Part C: Application Information for the [Activity Name]

Part C: Application Information for the Contribution to the Athlete Leadership Program,
Special Olympics Australia

Program Guidelines SuitePage 1 of 7

Part C: Application Information for the [Activity Name]


The Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA or the Department)has a suite of documents (the Program Guideline Suite) which provide information relating to the program. They provide the key starting point for parties considering whether to participate in the program and form the basis for the business relationship between FaHCSIA and the funding recipient.

They are:

-Part A: Program Guidelines which provides an overview of Program and the Activities relating to the program;

-Part B: Information for Applicantswhich provides information on the Application, Assessment, Selection and Complaints processes; Financial and Funding Agreement arrangements.

-Part C: Application Information providesspecific information on the Activity, Selection Criteria, Performance Management and Reporting.This part should be read in conjunction with the Terms and Conditions of the Standard Funding Agreement.

-TheApplication Form which is completed by applicants applying for funding during a selection process.

FaHCSIA reserves the right to amend these documents from time to time by whatever means it may determine in its absolute discretion and will provide reasonable notice of these amendments.

Table of Contents


1Program Overview

1.1Program Outcomes


2Activity Overview

2.1Aims and objectives

2.2Service provider eligibility

2.3Participants/clients/recipients/target group

2.4Funding for the activity

2.5Eligible and in-eligible activities

2.6Activity links and working with other agencies and services

2.7Specialist requirements (e.g. Legislative requirements)

2.8Information technology

2.9Activity performance and reporting

3Application Process

3.1Overview of the Application Process

3.2Selection Criteria

3.3How to submit an application

3.4Questions and Answers during the Application period

3.5Questions after the application period

3.6Closing date and time

3.7Application Acknowledgement

3.8Selection Panel

3.9Announcement Strategy

4Special Conditions applying to this Activity

5Contact information


1Program Overview

Services and Support for People with Disability Program

The Australian Government helps to support people with disability, their families and carers, through the provision of income support payments and allowances (including Disability Support Pension, Carer Payment and Carer Allowance) and support services for people with disability and their carers.

The Services and Support for People with Disability Program provides support to people with disability, their families and carers, through grants and funding to organisations that deliver services for people with disability.

Under Services for People with Disability, the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) funds a number of services for people with disability and their carers, including supported employment services, advocacy, a national booking service for Auslan interpreting services, print disability services, respite services, services to make the community more accessible, supported accommodation for people with disability, leadership support for people with disability and outside school hours care for teenagers with disability.

The Government will continue to work with the states and territories on the design, governance and funding arrangements for the national roll-out of a National Disability Insurance Scheme through the Council of Australian Governments and the Select Council of Treasurers and Disability Ministers.

FaHCSIA is also continuing to work closely with the state and territory governments on key priority areas under the National Disability Agreement.

1.1Program Outcomes

Outcome 5 – Disability and Carers

To provide an adequate standard of living, improved capacity to participate economically and socially and manage life-transitions for people with disability and/or mental illness and carers through payments, concessions support and care services.


Outcome 5.4 - Services and Support for People with Disability

To provide supported employment and improve access to information, advocacy and services for people with disability so they can develop their capabilities and actively participate in community and economic life.

2Activity Overview

Special Olympics athletes are the leaders of the Special Olympics movement. The Athlete Leadership Program is intended to offer athletes an opportunity to become ambassadors for people with an intellectual disability, leaders in their community and leaders within Special Olympics at local, state, national and international levels.

Participation comes in the form of an athlete serving on the Board of Directors or local organizing committee, or it might find an athlete as a spokesperson, team captain, coach or official, ambassador, media representative, advocate or community leader.

Some of the initiatives included in the Athlete Leadership Program are:

  • Athletes on Program Boards of Directors
  • Athletes on Games Management Teams
  • Athletes on Games Evaluation Teams
  • Global Messengers
  • Athlete Congress or Input Councils
  • Athletes as Coaches
  • Athletes as Officials
  • Athletes as Volunteers
  • Athletes employed by Special Olympics
  • Athletes as contributors to newsletters and Web sites
  • Advocates and a voice on key issues relating to people with disabilities
  • Athlete Ambassadors, public speaking and media
  • Mentors to other athletes with ID
  • Leadership roles

This funding is to allow for a contribution towards the Athlete Leadership Program.

2.1Aims and objectives

As an integral component of Special Olympics' dedication to empowerment and dignity, Athlete Leadership Program initiatives provide new opportunities for athletes in Australia to lead and be involved and benefit the movement as a whole.

2.2Service provider eligibility

The following entity types are eligible to apply for funding for this activity:
Special Olympics Australia(sole organisation eligible)

2.3Participants/clients/recipients/target group

Registered young athletes and mentors with Special Olympics Australia.

2.4Funding for the activity

One-off funding of $70,000 is available.

2.5Eligible and in-eligible activities

Funding can be used for program costs including human resourcing, state and national Athlete Leadership Program conferences, training and development workshops, transport and hospitality, training tools and materials, mentorship support network and communications.

2.6Activity links and working with other agencies and services

Not applicable.

2.7Specialist requirements (e.g. Legislative requirements)

Not applicable.

2.8Information technology

Not applicable.

2.9Activity performance and reporting

A report on the progress of the Athlete Leadership Program is due by 31 January 2014.

3Application Process

3.1Overview of the Application Process

The process will be a direct selection process.

A direct selection process is where an approach is made directly to an existing, high performing provider to expand their current service delivery activities or deliver new services. It involves assessment of a provider’s capacity to deliver an expanded service or capability to deliver a new service through use of selection criteria and/or an assessment of a provider’s current performance.

3.2Selection Criteria

Not applicable

3.3How to submit an application

Not applicable – based on a received submission.

3.4Questions and Answers during the Application period

Not applicable.

3.5Questions after the application period

Not applicable.

3.6Closing date and time

Not applicable.

3.7Application Acknowledgement

Not applicable.

3.8Selection Panel

The proposal will be considered by FaHCSIA staff. The final decision to enter into a funding agreement will be approved by the Minister for Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs on advice provided by the Department.

All undertakings of FaHCSIA staff will be in line with APS Code of Conduct and the FaHCSIA Chief Executive’s Instructions. The Chief Executive's Instructions are instructions issued by the Secretary of FaHCSIA which set out the requirements that must be followed by FaHCSIA staff in order to ensure the Department’s compliance with the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 and the Financial Management and Accountability Regulations 1997 (collectively known as the FMA legislation).

3.9Announcement Strategy

Special Olympics Australia will be informed once a decision has been made.

4Special Conditions applying to thisActivity

Not applicable.

5Contact information

  • Joanne Llewellyn
  • Department of Families, Housing, Community Services, and Indigenous Affairs, PO Box 7576, Canberra ACT 2610
  • 02 6146 2581
  • 02 6204 7399

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