Application Form 2017/18

Please complete all sections or you may invalidate your application. (A copy of the completed PRE-APPLICATION FORM is also required to be submitted for confirmation of eligibility)

Section One - Contact Details

Organisation Name
Contact Name
Phone Number
Email address

Section Two - Your Organisation

What does you organisation do and who benefits from the services you provide? (max 100 words):

Section Three–Project Cost

3.What do you require the funding for and how much will it cost?Please give a full breakdown of all the costs. (Note: the maximum you can apply for is £5000)

Section Four-Timescales

4. Indicate the timescales you are working towards, giving project start and end dates and a timetable of events

Section 5 - Additional Information

Please tell us if there is anything else you would like to tell us about your project or organisation in support of your application?

Please Note:A copy of the completed PRE APPLICATION FORM is also required to be submitted as confirmation of eligibility

Section Seven-Declaration:

In submitting this application, I confirm that all of the information supplied is complete, and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I have the full support of the above named organisation to be applying on their behalf. I have read and understood the information from the Castlemilk & Community Windpark Trust and will comply with the terms and conditions of the funding criteria.

Please Note:A copy of the completed PRE APPLICATION Form is also required to be submitted for confirmation of eligibility

Signed (by a board/committee member):______

Date: ______

Submitting your application

Once completed please email this form to:applications

If you have no computer access applications can be submitted by post to the address below.

Registered Office: Castlemilk Stables, 59 Machrie Road,GLASGOW,G45 OAZ

Tel: 07717 138139 Web: Email: