Exam Format: Long and short essays

Exam Date: Tuesday May 11th

Required Readings: Text: Reidel and Welch chapters 6,7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17

All assigned readings and films watched including web-linked materials available on the course web site and those assigned in class.

Topic Areas: 1. The Links between substance abuse and violence, gangs and violence

2. Rape and Sexual Assault in community and institutional settings

3. Violations of trust, violence in the family and in helping professions: Parents, siblings, doctors, teachers, clergy, therapists, coaches

And caregivers.

4. Workplace violence/robbery

5. Cult violence/ religion and violence/hate crimes

6. School violence focus on columbine and bullying, school violence prevention strategies

7. Institutional violence-why do we need to care-prevention and control strategies for prison violence

8. Solving the violence problem-violence prevention and control strategies


The following list represents the full range of study questions for the final exam. Students should develop a study guide based on your answers to these questions. The final exam will consist of short and long essay questions and you will have a choice of questions to answer. All of the exam questions will be based on these sample questions, some questions may be combined or slight wording change. No questions will appear on the final that are not here in some form.

1.  Explain the myth of drug use causing violent crime.

2.  What drug if any has a correlation to violent behavior?

3.  Is there a link between gang activity and violence? What percentage (approximately) of homicides were gang related between 1993 and 2003?

4.  Explain the potential influence of gang culture in both institutional and community settings

5.  Explain Dr. Valle’s accountability model triangle.

6.  What are the three major types of sexual involvement between a client/patient and a professional? Why is it not acceptable behavior?

7.  Are school based programs for the prevention of child sexual abuse effective? Why?

8.  Give at least three examples of the myths and facts about sex offenders and explain each one.

9.  What were the circumstances of the Elizabeth Smart case? Describe her assailants. Did she suffer from the Stockholm Syndrome? Explain

10.  Who was Phillip Garrido? Explain the blunders by probation and parole agencies who supervised him.

11.  What was the common thread with the Fells Acre Daycare and the McMartin preschool trials?

12.  What are the four types of workplace violence described in the text as well as the workplace violence report and which occur most frequently and why?

13.  What profession has the highest incidence of workplace violence? What are some prevention strategies?

14.  List four possible contributors to school violence. Explain.

15.  Discuss two of the examples of fatal workplace violence that we covered this semester and determine if any of the prevention strategies from the readings could have helped prevent them.

16.  Give two examples from the world time line of school violence and discuss if prevention strategies could have stopped them.

17.  How does a cult transform itself into a killing machine? Can cults like individuals become sick and die? Is there a way of identifying a cult that is beginning to show early signs of becoming a killer cult?

18.  All cults are not necessarily bad. Using Jonestown or the Branch Davidians, describe the process of a non deviant healthy cult transforming into a sick or deviant cult.

19.  How effective are sex offender management strategies? Why?

20.  What are some prevention strategies to address family violence?

21.  What is the definition of a hate crime according to the FBI?

22.  Discuss two hate groups that we have covered and give details of their organizational structure.

23.  According to your text, what are the two most plausible explanations (theories) that would explain the occurrence of workplace violence?

24.  What are the roles of administrators, teachers and staff in school violence prevention?

25.  According to your text, what are the four distinct treatment modalities that can be identified for universal programs in preventing school violence?

26.  Do you believe justice has been served in the recent first degree life conviction of John Odgren ? What about juvenile murderers in general? (see the last week’s posted articles)

27.  Do you think that the suicide of Pheobe Prince could have been prevented by school administration using the prevention strategies in the school violence prevention report? Why or why not?