeting, leave taking or introductions

1.1.N.SL.bAsk and answer basic questions about the weather, health/physical conditions, self, family and friends

1.1.N.SL.cRecognize and use appropriate register/honorifics in a limited number of simple social situations such as greetings, leave-takings and introductions

1.1.N.SL.dRequest, offer, invite, and reply appropriately using memorized phrases

1.1.N.SL.eAsk questions about physical appearance, character and personality traits of friends, family, classmates and answer using a list of traits

1.1.N.SL.fAsk questions about feelings, emotions and health of friends, family, classmates and answer using a list of traits

1.1.N.SL.gAsk questions about the attributes of places and things in their immediate environment and answer using a list of traits

1.1.N.SL.hExchange information in the target language on familiar topics such as personal interests, memorable experiences, school activities, and family life

1.1.N.SL.iAsk for and obtain information in everyday situations in the target language about time, place, price, size, relating to restaurants, stores, transportation, and services

1.1.N.SL.jShare likes and dislikes in the target language with a classmate

1.1.N.SL.kShare opinions and preferences in the target language with their classmates

1.1.N.RW.aUse the target language in email messages, text messages, blogs, webpages, letters, and notes to greet, take leave, or make introductions

1.1.N.RW.dRequest, offer, invite, and reply appropriately in writing using memorized phrases

1.2.N.R.aDemonstrate understanding of written classroom language in the target language including directions, commands, and requests

1.2.N.R.cUnderstand written interpersonal communication on topics of personal interest such as preferences, family life, friends, leisure and school activities, and everyday occurrences (email, letters, messages, notes, and text messages)

1.3.N.W.cWrite brief personal descriptions on familiar topics in the target language such as self, friends, family, home, and school

2.1 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.

2.2.N.G.aIdentify countries, their capital and major cities in which the language is spoken

2.2.N.G.b Identify major geographic features (rivers, mountains, deserts, forests) of a country in which the language is spoken

2.2.N.C.a Identify current cultural icons (arts, music, literature, film, and the creators of these products as well as natural sites)

3.1.N.a Reinforce previously learned content knowledge through the target language

3.2.N.a Use audio, visual, and/or print materials available only in the target language to recognize that a topic or situation may be viewed differently in one’s own culture than in the target culture

4.1.N.a Identify basic target culture practices and compare them to one’s own

4.2.N.aIdentify basic differences and similarities in vocabulary between one’s own language and the target language (cognates and borrowed words)

4.2.N.bIdentify basic differences and similarities in grammatical structures between one’s own language and the target language

5.2.N.aWillingly use the target language within the classroom setting

5.2.N.cIdentify careers where skills in another language or cross-cultural understanding are needed

  1. Tentative Course Calendar/Schedule: With level consists of 4 units, with interactive lessons with a milestone at the end of each unit to assess competency.
  1. Grading Policy and Rubric:

100 A+ 4.00

93-99 A 4.00

90-92 A- 3.67

87-89 B+ 3.33

83-86 B 3.0

80-82 B- 2.67

77-79 C+ 2.33

73-76 C 2.00

70-72 C- 1.67

67-69 D+ 1.33

63-66 D 1.00

59.45-62 D- .67

  1. Course Policies:
  1. I will be on time for class each day and come prepared and ready to work.
  2. I will complete all assignments independently.
  3. I agree that my cell phone and any other electronic devices will be powered off, concealed, and not in use in the classroom. If I violate this policy, I understand that I will have any such items confiscated by my teacher.
  4. Since this is a self-paced online course, I accept that talking with other students is not permitted.
  5. I will not access any Internet sites except for those required by the Rosetta Stone program..
  6. I will respect other people, as well as their property.
  7. I will remain at my assigned work station until the end of the period and keep my area clean.
  8. I will work diligently on all assignments to the best of my ability.