Market Rasen Town Council

MINUTES of a Meeting of the Finance and General Purposes Committee held in the Committee Room at the Festival Hall, Market Rasen on Wednesday 17th February 2010 at 7.00pm.

Councillor C. Padley (Chairman) Councillor M. Eckersley
Councillor G. Adamson Councillor J. Hadlow
Councillor S. Bunney Councillor D. Kitchen
Councillor M. Lakin-Whitworth Councillor B. Richardson
Councillor K. Bridger Councillor A. Robertson
In Attendance
Responsible Financial Officer
Clerk of the Council
3 Members of the Public

1. Apologies for absence

The following apologies were received:

Cllr L. Povey

Cllr A. Upton

2. Public Participation

Cllr Bunney asked the Council on behalf of De Aston School for a letter of support for supporting their bid to raise money to resurface and improve the quality of the hard playing surface at De Aston.

It was RESOLVED to instruct the Clerk to write a letter of support to De Aston School.

3 Members’ Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interests.

4. Minutes

It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Finance and General Purposes meeting held on 27th January, 2010 be confirmed and signed as a true and accurate record.

Three members of the public entered the Council Chamber.

It was RESOLVED to suspend Standing Orders to let the three members of the public speak on the BMX track at Mill Road playing field.

The three BMX users provided the Committee with an updated progress report on the BMX track and commented on what funds were available for this project.

The Committee noted that no money has been put aside, however any money spent could come out of section 106 monies as this would be an enhancement of the playing fields.

The BMX users were asked to provide the Council with a forward plan of what finances will be required on this project.

The Committee suggested a budget of £750.00 for this project, which will cover signage, required transport and materials.

The BMX users were asked to liaise with the Clerk on this project.

It was RESOLVED to resume Standing Orders and move to agenda item 10.

5. To Discuss finances spent on the projected BMX Track and to Resolve on the appropriate action to take

It was RESOLVED to set a budget of £750.00 for the BMX Track, which will be put aside from the section 106 money.

The Committee noted the money that has been spent on the BMX track for planning permission, mileage and surveyors fees.

It was RESOLVED to write to West Lindsey District Council requesting for a reimbursement for the outstanding fees that have been paid out.

The lads were thanked for all their hard work on this project.

6. Matters Arising from the Minutes

A Councillor reported that the barrier that was outside the old Halifax has now been removed.

The Clerk advised the Committee that she has been in contact with the firm Norsound and was advised that sound proof strips may not work, as they are not full density fire doors.

The Committee asked the Clerk to investigate local suppliers of soundproofing materials.

7. Accounts

Cllr Bridger declared a personal interest in cheque number 103976 as this money is coming out of his mayoral allowance.

It was RESOLVED that the following accounts be approved for payment:

Chq No / Payee /


/ F/Hall / General /




103965 / Inland Revenue / Payroll Liabilities / 410.28 / 410.28
103966 / February Salary / 264.86 / 45.22 / 310.08
103967 / February Salary / 292.50 / 292.50
103968 / February Salary / 207.48 / 207.48
103969 / February Salary / 1096.32 / 1096.32
103970 / February Salary / 307.50 / 307.50
103971 / Brigg Town Council / Mayor & Mayoress are attending Civic Charity Banquet and Auction -11 March 10 (money paid out of Mayor’s allowance) / 50.00 / 50.00
103972 / Viking Direct / Stamps and staples / 70.09 / 0.10 / 70.19
103973 / Anglian Water / Water charge for the Old Police Station ( 28 October 09 to 21 January 10) / 118.57 / 118.57
103974 / Howarth Timber & Building Supplies / Hardware PAA 19mm round bar rose (handles) / 18.72 / 3.28 / 22.00
103975 / BT / Bill for 01673-849428 (bar alarm) / 58.02 / 8.51 / 66.53
103976 / K Bridger / Money paid out for Mayor of Lincoln Civic Dinner (money paid out of Mayor’s allowance) / 40.00 / 40.00
103977 / Grantham Town Council / Mayor & Mayoress are attending Charity Cabaret - 18 March 10 (money paid out of Mayor’s allowance) / 24.00 / 24.00
£283.58 / £2601.41 / £118.67 / £11.79 / £3015.45

8. Responsible Financial Officer’s Report

The Responsible Financial Officer presented a report and reported the following:

-  Plans for the Easter food fair are coming along nicely. Receive 16 interests so far. We will be advertising in the paper, radio, website, Lincs FM. Pink Pigg will be doing the refreshments this year, rather than the Town Council.

It was suggested that Rosemary Lawton be contacted regarding park and ride and that Rotary and Lions are sent an invitation for assistance to help steward this event.

9. Old Police Station

Progress Report

The Clerk provided the Committee with a progress report on the Old Police Station, which included:

-  Update on installation of the new electric meter

-  Parking outside the premises

-  Outside storage arrangements between Market Rasen Town Council and Oasis Dental Care

The Committee agreed that any permission to Oasis Dental Care must be given in writing, by the Clerk.

The Committee suggested installing a barrier or gate so that only Market Rasen Town Council and Oasis Dental Care staff can park at the Old Police Station. This was referred to the Projects Committee.

The Clerk agreed to investigate into types of barriers/gates.

The Clerk also to check the lease between Oasis Dental Care, to see what is included in the lease and when it is reviewed.

The Committee RESOLVED that the management of the Old Police Station should be handed over to the Clerk under her delegated powers.

10. Festival Hall

To Discuss and Resolve on a policy for booking cancellations

The Committee considered a draft new booking form. Some amendments were made and the clerk was instructed to circulate the new draft to all members.

11. To Discuss benches in Bell playing field

It was RESOLVED to move picnic bench now in the south west corner of Bell playing field and replace the broken one in Mill Road playing field.

12. To Discuss the design for the additional Town Sign “Twinned with Mamers France” and to Resolve to seek tenders

The Committee considered the design of an addition to the Town signs, stating “Twinned with Mamers France”.

It RESOLVED to include a comma after the word “Mamers” and to go ahead with order, as quoted by GRS Signs Ltd.

13. To Discuss the outcome of Section 106 (Tesco) meeting with West Lindsey District Council

The Council received a report on Section 106 meeting held with West Lindsey District officers on Monday 15th February with West Lindsey District Council.

It was reported that their could potentially be £90,000 plus interest owing to Market Rasen Town Council.

It was RESOLVED to write to Aida McManus of West Lindsey District Council thanking her for her speedy response and to request that she take action into forwarding the remaining funds to the council.

14. To was RESOLVED that under S100 of the Local Government Act 1972 the public be asked to withdraw from further discussion on the following agenda items

15. Confidential Items

16. To Discuss and Resolve on the annual tender for mole inspection and treatment to be carried out in Mill Road playing field, Bell playing field and the Town Green

The Clerk presented three tenders, two of which were for the use of traps.

Further consideration of this item was postponed, and the Clerk asked to discover if trapping is permitted in a children’s play area, and to ask Horncastle Town Council of their views on trapping in the light of their experience.

17. To Discuss and Resolve on the annual tender for grass cutting services to be carried out in Mill Road playing field, Bell playing field, Old Police Station and the Town Green

The Clerk presented three tenders.

It was RESOLVED to accept Green Grass Contracting quotation and appoint them to carry out our grass cutting services in 2010.

The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.12pm

Signed...... Chairman
