Supplemental Materials

Table S1MRM conditions for each compounds. DP; declustering potential, CE; collision energy, CXP; collision cell exit potential.

Figure S1 Schematic diagram of the clinical study

Figure S2Effect of rifampicin on the plasma concentration of DHEAS in healthy volunteers

Figure S3Effect of rifampicin on the plasma concentrations of steroids in healthy volunteers

Plasma steroids in healthy subjects in control (open circle) and rifampicin-treated (closed circle) phases were quantified using LC-MS/MS and AbsoluteIDQ Stero17 Kit (Biocrates, Innsbruck, Austria) according to the manufactures’ protocol. Among the 17 steroids, plasma levels of estradiol, aldosterone, and etiocholanolone were below the lower limit of quantification, and 17α-hydroxyprogesterone could not be detected in most of the plasma specimens. DHEAS was not separated. Each point represents the mean and SEM (n=6~8) *p<0.05

Figure S4 Individual data of the plasma C4 concentrations with or without rifampicin treatment

Time profiles of C4 in healthy subjects in control (open circles) and rifampicin-treated (600mg p.o., closed circles) phases were determined.

Table S1MRM conditions for each compounds. DP; declustering potential, CE; collision energy, CXP; collision cell exit potential.

Compound / ion mode / Q1 [Da] / Q3 [Da] / DP
[V] / CE
[V] / CXP
[V] / Retention time[m]
CA / Negative / 407.2 / 343.2 / -185 / -48 / -27 / 2.75
CDCA / Negative / 391.2 / 391.2 / -185 / -46 / -55 / 2.84
CDCA-3G / Negative / 567.3 / 74.9 / -195 / -64 / -13 / 2.59
CDCA-24G / Negative / 567.3 / 112.9 / -90 / -42 / -5 / 2.75
GCA / Negative / 464.2 / 73.8 / -65 / -92 / -29 / 2.70
GCDCA / GDCA / Negative / 448.2 / 73.9 / -170 / -90 / -9 / 2.81
GCDCA-S / Negative / 263.6 / 74.1 / -95 / -24 / -9 / 2.50
GLCA / Negative / 432.3 / 73.8 / -135 / -84 / -9 / 2.88
TCA / Negative / 514.2 / 79.8 / -10 / -124 / -35 / 2.69
TCDCA / TDCA / Negative / 498.2 / 80.0 / -20 / -124 / -35 / 2.77
TUDCA / Negative / 498.2 / 79.8 / -100 / -126 / -9 / 2.61
DHEAS / Negative / 367.0 / 97.0 / -60 / -30 / -11 / 2.51
C4 / Positive / 401.3 / 383.2 / 101 / 23 / 11 / 2.91
TCA-d5 / Negative / 519.2 / 79.8 / -10 / -124 / -35 / 2.67
C4-d7 / Positive / 408.3 / 390.3 / 106 / 25 / 11 / 2.90

Takehara et al “Investigation of glycochenodeoxycholate sulfate and chenodeoxycholate glucuronide as surrogate probe for drug interaction studies involving OATP1B1 and OATP1B3 in healthy Japanese volunteers”

Figure S1

Takehara et al “Investigation of glycochenodeoxycholate sulfate and chenodeoxycholate glucuronide as surrogate probe for drug interaction studies involving OATP1B1 and OATP1B3 in healthy Japanese volunteers”

Figure S2Effect of rifampicin on the plasma concentration of DHEAS in healthy volunteers

Plasma concentrations of DHEAS in healthy subjects were determinedin control (open circle) and rifampicin-treated (closed circle) phases at designated time. Each point represents the mean and SEM (n= 5~8). *p<0.05

Takehara et al “Investigation of glycochenodeoxycholate sulfate and chenodeoxycholate glucuronide as surrogate probe for drug interaction studies involving OATP1B1 and OATP1B3 in healthy Japanese volunteers”

Figure S3Effect of rifampicin on the plasma concentrations of steroids in healthy volunteers

Plasma steroids in healthy subjects in control (open circle) and rifampicin-treated (closed circle) phases were quantified using LC-MS/MS and AbsoluteIDQ Stero17 Kit (Biocrates, Innsbruck, Austria) according to the manufactures’ protocol. Among the 17 steroids, plasma levels of estradiol, aldosterone, and etiocholanolone were below the lower limit of quantification, and 17α-hydroxyprogesterone could not be detected in most of the plasma specimens. DHEAS was not separated. Each point represents the mean and SEM (n=6~8) *p<0.05

Takehara et al “Investigation of glycochenodeoxycholate sulfate and chenodeoxycholate glucuronide as surrogate probe for drug interaction studies involving OATP1B1 and OATP1B3 in healthy Japanese volunteers”

Figure S4 Individual data of the plasma C4 concentrations with or without rifampicin treatment

Individual data of the plasma concentration time profiles of C4 in healthy subjects in control (open circles) and rifampicin-treated (600mg p.o., closed circles) phases were shown.