HU3292 Lev. II-B Spanish Language and Culture – Fall 2014 – Syllabus—Prof. Amador

Course Syllabus

HU 3292Level II B Spanish Language & Culture

College of Science and Arts

Department of Humanities

Fall 2014

Instructor Information

Instructor:Carlos M. Amador, PhD

Assistant Professor of Spanish and Culture Studies

Office Location:322 Walker Arts and Humanities Center

Telephone:Office –(906) 487-3257


Office Hours:TR 10:00am – 12:00pm or by appointment

Course Identification

Course Number:CRN 85076

Course Name:HU 3292Level II B Spanish Language & Culture

Course Location:Fisher Hall 125

Class Times:T/TH 14:05-15:20

Course Description/Overview

Spanish IIB is an advanced (2nd year, 2nd semester) Spanish language and culture course that focuses on developing significant increases in comprehension, written and oral expression, and cultural literacy. This course works with authentic texts, films, and recordings so that students operate within a model that unites comprehension, communicative production, and grammar based activities. This course also contains an added component of activities requiring that students connect their Spanish with their intended professional discipline.

Course Learning Objectives

Spanish IIB has 5 principal course learning objectives adapted from the ACTFL Standards for Foreign Language Learning. Note: These are standards -- frameworks for understanding what there is to learn -- and not evaluations of achievement. No one student will achieve all standards with equal success. However, they outline what kinds of learning each student will engage in and improve upon by the end of the course. .

1. Learners will improve their communication across a variety of registers. Activities will focus on interpretation, interpersonal communication, and presentation of Spanish for specific communicative purposes.

2. Learners will use the language to critically reflect on culture, focusing on using the language in an engaged role for understanding and presenting information about culture, especially information drawn from sources intended for native speakers.

3. Learners will use the language to make interdisciplinary and transcultural connections, using Spanish as a critical thinking tool.

4. Learners will make informed cultural and linguistic comparisons in Spanish, using the language as tool of personal reflection about similarities and differences between their own culture and Hispanic cultures.

5. Learners will use the language as a tool to join communities. Successful completion of this course will allow students to grow and develop relationships with individuals and various groups (for specific professions, interests, or regions) across the Hispano-phone world.

MTU University Student Learning Goals

HU3292 satisifies University Student Learning Goal #3-Global Literacy.Students will be able to interact in meaningful ways with people from other Hispanophone cultures and reflect upon cultural connections and divergences in Spanish and English. This will be accomplished by acquisition of global knowledge and competencies through the study of language and culture. For more information on Global Literacy, please refer to: Goal 3_Global Literacy & Human Culture Rubric

Course Resources + Required Text

Required Course Text

MAS. 2nd edition. Perez-Girones, Adan-Linfante. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2014.

Connect Access for MAS. Perez-Girones, Adan-Linfante. New York: McGraw-Hill.

ISBN: 0078049040 / 9780078049040-MAS CNCT+ © 2014, 2nd edition

Course Website(s)
  • Canvas

Course Communication

All communications should be done through email. Any announcements pertinent to course as a whole will be made through canvas. All communication shall be written in the appropriate register and tone between a university student and the professor. Should you have any questions about how to email your professor, please consult the following link:
PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR MICHIGAN TECH EMAIL ACCOUNT IS CURRENT. It is the student’s responsibility to maintain a working email account and use the Michigan Tech address for all official correspondence.

Assignments and Grading Policy

Grade Breakdown

Connect + Other Homework / 15%
Chapter Exams (6-8, 9-10, 11-12) / 25%
Final Exam / 15%
Oral presentations/Final interviews / 20%
Connect writing assignments (Peer-Review) / 5%
Class attendance (quizzes) /participation / 15%
In-Class Writing Assignments / 5%
Total / 100%
Assignments and Examinations:
  • Connect + Other Homework (15%): Homework is assigned on your Connect page and is assigned by chapter. Please ensure that you have access to a working computer. Very occasionally, homework that is not available on Connect will be assigned.
  • Chapter Exams (25%): Chapter exams will include listening, writing, reading, and grammar sections taken from your textbook and course instruction. There will be two exams covering three chapters each.
  • Final Exam (15%): The final examination will be cumulative, covering the entire book’s content. This will be a student-composed exam to be further explained in class.
  • Connect writing assignments (5%): These are short compositions done on Connect that contain a mandatory peer review component.
  • In-Class Writing Assignments + corrections (5%): These are short essays done in class that contain a peer review component.
  • Class attendance quizzes/participation (15%)
  • Oral Presentations/Final interviews (20%): You will present on a cultural topic for 5-7 minutes in Spanish with the use of visual presentation software. (10%) Your final interview will consist of a short conversation with your professor about a mutually agreed upon topic.
Late Assignments Policy
  • Connect homework is due on the dates listed on your Connect site. Late work will have a 15% deduction for each day late. This is automatically programmed into Connect
  • To receive full credit for an In-Class writing assignment you must be present in class.
  • There will no makeup quizzes or tests for unexcused absences.
  • Unless there is an authorized university activity, attendance is mandatory during the final presentations. Unexcused absences during this period will result in a 10% percent reduction of your oral presentation grade.

Grading Scheme (All assignments and final course grade)

Grading System
Letter Grade / Percentage / Grade points/credit / Rating
A / 93% & above / 4.00 / Excellent
AB / 87% – 92.9% / 3.50 / Very good
B / 82% – 86% / 3.00 / Good
BC / 76% – 81% / 2.50 / Above average
C / 70% – 75% / 2.00 / Average
CD / 65% – 69% / 1.50 / Below average
D / 60% - 64% / 1.00 / Inferior
F / 59% and below / 0.00 / Failure
I / Incomplete; given only when a student is unable to complete a segment of the course because of circumstances beyond the student’s control.
X / Conditional, with no grade points per credit; given only when the student is at fault in failing to complete a minor segment of a course, but in the judgment of the instructor does not need to repeat the course. It must be made up by the close of the next semester or the grade becomes a failure (F). A (X) grade is computed into the grade point average as a (F) grade.

Attendance and Participation

Each day, I will circulate attendance quizzes (one point for correctness, one for completeness) that determine 7.5% of your grade. Questions will be taken from the grammar or vocabulary for that day. Active participation in class in Spanish will determine the rest of your participation grade. On your Canvas site you will receive weekly feedback and grades for your engagement with the course and use of Spanish in class. The remaining 7.5% of your participation grade is based on:

  • Use of Spanish in class. It is essential that you make the effort to express yourself at all times in Spanish, this includes during group work and speaking with your classmates
  • Willingness to volunteer in whole class activities and to participate and cooperate in pair and group work.
  • Level of preparedness. It is mandatory that you come to class on time and prepared, with assigned pages read in advance and assignments completed.

Students who miss more than threeclasses without university-approved excuses will lower their final grade by half a grade; those who miss more than fourwill lover their grade by a full grade. There will be no passing grade for students who miss more than 30% of classes. Any student with 7 unexcused absences will not be allowed to take the Final Exam. Excessive tardiness will also result in a grade reduction

A simple email note or a verbal communication does NOT qualify as an officially excused absence. An OFFICIALLY EXCUSED absence is one that is authorized in writing by a doctor, another instructor, a coach for a university-sponsored event, a university program director, a work supervisor, or the Dean of Students. If you know in advance that you will not be able to attend class or complete an exam or quiz, it is your responsibility to make prior arrangements with me and to complete the required assignments in a timely manner. No exam make-ups allowed for anyone without a university-approved (official) excuse.

Collaboration/Plagiarism Rules/Class Conduct

Most of the in-class work done in HU3292 will be collaborative; it is imperative that you come prepared to work with your classmates. Plagiarism will be strictly dealt with according to the Academic Integrity Code of Michigan Tech. Please consult the following link for information:

Cell phones, Blackberries, iPods, PDAs, or any other electronic devices are not to be used in the classroom. Information exchanges on these devices during class are also prohibited and violate the Academic Integrity Code of Michigan Tech.

University Policies

Student work products (exams, essays, projects, etc.) may be used for purposes of university, program, or course assessment. All work used for assessment purposes will not include any individual student identification.

Michigan Tech complieswith all federal and state laws and regulations regardingdiscrimination, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. For more information aboutreasonable accommodation for or equal access to education or services at MichiganTech, please call the Dean of Students Office, at(906) 487- 2212or go to
the Student Disability Services Office

Please submit any disability services documentation by September 12th, 2014. Any documentation received after that date will be accepted on an individual basis. Please contact me via email or come to my office hours to discuss accommodations.

Office Hours and Grade Appeals

I am always available during office hours or by appointment to discuss any aspect of the course. You may appeal your grade for any reason. Grade appeals are to be done during office hours or by appointment exclusively. Reevaluation of your work does not guarantee a higher grade, but can also result in a lowering of your assignment grade.

Note: Any portion of the syllabus and course schedule may be revised during the semester to accommodate the needs of students or the instructor.

Course Calendar

FECHA / TAREA y Actividades En Clase / Contenido de libro y pruebas
martes 2 / Semana 1: Tarea de Connect fecha límite 14 de septiembre / Diagnóstico
jueves 4 / Mini-lectura, Mini-escritura en grupos / CAPITULO 6: LA BUENA VIDA
Mini lectura: Olvida tus penas
martes 9 / Semana 2
Seguir con capítulo 6 / PALABRAS
  • La calidad de vida lugares y actividades para el tiempo libre,
  • ¡La mesa!
El subjuntivo en clausulas nominales: Expresiones de emoción y duda
jueves 11 / Práctica en clase / ESTRUCTURAS 16
Cuando no es necesario expresar el sujeto de la acción: El se impersonal
martes 16 / Semana 3 / Conversación en clase—pequeñas presentaciones
jueves 18 / Cultura y composición / CULTURA
Taki-Kuni: música popular en Latinoamérica
Tertulia: La música
Composición 1 en clase
martes 23 / Semana 4
Capítulo 7—Tarea de Connectfecha límite 28 de septiembre / CAPITULO 7: Nos-otros
Mini-lectura: <dos idiomas, múltiples beneficios>
Cortometraje: <Camión de carga>
jueves 25 / Hablar de identidad nacional / PALABRAS
  • La identidad nacional
  • la experiencia en otro país

martes 30 / Semana 5 / CULTURA
La lengua española: El gran vínculo
<El año que viene estamos en Cuba>
17 Palabras indefinidas, negativas y positivas
18 El indicativo y el subjuntivo en cláusulas adjetivales
jueves 2 / ¿Qué pasa, USA? en clase.
Debate en clase—¿Es el spanglish un idioma/dialecto? / Composición 2 en clase con revisión (peer review)
Redacción—Una biografía/uso de lenguas
martes 7 / Semana 6
Tarea de Connect fecha límite 12 octubre / CAPITULO 8: Nuestro mundo pequeño
Mini lectura: <Cambio climático, Greenpeace Argentina>
  • El medio ambiente
  • La ciudad y los servicios urbanos
  • El desarrollo y la economía

jueves 9 / Debate medioambientalista / CULTURA
  • El medio ambiente
  • La ciudad y los servicios urbanos
  • El desarrollo y la economía
El futuro y el futuro perfecto en el indicativo
martes 14 / Semana 7
Repaso para la primera prueba / ESTRUCTURA 20
El indicativo y subjuntivo en cláusulas adverbiales
jueves 16 / Prueba # 1
martes 21 / Semana 8
Tarea de Connect
fecha límite 26 octubre / CAPITULO 9: EN BUSCA DE IGUALDAD
«La ONU declara el acceso a Internet como un derecho humano»
  • El individuo
  • Para hablar de temas sociales
  • Para expresar opiniones

jueves 23 / ESTRUCTURAS 21
El presente perfecto del subjuntivo
Los pronombres relativos
Cortometraje: <Quince años>
martes 28 / *Semana 9
Debates culturales
Manifiestos feministas
Manifiestos machistas / CULTURA
El machismo
El feminismo
Composición #2 en clase con revisión--¿Qué significa el feminismo?
jueves 30 / Capítulo 10
Conferencia sobre culturas indígenas/pequeño informe sobre una cultura indígena / Introducción al CAPITULO 10: Los tiempos precolombinos
Mini lectura: Popol Vuh (pequeña película)
  • Para hablar de la historia
  • El paso del tiempo
Culturas indígenas
España precolombina
El imperfecto del subjuntivo
martes 4 / Semana 10
Tarea de Connect
fecha límite 9 de de noviembre / ESTRUCTURAS 24
El condicional
Lectura: < Mi tierra>
Cortometraje: <El último viaje del almirante>
jueves 6 / Prueba 9-10 / Prueba 2
martes 11 / Semana 11
Tarea de Connect
fecha límite 22 de noviembre / Introducción al CAPITULO 11: Los tiempos coloniales: Después del encuentro…
Mini lectura: En busca del nuevo mundo
Bartolomé de las Casas
Los medios de comunicación, la computación y otras tecnologías, no solo tecnología
jueves 13 / Hablar del documental del barroco / CULTURA
El barroco (documental)
Simón Bolívar
El pasado perfecto o el pluscuamperfecto del subjuntivo
martes 18 / Semana 12 / ESTRUCTURAS 26
El condicional perfecto
Lectura: <el Eclipes>
Composición 3 análisis de una obra de arte
jueves 20 / ¿Cómo funcionan las democracias en países hispanoamericanos? / Introducción al CAPITULO 12: La democracia: ¡Presente!
Mini lectura: TBD
martes 25 / Día del acción de gracias / Vacaciones del día de acción de gracias
martes 27 / Día del acción de gracias / Vacaciones del día de acción de gracias
martes 2 / Semana 13 / PALABRAS
La voz pasiva
El subjuntivo en cláusulas independientes
Repaso para la prueba #3
jueves 4 / Prueba de capítulos 9-12 / Prueba #3
martes 9 / Semana 14
Empezar la composición del examen final
Presentaciones finales/entrevistas orales / Tarea—composición de preguntas para el examen final
jueves 11 / Composición del examen final
Presentaciones finales/entrevistas orales
Último día de clase / Tarea—composición de preguntas para el examen final
15 diciembre / Examen final
Fisher Hall 125


HU3292 Lev. II-B Spanish Language and Culture – Fall 2014 – Course Calendar T/Th