
What is a Skills Programme / 3
How many Credits can Skills Programme consist of? / 3
How do I select unit standards for a Skills Programme to be recorded with INSETA? / 3
Difference between Learnerships and Skills Programmes / 5
Management of Skills Programmes / 6
Integration with ETQA activities / 6

Section 2

Process for registering a Skills Programme: Diagram

/ 7

Section 3

Annexure I: Skills Programme Recording form / 8
Section 1

What is a Skills Programme?

The Skills Development Act (No. 97 of 1998) describes skills programmes as unit standards based learning programmes that are occupationally based and presented by an accredited provider, and when completed, constitute credits towards a qualification registered in terms of the NQF.

A skills programme can further be described as an education and training programme towards a meaningful cluster of unit standards.

Provisioning is undertaken by a training provider, accredited by an ETQA, (Skills Development Act No. 97 of 1998).

How many Credits can a Skills Programme consist of?

INSETA recorded Skills Programmes may consist of one or more unit standard/s clustered in a manageable and meaningful way to provide learners with knowledge and skills for a job function. The maximum number of credits in such a Skills Programme is 30 Credits.

How do I select unit standards for a Skills Programme to be recorded with INSETA?

Please note that you may only apply for unit standards that form part of your scope as a provider.

  1. Identify whom the Skills Programme is for. Once you have thought about the questions below you will be able to identify the qualification and the relevant unit standards within the qualification. Each unit standard details points out the form of competency outcomes, what learners should know and be able to do within a particular topic, subject or area of expertise.
  2. For what job role or function?
  3. What knowledge, concepts, insights, skills, values and attitudes do competent job incumbents demonstrates?
  4. Which industry sub sector does this job function belong to?
  5. Which aspects of the job function will skills programmes address? All or will a set of skills programmes be required?
  6. Read the summary of the rationale and purpose of each qualification, to identify possible qualifications that would fit your Skills Programme.
  7. Search the INSETA or SAQA websites for the identified Qualification/s. Read the qualification document to be familiar about what is expected.
  8. From within each qualification, research which unit standards best fit the purpose of your intended Skills Programme. Do this by analysing or unpacking the Knowledge, Concepts, Insights, Skills, Values and Attitudes contained in the unit standards as outcomes and assessment criteria, and matching this to your job profile and skills programme purpose.
  9. You are now ready to apply for recording your skills Programme with INSETA by completing the application template.

Learnerships and Skills Programmes

The table below aims to indicate the differences and similarities between learnerships and skills programmes.

Learnership / Skills Programme
Occupationally directed / Occupationally directed
Delivered by accredited provider / Delivered by accredited provider
Leads to a unit standards-based or whole qualification registered on the NQF / Constitutes credits towards qualification/s registered on the NQF
Registered through SETA with DoL / Registered with SETA
Should address demonstrated labour
market needs / Should address demonstrated labour market needs
Includes practical work experience / Includes practical component
Consists of a structured learning component / Consists of a structured learning component
Tripartite agreement between parties / No agreement
SETA must monitor and report to DoL / SETA must register and report to DoL
The learner needs to be assessed by a registered assessor before credits towards a qualification can be awarded / The learner needs to be assessed by a registered assessor before credits can be awarded
The learning component should be outcomes-based / The learning component should be outcomes-based

The management of skills programmes

The management of skills programmes will not constitute an additional activity but will be largely regulated through the quality assurance processes of INSQA, INSETA’s ETQA and the Skills Development Division.

Integration with ETQA activities

Although skills programmes exist in terms of the Skills Development Act, there is a link with the SAQA Act, which calls for the quality assurance of the accredited provider. INSQA will be responsible for monitoring and auditing the full spectrum of education and training pertaining to skills programmes.

Section 2

Process for registering a Skills Programme


Skills Programme Code: ______



Details of Applicant / 10

Section 2

Details of Proposed Skills Programme / 11

Section 3

/ 13
Section 1


a) Details of Organisation (Training Provider):

Full name of Organisation:
Physical address of organisation:
Postal address of organisation:
Tel number:
Fax number:

b) Details of Training providers SETA and Accreditation:

ETQA Accreditation No:
Accreditation Status:
Date Issued:
Expiry Date:
SDL Number:

c) Name and contact details of person responsible for the Skills Programme Recording:

Full name:
Tel number (W):
Fax number:
Email address:
Section 2


a)What is the Purpose of this Skills Programme?

(Why is it needed?)

b)What are the Outcomes of this Skills Programme?

(What would learners exiting the Skills Programme know and be able to do?)

c)What work positions / job roles does this Skills Programme target?

d)Which Qualification/s does this Skills Programme lead to?

Details of Qualification/s. (List the qualification in which all selected unit standards in the Skills Programme are registered)

SAQA Qualification ID / Qualification Title / ETQA Responsible / Review Date

e)Indicate the unit standards this Skills Programme consists of:

Index:F=Fundamental C= Core and E= Elective Unit Standard

ID / Unit Standard
Title /


/ Credits / F, C or E
Section 3


Proposed Name of Skills Programme:______

Name of Applicant:______

Signature of Applicant:______

Date of Application:______

Company Stamp

1 Procedure for Recording of Skills Programmes 18/09/2006