Career Coaching – exploring models and improving your practice
Tuesday 13 March 2018 – Exeter
Thursday 21 June 2018 - Sheffield
Coaching when adopted by Careers Practitioners can be transformational in providing Careers Information, Advice and Guidance as it fosters independence, accountability and subsequently informed decision making.
Career coaching will provide an opportunity to explore the topical ‘Growth Mindset’ (Carol Dweck) and identify how it dovetails with coaching and can actively develop resilience and facilitate self-improvement.
We will explore how Career Coaching goes beyond advice and guidance by using the language of possibility through powerful, higher level, questioning and by moving through cosmetic and conversational listening to achieve deep and active listening.
This practical course will identify Coaching models which have been proven to bring about dynamic and sustainable change for clients, for example the Boyatsis Model of Intentional Change effectively facilitates Career Coaching as it is a client led model.
We will identify how Career Conversations when underpinned by a coaching methodology go further than advice and guidance as it facilitates commitment, motivation and accountability.
We will have the opportunity to practice career coaching skills and techniques and identify how we can enhance our existing practice. Finally using the GROW (John Whitmore) coaching model we can implement our new learning through identifying our next steps.
Learning outcomes
- Identify the key differences between Mentoring and Coaching and their respective outcomes in CIAG
- Gain an understanding of how the development of a ‘Growth Mindset’ (C Dweck) can support effective Career decision making
- Understand how coaching skills and techniques can significantly improve practice in CIAG
- Identify 2 coaching models and how they could be used effectively with clients to ensure positive outcomes
- Implement new practical approaches to our Careers delivery through Career Coaching and Career Conversations which promote ownership, responsibility and accountability.
Target audience
Anyone working in the sector looking to develop skills in coaching, whether working as a private practitioner, for the National Careers Service or another careers company or charity, or working with young people and simply looking to improve their practice and introduce coaching techniques to enhance their work and positive outcomes for their clients.
From 9:30 - Registration, tea & coffee
10:00Welcome and introduction
10:10Challenges in CIAG and why coaching could be a solution?
10:50Activity - Coaching and mentoring the differences and the skills/values and behaviours of a coach
11:15Introduction to Carol Dwecks ‘Growth Mindset’ and ‘Have you got it?’ Quiz
1145Exploring the language of possibility through higher level questioning (using a question matrix) and challenging our deep and active listening skills.
12:30-Lunch and networking
1.15An opportunity to explore and use the Boyatsis Model for Intentional Change
1:45Introduction to the Career Conversation model and a chance to try it for size
2.30Using our coaching skills and powerful questioning for ‘Career dilemma’ case studies in triads, discussion and feedback
3.15Using the ‘GROW’ model for change identify next steps - What next, who, when and how
3.45Summing up, questions & discussion
Trainer biography
Jayne North is Managing Director of Career North Ltd and a member of the Career Development Institute, she has worked creatively in CEIAG for 24 years. She is a Master Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and an expert coach. Jayne is passionate about CEIAG and teaching and learning and is a Lead Practitioner for the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust currently working with Dylan Wiliam on Embedding Formative Assessment.
She has written extensively for the National College for Teaching and Leadership (NPQH), the SSAT and has written a CEIAG Masters for Edge Hill University. She is a published author writing a book for Trotman and numerous CPD and Curriculum resources most recently publishing ‘My Career & Personal Development’ for KS3 and KS4 and ‘FairyTwists’ immersive short stories designed to develop a growth mindset for KS1/ KS2.
Booking information
£145 + VAT for CDI Members
£195 + VAT for non-members
£296 inc VAT – price for 12 months membership plus attendance at this event
£60 + VAT student members of CDI (places limited to 3)
Please book your place through our online events system –